Let's Discuss Scrapebox

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Actually, it was scrapebox.

After download, Google spidered my home IP address and I forgot to put no-index meta tags on filezilla.

Glad to hear from someone who understands this whole thing (it has been "whoosh" for most). Many people don't even know how to set no-index meta tags on FileZilla.

We all know by now that SB is a huge pile of dog shit that is going to fuck your life all to hell, BUT, if one were so inclined to buy a list of proxies for said service, where would be a reliable place to do so? I'm speaking hypothetically here of course.
We all know by now that SB is a huge pile of dog shit that is going to fuck your life all to hell, BUT, if one were so inclined to buy a list of proxies for said service, where would be a reliable place to do so? I'm speaking hypothetically here of course.

Most of the decent proxy sites don't seem to allow scrapebox anymore for some reason.

Take the hint.......... and use your neighbors IP :)
You are incorrect. I noticed you forgot to account for the Google spidering velocity algorithm which could increase or decrease the optimum indexing factor by several points (plus or minus).

Yes but the spidering velocity algorithm has a negligible impact on the formula because the speed of my fiber optics are so vast. Who does do?
If you absolutely must factor fiber speed into your equation then don't forget to account for latency based on geo-locations of each crawling data center.

That's poppycock!

Wow, I can't believe how much time I just wasted in this thread. I need to go make some money.
This was a very interesting and informative thread to read.. until the last page. Jesus christ you guys can write some real shit for no reason.
after skyping a few of you guys and learning that I am the idiot, I bow down to your expertise on this subject and will fully comply now
Here's another question. When commenting and you get a green "submitted" message for any particular blog, but go to the actual page and there's no comment to be found (even waiting to be approved status), is there a reason for this? I've checked a few that were supposedly submitted but it doesn't look like they were..but if I manually submit a comment on the same page, it shows up immediately. Anyone else have this happening?
Here's another question. When commenting and you get a green "submitted" message for any particular blog, but go to the actual page and there's no comment to be found (even waiting to be approved status), is there a reason for this? I've checked a few that were supposedly submitted but it doesn't look like they were..but if I manually submit a comment on the same page, it shows up immediately. Anyone else have this happening?
its in the moderation queue.
Here's another question. When commenting and you get a green "submitted" message for any particular blog, but go to the actual page and there's no comment to be found (even waiting to be approved status), is there a reason for this? I've checked a few that were supposedly submitted but it doesn't look like they were..but if I manually submit a comment on the same page, it shows up immediately. Anyone else have this happening?

different cookies, doesn't show up. When you post manually and then view that page, you see your comment because of a cookie so you don't try and post again and again. Since scrapebox uses an internal browser, opening a new window to check shows nothing
Here's another question. When commenting and you get a green "submitted" message for any particular blog, but go to the actual page and there's no comment to be found (even waiting to be approved status), is there a reason for this? I've checked a few that were supposedly submitted but it doesn't look like they were..but if I manually submit a comment on the same page, it shows up immediately. Anyone else have this happening?

When this happens it means your site is going to get sandboxed and your only traffic will come from Yandex. Don't risk it!
scrapebox crashed 3 times on me...i've got better scraping tools then this duplicate bullshit. everyone's wanking there weeners over this...pfft...
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