Lets learn how to run an affiliate campain with PPC shall we kids?

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smaxor - this is about affiliate marketing not arbitrage! you can think it is ok to do whatever you want. I don't care. If you are talking about aff sorry but you are 100% wrong! There is a huge conversion increase when you actually think about who you are targeting. There is a huge conversion increase when you take the time to SELL your customer on the product. There are ways to sell that work better than others. we are talking about the better ways to sell and market a product.
If you are talking about arbitrage go to the other sticky thread! If you go there why not expand on what you are talking about with some code and info on how to do what you are talking about! That would ad some real value to the discussion!
I was talking about PPC and Organic to Affiliate arbitrage. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I don't deal with adcents at all. Only financal, insurance, ringtones and

When I'm talking about presell pages don't work that well for affiliate I'm primarily speaking to all but ringtones as I've never tried with them. Typically a good landing page can convert 10-15% and adding a pre-sell page has only reduced that number in my experience. However the landing page has to be good. I've taken the same traffic and had it convert 1% and changed programs and it converts at 15-16%.

I see how a presell page might work for something like ringtones, but it really depends on your keywords. As I mostly rank things like nextel ringtones, verizon ringtones, free rintones, etc I can usually send them to an appropriate page always trying to remove a step. Dada seems to convert about 11% for me however maybe that'd be better if I could make a pre-sell page. Again I don't know that market that well.

One thing that is nice with redirecting to an affiliate landing page is you can pretty easily put in a geo-target redirect so you don't get all those smiley hits if your not just buying U.S. traffic. You can redirect to an appropriate offer. If someone is interested in a redirection script like I'm talking about and open source geo-targetting integration let me know and I'll see if I can drum up the code I modded to make it all work.

With all that said I think it goes back to your niche. Know your niche and test test test. If you're going to do a pre-sell page here's what I tried to create fluidity as best I could.

Create your own domain and find your offer you want to try. Then download the page into dreamweaver or whatever html editing program you like. Delete all the form stuff out until you have a template that looks similar to the landing page that you can add content to. Write your content with your strong call to action and a few places they can act by pressing buttons or links. Then iframe the offer in another page so it looks as though they stay on the same domain and there's good continuity and trust. Again I couldn't ever get a good offer to perform better then it already did. But if you have a crappy offer and landing page that needs help, maybe you can prop it up with a pre-sell page.

smaxor - this is about affiliate marketing not arbitrage!
PPC -> CPA or even PPC -> affiliate sales *is* arbitrage....at least to most people. The adsense arbitrage that gets the main focus of arbitrage discussions on WF is called "garbitrage" by many people. Kris Jones and some other people contend that garbitrage is bad, but affiliate arbitrage is fine.
yea, I give a fuck about kris jones and his "garbitrage" - fuck you could call anything arbitrage, fuck when I was in the computer business that was arbitrage, anything that is buy low sell high qualifies I did not come up with the stupid name, don't get all semantical (I know it is not a word) on me fuck - I think it is a stupid term but am trying to have some continuity and seperateing aff from "arbitrage" ok? any more stupid posts on the difference?!

If you are one of the few people that is getting good conversions selling teeth whitening (or any other product) with a simple redirect then don't change, hell I would not spend much time writting anything about it but I would sure as hell tell my customer what I want done, you guys are splitting hairs and it is dumb! I bet most people who try redirects will not sell shit! I don't do many redirects because I am seeing good organic traffic with building content! It is easier to do what google wants than to game the system (I also spend more time building content than trying to get what I have to work everytime google or whomever gets a wild hair up there ass!) for most people. if you are looking at other ways to do something start a new thread and teach us how to do it! I am asking, there dig it up!
I agree with Chris - Presell is where it's at. Of course you can make money without preselling and just redirect, but that is going to be a long shot as far as finding the right offer and the right keywords and doing it at the right time.

Presell with good copy and you will make much more on average:) This doesn't apply to all niches, but most.
So if you find an offer that has a good long presell landing page, do you still try and presell and make them read through it again, just use their landing page or find a new offer?
jdog, there is no real answer to the question, however most landing pages are forms and have very little text. if there is alot of text on the sales page I would let them sell it and just get the customer to the page, if the page sucks maybe you should find something else to sell
quick question are you guys creating mini-site of the products or service you're promoting?

when talking about a pre-sell page, are you guys talking about a page/minisite that leads to the "real" product landing page?

I been doing almost everything and haven't made any sales yet....I've tried blog and ping method, blogger redirect method, a minisite and a one page sales letter.
greenvy - what you use does not matter as much as how you use it. Once you learn how to use it the form it takes is not as important.
quick question are you guys creating mini-site of the products or service you're promoting?

when talking about a pre-sell page, are you guys talking about a page/minisite that leads to the "real" product landing page?

I been doing almost everything and haven't made any sales yet....I've tried blog and ping method, blogger redirect method, a minisite and a one page sales letter.

I'm with you... I've been trying cpc -> sales page, cpc->info page, cpc direct to merchant, and so far the only thing I've been able to make worthwhile for affiliate sales is a site that's been around for 3 years or so and gets lots of natural traffic. Don't feel too bad, hanging around here sometimes you feel like you're the only loser struggling to make this work, but there are plenty of us :)

I guess we're still in the "spend money to figure out what doesn't work" phase.
maybe you need to learn how to sell something! I don't think sending something direct to the offer page is going to do you any good cause you need to have the right ppc campaign set up then and well ....
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