LINK RACER-Wicked Fire Special

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I got some questions concerning your network:

- Different WHOIS or do they all have privacy enabled?
- Different registration dates or did you reg plenty of domains in one go?
- Different DNS and Reverse DNS or do you use one of the bad & cheap SEO hostings?
- Totally different templates?
- Spun content or does the same article get distributed to 150 websites?

The nice thing about article networks which use other people's domains is the first four points are taken care of.

- Different WHOIS or do they all have privacy enabled?
ANSWER: Privacy

- Different registration dates or did you reg plenty of domains in one go?
ANSWER: Different dates

- Different DNS and Reverse DNS or do you use one of the bad & cheap SEO hostings?
ANSWER: I use good stuff and multiple C class IP's in different locations

- Totally different templates?
ANSWER: a little change every few hundred sites.

- Spun content or does the same article get distributed to 150 websites?
ANSWER: Same article to the site. It is a different IP and a different site. I know you are not going to get into the duplicate content argument... THERE IS NONE---

The nice thing about article networks which use other people's domains is the first four points are taken care of.
ANSWER: your correct and incorrect at the same time. Yes it is nice but, is there a ton of spam getting blown off the site all the time. If the answer is yes, those site hold less and less power in the link. If hte answer is no, the power of the link is stronger. If you are sure they are getting published on the sites and they are actually being drip feed there is another issue!

We could go on with this issue but, I am certain this is not the section for it. I hope you are satisfied wit hteh answers....

A question has been asked by a member that in sum is--- If I screw up and put the wrong link in the anchor text, can it be foxed after it has been published???

ANSWER: No, it is there forever and you just need to write another article or spin one, and submit it with the correct links inserted.... Brian
If we cancel after a few month do the links/articles already posted live on forever?

Is that 10 articles to 15 sites each - thereby totaling 150

or each 10 goes to 150 sites?
A lot of people were questioning price--- So here it is as posted in your acct.

Here is what you see in your acct. :


Select Package:*
50 articles to 500 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $25.00
50 articles to 1000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $35.00
75 articles to 2000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $50.00
75 articles to 3000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $65.00
75 articles to 4000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $75.00
75 articles to 5000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $85.00

On April 1st, the amount of articles you will get for the same dollar will be reduced. This is a pre-launch special price as described many times already. I am giving these rates as a token to all WF members. The 50 wil be 25 and the 75 will be 40 on April 1st.

This is how it will be priced on April 1st and look in your acct.
25 articles to 500 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $25.00
25 articles to 1000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $35.00
40 articles to 2000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $50.00
40 articles to 3000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $65.00
40 articles to 4000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $75.00
40 articles to 5000 sites. Drip fed over the course of a month - $85.00

If you bought before April 1st, it will roll over till they are used up. I have several people that bought 5 packages because they wanted the savings... It is your choice----
It is funny to me that so many always ask for a REVIEW COPY and yet, you never submit for the review! That is not conducive to getting a review done... Please, if you want a review, I will give you three articles submitted to my network. I will blast them real good! Have your Google Alerts sets. In 7-8 minutes Google will email you is all I am goingto tell you!
I'll take a review since i was interested in purchasing beforehand.

PM me the details, I already got the articles.

Send me the articles with HYPERLINKED anchor text to, info(at)linkracer(dot)com and I will put them up as soon as I get them. Have your Google alerts set and I will put the time and date at the bottom of the article that it was submitted on. I ask that you report the first Google alert time and then report back every 4 days on your link activity... Thanks!
I'm kinda interested but I'll wait for reviews first... I'm loyal to WF so Worriorzz reviews don't count ;D
Articles sent, google alerts set up, I'm ready to go.

Do you offer reselling? (if it works out) I have about 20 clients who may be interested.

Still waiting for your email with articles??? Have not received them yet to publish and not sure you sent them to the correct email???
info(at)linkracer(dot)com should be fine!
CC to info(at)rankhigherwithseo(dot)com as well....

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