Lets learn how to run an affiliate campain with PPC shall we kids?

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Haha, yeah, we need another thread... "Lets learn how to sell something shall we kids?"

My wife is a natural at selling shit. Once the baby is over I told her she is gonna be recruited to help me out with the wording and stuff.

Chris, I'm running that landing page I showed you the way I had it and then I'm reword it to "sell" more to see the before and after stats. I'll post them in a couple days. Thought it might be interesting.
Haha, yeah, we need another thread... "Lets learn how to sell something shall we kids?"

Thats why PPC is the best for arbitrage. No stupid creditcards required, no verified email, no annoying affiliate managers, no confusing forms, no presell. Just a simple click and you get $$$.
Thats why PPC is the best for arbitrage. No stupid creditcards required, no verified email, no annoying affiliate managers, no confusing forms, no presell. Just a simple click and you get $$$.

I agree.

PPC arbitrage:

100 vistiors @ 30% CTR @ $1.50 a click= $45


100 visitors @ 4% CTR @ $30 a conversion= $120

PPC is way better, why am I wasting my time with affiliate stuff.
I dunno I confused this thread with Chrislingle's arbitrage thread. After while they both begin to sound alike.

i tired promting clickbank with PPC and it sucked even after targeting the keywords exactly.

You say 4% CTR, Jdog but a click through doesn't always equal a converison.
I meant a 4% conversion rate which is pretty easy to get. I have a clickbank account, but never found anything that I wanted to try.
I meant a 4% conversion rate which is pretty easy to get. I have a clickbank account, but never found anything that I wanted to try.
If you want to promote Clickbank you really need to have some sort of tracking system that monitors items and alerts you when there's new products that are promissing. Otherwise you'll be fucked. Clickbank used to be good, nowadays it's just too crowded.. Fucking Affiliate Project X...
maybe you need to learn how to sell something! I don't think sending something direct to the offer page is going to do you any good cause you need to have the right ppc campaign set up then and well ....

what do you mean by having the right ppc campaign?...having a good ad copy and the right keywords?

i know im gonna get bashed for ask dat askin' but it's part of the learning process....
well yes greenvy - doing arbitrage teaches you the basics of ppc but the trick with selling is all about the right keywords the right ad copy etc. I don't know how many people I talk to who send traffic direct to a landing page and they are not converting, but someone on some forum said they were making money and that sounded so much easier than learning how to market and sell. I am not saying it can't be done but it is not as easy as it sounds
I read most of this thread but didn't understand one thing about this.
So I advertise via adwords and I have a basic page about beauty (example). That page just talks about beauty products and then has my affiliate link on it. Is this ok with adwords or no?
if not, is there any white hat way to do affiliate thru adwords?
(sorry for the basic question, I might just stick to arbi)
I read most of this thread but didn't understand one thing about this.
So I advertise via adwords and I have a basic page about beauty (example). That page just talks about beauty products and then has my affiliate link on it. Is this ok with adwords or no?
if not, is there any white hat way to do affiliate thru adwords?
(sorry for the basic question, I might just stick to arbi)
It depends on how much meaty content you have on your page. This will give you more reading material on the topic.
well sure you can just talk about whatever but if you actually want to sell something you are going to have to sell it, not as easy as it sounds!
chrislingle - you recommended a copywriting book a while back that was available on some website for free download. Do you remember what the site was?
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