Let's cut to the chase, Do YOU believe in God?

Do You Believe in God?

  • Of Course FuckFace

    Votes: 31 37.8%
  • That's silly FuckStick, Of course not

    Votes: 37 45.1%
  • The Fuck do you care Asshole?

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • I'm a faggot who wants to believe but the Bible says I'm Evil....

    Votes: 6 7.3%

  • Total voters
Lot of good feedback and perspectives here. Thread started as a response to another religious thread, but the poll numbers and comments are interesting. I agree most bullshit arises when religion is thrown into the mix, that's why I left it at just God, not religion.

But anyway, thanks for playing; good sports.

Then you're not an Atheist. You're just in the middle because you neither believe god nor deny god.

Atheists deny god.

I don't know about being in the middle? But thanks to your post and me doing a little more digging into "MAN'S" need to label things, I did see why if I was not Agnostic as well I would most likely be a Buddhist out of all the religions available to me here on Planet Earth.

I've always felt that anything that is Alive, as in biologically functioning whether it's plant or animal should be respected and does have a right to it's existence.

Yes, I've hunted and fish from time to time. I also eat plants, animals, fish and crustaceans. It pains me to kill anything for no reason. Such as even bugs getting squashed on my windshield. They would have been better used in death by a bird or lizard eating them. Not wasted on a windshield.

The world is setup in a way that for the most part, something has to DIE in order for something else to continue living. Even plants need the rotting remains of either other plants or animals in order to maintain a healthy life.

Back to your "In The Middle" thing. The ONLY thing that could crack my mind into even considering the existence of a GOD or Afterlife would be for me to be exposed to a GHOST of someone whom I knew before they died.

It would also have to be some pretty serious and convincing encounters as well. Then it would need to happen on a regular basis so as to rule out some kind of temporary psychosis on my part. Even then I would have to get a full medical and mental work up done before even beginning to ponder that it was real.

Like was said earlier in the thread, if you believe in ghosts then you logically have to believe in something other than just this existence.

Over the years I've said on numerous occasions to friends that are religious that if I were to ever see a ghost and think that it was real, I then would start to investigate GOD or an afterlife again. But anything short of that and I'll stay with my current thoughts on the subjects.

It would be much easier for "me" to accept that Planet Earth was some Alien Race's science project gone awry!!


Atheist is not as cut and dry as most people think of the term as is shown in the wiki link here. The same is true for an Agnostic.

I have said for many a years now that I'm an Agnostic Atheist if someone wanted me to label how I view things.

So, it would seem that you were Spot On in your assessment of where I stand. Though I am WAY over on the side of NO GOD vs. there "could" be a God. Hence my mental HALT when you said "In The Middle". But you were essentially correct.

I always remember Spock saying something along the lines of, "In the search for an answer, when all things Possible and Probable have been ruled out, then consideration MUST be given to ALL THINGS Impossible and Improbable."

I must say that I concur with Spock's words. LOL

Thanks for your post faceblogger, it made me go look through some things that I haven't looked at in quite some time.