LINK RACER-Wicked Fire Special

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DRAG RACING is life!
Mar 7, 2010
New Jersey
Rating - 100%
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Ok, so you are gonna beat me up for having a post count of dog crap! Then you are gonna try and call me a NEWBIE and probably a jerk off from WORRIER and maybe even a "crack Hat" poster... Now that you have had your say and busted my new kid on the block hole, let's get down to it....

I own and run link racer one of the few PRIVATE networks that allows you to publish and get massive amount of back links. I know a lot of people have heard about it and a few might have signed up from over here. Greta thanks--- now get to the back of the line and let the people who want to know how it helps listen!

I own and I control the junk you publish. I do not let crap on my playground! I do not let duplicate on... I will not let XXX near it because I have way to much invested into building it.

So what does all those on WF get? Here is a coupon code that will give you 25% off any upgrade! NO BS HERE!!!!! Code is: wicked fire

Now, I am not trying to get banned today but, probably will. I am not trying to piss people off but, I probably have! I am not trying to hawk snake oil yet, you will call me a piss ant anyway. FACT! You need back links! I have them and it is a SERVICE that drip feeds them--- NOT some list that has been used up like a tampon and you just pulled it from the garbage can!!!
Now talk the talk and take the link and race over to! LINK RACER

Review it and then make me RIP----

I am interested, I'll take a review copy if you have it available. if not, I want to hear some reviews before I get it
What's the difference between this and UAW?

Ok, the main difference is, I OWN MY NETWORK! I OWN EVRY SITE... I never let spam hit get to it and then hit the delete button. I assure you your links will be there forever.... I will make your ping backs go balistic TODAY... I let you use videos INSIDE your articles to further grab traffic and further promote!

Like I always say to clients and people I speak with about SEO work, you can never have enough QUALITY links. I run a real service! Not some burnt out list that Google has already thrown into there algo to blow your ass to the sandbox!
is this SEOLinkBuildingPackages COM?....or why your site uses same terms as their?

YES, It is... I started it as SEO link build packages and got this stupid idea to name it... OK... I am a drag racer in case your blind and could not see the avatar...LOL Link racer is born! Got the url and just ran with it.... I am going to get this viral come April... That is when the price goes up to where the membership should be anyway!!!! I got a TON invested in this to make others money and hopefully, I will make a decent buck at it myself!!:338:
review copy please if its available..

All right, you get the 3rd one... NO MORE REVIEWS!!!!!!!!! Send me 5 articles to the following email and I will personally post them on the network when received and tell you to check your ping backs.....


When you get published today or tonight, I only ask that you give the review on here in writing. I might ask for a video review one day... FTC and stuff...
I don't mean to shit where you eat but dude, the price is really high.

I know this works, so does all the other services out there but you need to compete dude, with myArticleNetwork at least. (on the pricing part)

I don't doubt the effectiveness of your network.
I don't mean to shit where you eat but dude, the price is really high.

I know this works, so does all the other services out there but you need to compete dude, with myArticleNetwork at least. (on the pricing part)

I don't doubt the effectiveness of your network.

The last time I checked, Brad and Matt did not OWN their sites... They use other people's... ZERO cost to them. Those others do not have to publish the articles sent to them. and many times DO NOT publish them...
You are entitled to your opinion. I cannot say a word about that. BUT!!!!

Dude, are you seriously trying to tell me that $12 bucks a month membership, With 10 article submissions to over 150 sites, with the lowest upgrade, adding 50 more articles, brings it to $37 without a coupon code, assuring you without a doubt MANY THOUSANDS of high quality back links is to high.... If that is the case, I have a ton of articles that are mine personally I want you to handle! Beat that price, beat the amount of high quality back links and I will give YOU all my personal work!

Like I said, you have your opinion and you are entitled to it!
I have UAW and it's $69/ not quite sure what you're talking about.

I usually only end up sending about 15 articles through this is looking pretty good.

Is there anyway to see the sites it will send the articles to? Do they have PR?

I will personally GUARANTEE that you will get ping backs all damn day! That you will see the sites when you check later on that day, tomorrow, next week, next month , or next year! I can also personally assure you that Google loves my network because, I do NOT have any spam that has to be removed. The front door is LOCKED to all but me! If you know ANYTHING about back links, and blogs, forums, or any place that gives you a link, you know that spam being removed makes Google antsy about the site having good links that get beat up by spam around it... So my network never has this issue and thus, I get a lot more power on my links....
I got some questions concerning your network:

- Different WHOIS or do they all have privacy enabled?
- Different registration dates or did you reg plenty of domains in one go?
- Different DNS and Reverse DNS or do you use one of the bad & cheap SEO hostings?
- Totally different templates?
- Spun content or does the same article get distributed to 150 websites?

The nice thing about article networks which use other people's domains is the first four points are taken care of.
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