Wait, I thought you said you couldn't be bothered with the pre-sell?
The logical problem I have with the concept of the pre-sell is this:
a) You spend the time and effort writing a killer pre-sell for an affiliate program that converts at 5%.
b) You send the traffic directly to the affiliate site without a pre-sell and it converts at 5%.
Does anyone else see the problem here? Ultimately, the customers are being sent to the affiliate site and it is THERE they will be converted. I've tested almost a dozen affiliate programmes now switching between pre-sell and pass-through and there was no difference in conversions. It makes sense and it stands up to a test in the real world.
For my money (and time), I'll forget the pre-sell and go straight for the pass-through. If the affiliate can't sell their own product, I won't bother promoting them in the first place.