Lets learn how to run an affiliate campain with PPC shall we kids?

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Wait, I thought you said you couldn't be bothered with the pre-sell?

The logical problem I have with the concept of the pre-sell is this:

a) You spend the time and effort writing a killer pre-sell for an affiliate program that converts at 5%.

b) You send the traffic directly to the affiliate site without a pre-sell and it converts at 5%.

Does anyone else see the problem here? Ultimately, the customers are being sent to the affiliate site and it is THERE they will be converted. I've tested almost a dozen affiliate programmes now switching between pre-sell and pass-through and there was no difference in conversions. It makes sense and it stands up to a test in the real world.

For my money (and time), I'll forget the pre-sell and go straight for the pass-through. If the affiliate can't sell their own product, I won't bother promoting them in the first place.

I've been trying to get this presell thing down, and I think I'm getting better at it. Got a question though, I've been making my landing pages look very similar to the merchants landing page. My line of thinking was that if the surfer thinks my pre-sell page is part of the merchants site, it would give me some more credibility.

So, do you guys think this a smart way of going about it?
I don't think it can hurt, I actually think it helps but guess what the only way you can know for sure? YOU FUCKIN GUESSED IT - TEST THE BITCH!
then answer this for me, although I too already know the answer, WHY the FUCK did you ask the question then?

answer: du cause I be on da crack pipe yo!
I've been trying to get this presell thing down, and I think I'm getting better at it. Got a question though, I've been making my landing pages look very similar to the merchants landing page. My line of thinking was that if the surfer thinks my pre-sell page is part of the merchants site, it would give me some more credibility.

So, do you guys think this a smart way of going about it?

That might be a good idea, although I would think it depends on what your offer is about. For some offers it could probably be beneficial to appear affiliated (pun-alert!) with the merchant.

Other times I personally believe it is better to appear as if you are NOT affiliated (oh, the irony) with the merchant. In those cases you want to come across as an unbiased third-party (with a landing page looking nothing like the merchant's) who happens to like this particular product or service and can "recommend" it.. ;)

Testing will tell. Keep us posted if you find either to be true for your offer.
Do any of you work in a niche where there may be less than 10 total clicks per day, per item? I am getting this estimate from the AdWords Traffic Estimator. Is this just asking for trouble? I am looking to get involved in a very specific niche and I was wondering if this is just too little search traffic per product.

Because of the targeted nature of the search, and relatively high cost of the product ($800-1000), I would only need to convert to a sale at a rate higher than ~3.6% to profit.

Plus I have a 7 day cookie which allows buyers to mull their decision over. I am going to be preselling the product on my own site, as I can actually endorse it and similiar low-traffic, high-cost products myself.

Is an estimated sub-10 clicks per day simply too low-traffic a niche to get involved in?
You forgot to mention what PPC engine you used and not all of the are the same at all. Just my 2 cents ;)
Hey, how are you guys tracking which keywords in your PPC campaigns convert in aff sales? I was thinking of taking the search query in the referrer and making it a subid on the link to the affiliate offer from the landing page, but is there an easier/better way?
My adcenter ad copy must blow!
I've received over 600 impressions and am averaging a 4.40 position.
Yet 0 clicks!

I've been searching all over WF and haven't found much on the subject.
I realize this thread is way past this point, but I just cant figure the fucking thing out.

Any pointers?
Well I'm in the testing stages right now, so I'm doing very simple offers.
I'm basically running off example from what I've seen show up for similar keywords.

Heres one of my adcopys:

Christian Dating Services

Find single, like minded
Christians. Chat rooms,
messaging, and photos!
www. affiliatelink .com

Well I'm in the testing stages right now, so I'm doing very simple offers.
I'm basically running off example from what I've seen show up for similar keywords.

Heres one of my adcopys:

Christian Dating Services

Find single, like minded
Christians. Chat rooms,
messaging, and photos!
www. affiliatelink .com

I would say too many features, and not enough benefits. Also no emotion - especially for a product like a dating service. Try to remember this acronym:
A - Attention
I - Interest
D - Desire
A - Action

Write your copy in that order and with those things in mind. Typically, your headline should be your attention-getter.
Sucks for you. I recommend trying different keywords and changing the ad copy. With adwords you will get tons of clicks with a high position regardless of how crappy the ad copy so I don;t see why MSN should be much different.
I don't know about you guys but I'm getting very little impressions on keywords that contain actions like "buy".
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