Let's Discuss Scrapebox

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Well, I just ran into this thread for the first time and read the whole thing...

I understand that with any successful technique the people who are banking will try to dissuade everyone else from using it, but I can also see why mis-using a tool like Scrapebox can put you in the Google's doghouse.

What I wonder about is what could be the proper way to use Scrapebox. Should you still be afraid of penalities / de-indexing if you blast just a dozen (or two) links with sensible comment copy and varied anchor text - linking to your money site? What could still trip you up if you do that instead of posting the same links manually? Assuming you grab a new dynamic IP from your DSL provider and not go through all these proxies abused and blacklisted by n00b spammer idiots.

Lastly, how would you guys compare Scrapebox to XRumer? What are the pros/cons/proper uses for these tools and how do they compare?

Bottom line, is there still a pony somewhere in this pile of shit?


What I wonder about is what could be the proper way to use Scrapebox. Should you still be afraid of penalities / de-indexing if you blast just a dozen (or two) links with sensible comment copy and varied anchor text - linking to your money site?

Honestly, I think the autocommenter on Scrapebox is the worst function of the whole tool. I never use it anymore. I mainly use Scrapebox for everything else it can do.

If you really want to comment with scrapebox, then I think the best way is to scrape your urls and manually comment. I would rather leave 10-20 solid manual comments on high pr pages than blast out 400 spun comments. If you don't want to do it manually, then export the list of URLs and outsource the manual commenting.
Honestly, I think the autocommenter on Scrapebox is the worst function of the whole tool. I never use it anymore. I mainly use Scrapebox for everything else it can do.

If you really want to comment with scrapebox, then I think the best way is to scrape your urls and manually comment. I would rather leave 10-20 solid manual comments on high pr pages than blast out 400 spun comments. If you don't want to do it manually, then export the list of URLs and outsource the manual commenting.

This this this
I've been trying out SB for a week now, and I'm also finding the auto poster to be the weakest part of the program. However, even if you don't use that function, just being able to pull a bunch of niche relevant, high pr blogs is worth the $57.

Has anyone else noticed that if you use the manual posting function that it will sometimes crash the program when you're swapping out names and comments.

At this point, I'm just copying the urls into a browser and doing it manually outside of SB.
I do notice that the auto poster is the part that is almost constantly being tweaked and upgraded. That says a lot to me.
I just thought a great way to exploit, errr, use my SB with regards to scraping. I even made a "1. 2. 3. 4. Profit!" List when I thought of it, just to be a big dork.
Honestly, I think the autocommenter on Scrapebox is the worst function of the whole tool. I never use it anymore. I mainly use Scrapebox for everything else it can do.

If you really want to comment with scrapebox, then I think the best way is to scrape your urls and manually comment. I would rather leave 10-20 solid manual comments on high pr pages than blast out 400 spun comments. If you don't want to do it manually, then export the list of URLs and outsource the manual commenting.

If that is the only proper way to use it, does it really offer any value vs. Market Samurai or Traffic Travis?

Market Samurai has features to identify "backlink opportunities" for manual action. Is Scrapebox any better for these tasks?

Here is Market Samurai screenshot for example keyword used earlier in this thread.

If that is the only proper way to use it, does it really offer any value vs. Market Samurai or Traffic Travis?

Market Samurai has features to identify "backlink opportunities" for manual action. Is Scrapebox any better for these tasks?
If you need those tools to find backlink opportunities, it is unlikely Scrapebox can help you.
I don't "need" these tools, I am just asking for any specific comparisons between them and Scrapebox.
To use Scrapebox effectively, you have to know how to do analysis manually. You need to understand how to footprint, how to use the different advanced search operators (in tandem), a bit of regex knowledge (wouldn't hurt) etc.

The tools you are talking about (I assume about the second one, Traffic Travis) seem like "Backlinks for Dummies" to me. Check some boxes and hit FIND BACKLINKS. That's fine if you are doing something with very little competition and you expect modest results.

SEO requires a lot of creativity and research to be effective. Tools only allow us to leverage up our creativity and skills, they can't replace them in any meaningful way.
To use Scrapebox effectively, you have to know how to do analysis manually. You need to understand how to footprint, how to use the different advanced search operators (in tandem), a bit of regex knowledge (wouldn't hurt) etc.

The tools you are talking about (I assume about the second one, Traffic Travis) seem like "Backlinks for Dummies" to me. Check some boxes and hit FIND BACKLINKS. That's fine if you are doing something with very little competition and you expect modest results.

SEO requires a lot of creativity and research to be effective. Tools only allow us to leverage up our creativity and skills, they can't replace them in any meaningful way.

Thanks, that makes sense. So if I get this correctly, you are saying that tools like Market Samurai and Traffic Travis lock you into overly specific patterns (that you would otherwise manually construct with advanced search operators and regex), which are too easy to footprint, recognize and penalize by search engines?

Does Scrapebox give you more flexibility to automate your backlink targeting? I am just trying to figure out if it is worth buying / learning, given that I have Market Samurai already. I fully get what you are saying about having to understand the process, locking users in a wrong process is a problem with so many tools...
Thanks, that makes sense. So if I get this correctly, you are saying that tools like Market Samurai and Traffic Travis lock you into overly specific patterns (that you would otherwise manually construct with advanced search operators and regex), which are too easy to footprint, recognize and penalize by search engines?

Does Scrapebox give you more flexibility to automate your backlink targeting? I am just trying to figure out if it is worth buying / learning, given that I have Market Samurai already. I fully get what you are saying about having to understand the process, locking users in a wrong process is a problem with so many tools...

It's not that it's a "wrong process" you're locked into, it's just a new layer of abstraction from the underlying data. Would you be able to do the same exact research if you couldn't access Market Samurai ever again?

What guerilla is saying is that you need to do everything by hand at first to learn the fundamentals. After that, you can identify what can be automated in order to optimize and scale and grow.
It's not that it's a "wrong process" you're locked into, it's just a new layer of abstraction from the underlying data. Would you be able to do the same exact research if you couldn't access Market Samurai ever again?

What guerilla is saying is that you need to do everything by hand at first to learn the fundamentals. After that, you can identify what can be automated in order to optimize and scale and grow.

That is true, but if I can paste the same operator / regex into some tool to take a shortcut for harvesting data, why not do that from the start?

Without Market Samurai, I would just keep Googling for sites to target with SeoQuake plugin on, looking for relevant keywords and sites' pagerank, backlinks and types of content accepted. This seems like a pretty tedious process though - to prioritize and optimize your efforts.

But thanks for pointing out that Market Samurai obfuscates their process for backlink targeting, giving so few ways to influence outcome. Is Scrapebox more flexible?
I'm just about ready to give you $57 so you stop asking the same question over and over again.
Nothing beats hands on experience........if buying Scrapebox gives you a reference point, then go for it. At $57 its nearly a throwaway investment.

But if Market Samurai is making you happy (and profitable), then keep using it.
"A hammer does not a carpenter make".

If someone doesn't understand what a tool does, they shouldn't consider buying it.

Never buy a tool to fill a need you didn't know you had before you heard about the tool.
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