Let's cut to the chase, Do YOU believe in God?

Do You Believe in God?

  • Of Course FuckFace

    Votes: 31 37.8%
  • That's silly FuckStick, Of course not

    Votes: 37 45.1%
  • The Fuck do you care Asshole?

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • I'm a faggot who wants to believe but the Bible says I'm Evil....

    Votes: 6 7.3%

  • Total voters
I dunno why the religulous folks don't just say that God planted the first seed of life, and then that evolved into everything we have today. They don't have to compete with evolution, they should use it. What makes more sense? A God creating every single form of life on Earth individually, or a God planting a seed of life that evolved into everything.

But that would imply that "HE" found the Earth to be the most desirable of all his Planetary Marbles.

Then while admiring it he got turned on and started masturbating to the sight of it & then shot his "Seed of Life" all over it!! (Although, that kinda would explain Our Galaxy being named "The Milky Way"!!!)

Just look at all the deviant desires he'd be accountable for: List of paraphilias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia & this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_sexuality


When thousands of people are dying each year in:

- earthquakes
- huricanes
- tsunami
- wars

What ya think?! We are still alive because he loves us more than those?

It's like asking if you believe in Santa
No, I don't believe in God.


Definitely not one that either looks like a human or loves anyone very much. 90% says there isn't but there's 10% of me that allows for the other 90% to be wrong.
I always LOL at people who talk about their "relationship" with god. There's no such thing; god is not chilling with you. The relationship was invented in your own mind, with the help of your clergyman.

No, I don't believe in the kitschy god that's presented to us via popular fiction (the bible) because people tend to project an image of god that looks and acts like human beings.

If you know anything at all about quantum physics, you'll see that we understand very little about the true nature of reality. If god exists, it's unknowable to my slightly upgraded chimpanzee brain. I am a classic Agnostic.
I do.

There's too many strange things about this planet that can't be explained by evolution.

What about ghosts? If you believe in ghosts/spirits, then you should be open to believing in a Supreme Being. And at least with that, millions of people have reported some kind of 'encounter' whether they've seen a ghost or just had a strange feeling of a presence around them.

What about Murphy's Law? Can evolution explain that?

What about Karma?

What about The Secret and the principle of the law of attraction?

There's just too much weird, unexplainable shit in life to not believe in something more powerful than us. And even if you disregard the above and still believe in evolution, how did the Universe begin? We can't see the end of it. Evolution can't explain that either. In fact, evolution can't explain any of this stuff.
I am a Plastician.

We believe that we were allowed to evolve simply so we could produce plastic for the earth. See, the earth wanted plastic, but didn't have any. So that's why we exist - to make plastic for it. Once the earth has enough plastic we will be allowed to die off.

We have only one Commandment - Thou Shalt Not Recycle.

Our prophet was George Carlin (praise be upon him).
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI_F4nOKDSM]Robert Lanza on theory of Biocentrism - YouTube[/ame]
I'm a firm believer of god. Being a strong Hindu I believe that god is not only the creator of everything but also the in-dweller of all beings.

This speech was delivered in 1893 at Chicago and it made some of the american Atheists of that time believe in the existence of a supreme reality (god).
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krSOkpjeKnc"]Swami Vivekananda Speech Part 1.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
I do.

There's too many strange things about this planet that can't be explained by evolution.

What about ghosts? If you believe in ghosts/spirits, then you should be open to believing in a Supreme Being. And at least with that, millions of people have reported some kind of 'encounter' whether they've seen a ghost or just had a strange feeling of a presence around them.

What about Murphy's Law? Can evolution explain that?

What about Karma?

What about The Secret and the principle of the law of attraction?

There's just too much weird, unexplainable shit in life to not believe in something more powerful than us. And even if you disregard the above and still believe in evolution, how did the Universe begin? We can't see the end of it. Evolution can't explain that either. In fact, evolution can't explain any of this stuff.
What if you're just dumber than you'd like to admit and you're joining a honeypot of people dumber than they'd like to admit.

"Murphy's Law... Can't explain that!", sounds like something you'd hear in a comedy skit.

I honestly don't have the time to set every person too stupid to see clearly straight so I'll just list a bunch of random shit that you should study.

Mathematics (lol, there has to be some inverse correlation between mathematical ability and retardedness)
Neuroscience (that would explain those pesky "ghost" encounters)
Rudimentary quantum physics (I'm a math guy personally, but I've been taught enough to know that crazy doesn't equal supernatural)

Honestly, I don't even need to believe in evolution to lack belief in a god... Then I would just lack an explanation to how life adapted AFTER inception. All you need is to put your critical thinking cap on... And stop listening to stupid people.
two words: NOBODY KNOWS.

so shut the fuck up about it, just consider yourself lucky to be alive and take advantage of it, bitch