LINK RACER-Wicked Fire Special

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For today a total of around 12 alerts came in. Will check in the morning. My site actually moved up two spots from 13th to 11th.

Come on front page!

JUST DO NOT THINK this happens in a few days! You have not even gone through the Google dance yet!!! You will get plenty of alerts over the next few weeks and movement as well.... Thanks for the report!

I'm late but the light is still green...

...well I gotta a dr ride well as some what I'm thinkin here @ the 11th hour is...

gimme 3.38 sec on the 3 sample/test n tune articles on your it a green light...LMK...


$100.00 Bill
I am not giving any test anything... I have no need to give them when I have as many customers bragging already... Your LATE on the tree for that one! Nice car though, I do not see DR's on it... Look like a 15x33 to me.... Sign up now at $12 or you will wish you did later.... LOL Brian the fastest internet marketer around!!!!
Dude, I do the right thing and look out but, some people push you a little and it is not right.... I am the happiest guy going and give people major help so, I do not know exactly what you are talking about but???
I'll give this service a trial and report back.
Just need to get the site to load, stupid slow internet
both u and ur sh!t stink!

...uumm ur reply to me for assistance with ur site is very insightful...

date Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 7:13 AM
subject RE: New Support Request from LinkRacer
hide details 7:13 AM (1 hour ago)
Thanks for using LINK RACER
Please do not forget to get your
FREE REPORT. I believe it is a MUST
READ when backlinking!

ur a complete and total useless 800 inch plus mountain motor mental wastland...u don't have a clue...u need an immediate and complete tude overhaul...ur deeds define u...not ur words...

u ripped me off and I'm not havin any more of u...I'm jus sayin...that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it...buyer beware...

...always use best business practices...
Yes Buyer Beware.

I signed up and submitted one article to test. I haven't received any google alerts.

You need to figure out how to export where our articles are submitted. You won't get business like this. Telling us to just "believe it's been submitted' doesn't do shit for me.

Your test trial worked fine. Your PAID version seems to be shit.

What's the deal?
mental illness is must be soooo proud of u

...mountain motor buoy is a lot like the energizer bunny...he jus keeps goin an goin...what a businessman...wonder what's next...I may do a case study on him...'a small business a small mind'...this is best seller material...

stay tuned...I'm sure he's not finished...tbc...sure hope I don't die first...

Because you’re a TARD I am going to take every minute of every day to get this back to you…. Hoping the entire time that your stupid old ass drops dead and you will not get to spend a dime of it! WHY??? Because you have the opinion you can talk to people like shit without asking for help first! How you made it 62 years I do not know---- You seem like a 2 year old who is not getting his way---- CRY BABY CRY!!!!!

Thanks for using LINK RACER
Please do not forget to get your
FREE REPORT. I believe it is a MUST
READ when backlinking!

...mountain motor buoy is a lot like the energizer bunny...he jus keeps goin an goin...what a businessman...wonder what's next...I may do a case study on him...'a small business a small mind'...this is best seller material...

stay tuned...I'm sure he's not finished...tbc...sure hope I don't die first...

Because you’re a TARD I am going to take every minute of every day to get this back to you…. Hoping the entire time that your stupid old ass drops dead and you will not get to spend a dime of it! WHY??? Because you have the opinion you can talk to people like shit without asking for help first! How you made it 62 years I do not know---- You seem like a 2 year old who is not getting his way---- CRY BABY CRY!!!!!

Thanks for using LINK RACER
Please do not forget to get your
FREE REPORT. I believe it is a MUST
READ when backlinking!

Tsk, Tsk.
for what it is worth,
I can see the potential of the service.
I think spinning integration is essential, especially if you want people to upgrade. I don;t have the time to manually cut and paste and insert links into 100's of articles.

Just had Google cach my first article so a good start.
there's nothing beneficial to being pissed off...

...he walks...he talks...he crawls on his belly like a snake...

I present to you...the man...the myth...the legend...the one u folks do business with...

YOU are a complete asshole and I know you do not make SHIT for a living! I am laughing at you! I have more customers then you have money in the bank and do not give a shit about your SINGLE complaint! Go DIE already you pile of shit!

Thanks for using LINK RACER
Please do not forget to get your
FREE REPORT. I believe it is a MUST

I think he likes me...he jus keeps harassing me with these luv notes...what a guy...such warmth & integrity...I can't wait for his next email message...I just keep forwarding them to paypal
I tried the $12 service.

Tested 1 article.

Setup up Google Alters - Nothing Received and it's been over a week.

When I look in "My Articles" is says the article has 100% Propagation, but it is blank under posts.

Searched in Google the title in quotes - nothing

Filled out support form over a week ago - Haven't heard a word.

SCAM or Just Crap Service? - Either way...Stay far away from this.
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