Let's cut to the chase, Do YOU believe in God?

Do You Believe in God?

  • Of Course FuckFace

    Votes: 31 37.8%
  • That's silly FuckStick, Of course not

    Votes: 37 45.1%
  • The Fuck do you care Asshole?

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • I'm a faggot who wants to believe but the Bible says I'm Evil....

    Votes: 6 7.3%

  • Total voters

I believe.

I also don't pretend to understand exactly what God is or would be, and this works well with my "do good shit when the opportunity presents" life philosophy (assuming that any higher power is a fairly fair minded one).

You misspelled Zeus
That's my dogs name!

if I was Jon I would submit your IP to the FBI right away so they can put you on their watchlist, cuz honestly if you truly think that way you need to be jailed asap.
Do you not realize that this neochristian agenda largely permeates all enforcement arms of the US government?
I believe in God. I believe that all who oppose the Christian faith (Any Christ-believing faith; so Catholics, protestants, etc are cool; Mormons and Jehovahs are iffy though) are to be burned in hell. I don't believe that Christians should be so "neutral" and weak as presented in the mainstream media. I believe that Christians should utterly destroy, smash and burn down the churches and people of all those whom oppose this faith as explained in (Deuteronomy 12:2+) and many other places. I could sit here for a while going on, but I'll leave it at that.

Doesn't "destroying" people kind of go against the whole "Don't Kill" rule?

Also what kind of a dick puts "LOVE ME" above "DON'T KILL" on his list of shit he wants you to do?

Who do you consider those who oppose Christianity? Those who attack it or those who simply don't share your beliefs?

The reason the first question I asked in this thread was "Why do you ask?" is that I see religious beliefs in general as a way to label and manufacture hate amongst groups of people.

I don't care what someone believes, as long as they're not going to try to kill me for not agreeing.

I judge individuals, and I've met very cool people with all kinds of religious beliefs. The last thing I care about when meeting new people is what their personal religious views are.
These debates always turn to shit for one main reason: jealousy... on BOTH sides.

Atheists are jealous of believers because they have this sense of spiritual fulfillment that an atheist simply doesn't have. Believers know what they're here for and know where they're going (or at least they believe in it!) so they have that part of their life covered. I remember reading a study showing that there was more depressed people among atheists than among religious people. The spiritual emptiness is tough!

It works the other way as well...

Believers are jealous of atheists because they can do whatever the fuck they want without fear of consequences. The concept of fear is highly present in all religions. Believers are afraid to have fun, afraid to talk to chicks, afraid to get drunk, afraid to make money, etc... fear is always there amongst believers + they know atheists don't have it and they hate them for it.
I'm a Secular Humanist.

International Humanist and Ethical Union, minimum statement on Humanism

Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality.
These debates always turn to shit for one main reason: jealousy... on BOTH sides.

Atheists are jealous of believers because they have this sense of spiritual fulfillment that an atheist simply doesn't have. Believers know what they're here for and know where they're going (or at least they believe in it!) so they have that part of their life covered. I remember reading a study showing that there was more depressed people among atheists than among religious people. The spiritual emptiness is tough!

It works the other way as well...

Believers are jealous of atheists because they can do whatever the fuck they want without fear of consequences. The concept of fear is highly present in all religions. Believers are afraid to have fun, afraid to talk to chicks, afraid to get drunk, afraid to make money, etc... fear is always there amongst believers + they know atheists don't have it and they hate them for it.

I'm in agreement with most of what you said.

However, I'm not afraid of doing any of those things you mentioned. Then again, I've been accused of being a "Cafeteria Christian."

I guess for me there is a fear of going too far to the dark side. And there's the occasional feelings of guilt in certain situations, but I don't let it restrict me. And having a spiritual side to my life is worth it, even if I don't measure up to the other Christians, at least in their eyes.
These debates always turn to shit for one main reason: jealousy... on BOTH sides.

Atheists are jealous of believers because they have this sense of spiritual fulfillment that an atheist simply doesn't have. Believers know what they're here for and know where they're going (or at least they believe in it!) so they have that part of their life covered. I remember reading a study showing that there was more depressed people among atheists than among religious people. The spiritual emptiness is tough!

It works the other way as well...

Believers are jealous of atheists because they can do whatever the fuck they want without fear of consequences. The concept of fear is highly present in all religions. Believers are afraid to have fun, afraid to talk to chicks, afraid to get drunk, afraid to make money, etc... fear is always there amongst believers + they know atheists don't have it and they hate them for it.

Religion has been/was turned/twisted into a means for a Few to control THE MANY.

Yep, FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) is a strong motivator to get people to either take action or to refrain from taking action.

This holds true in advertizing and marketing as well.

Scare parents into thinking that if their 8 month old BABY can't READ they will be doomed in our competitive society and you get hundreds of dollars from the parents so they can quell this fear.

Tell people that a business just takes their money and doesn't deliver services or goods as promised and the consumer's FEAR of LOSS will keep them from taking the action of doing business with that company.

I once read that "An Atheist is someone with NO invisible means of support and that someone who believes in a GOD does have an invisible means of support."

It kinda stuck.

I've also found it quite interesting that here in the U.S.A. the most popular religion is Christianity. Yet Christianity was born/founded in the Middle East, one of the most LOVING and PEACEFUL places on our planet. It always has been and always will be. Right?


I have talked Politics and Religion over the last 30 years on a pretty regular basis while I was on sales calls when I worked in Direct Sales.

The two BIG no no topics I was TAUGHT to never discuss while doing business. Well, I went against that advise and actually gained life long clients/friends by having those discussions.

I spoke my mind and let them speak theirs. Most times we did not agree, but we did agree that EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO "THINK" WHATEVER THEY LIKE." Period!! (Taking action on certain types of thought is a different matter not to be discussed at this time. ROFLMAO!!)

I learned over the years that these conversations actually instilled TRUST with my clients. They saw that I was not some "Yes Man" only there for their MONEY since most of these people were business men and salesmen as well.

It's our differences of thought as a Species that allow us to GROW and PROGRESS over time.

Do we make mistakes or develop incorrect ideas? Of course we do. The world isn't flat and the earth isn't the Center of the Solar System as once was thought/believed by the majority.

Had it not been for those individuals who THOUGHT DIFFERENTLY we would have never found the TRUE FACTS. People were KILLED for thinking differently on those matters. But now that the TRUTH is known and has been PROVED out on those things no one's life is in danger for thinking and saying that the World is Round and that the Sun & not the Earth is the center of our Solar System.

Unfortunately for our species it takes WAY TOO LONG for there to be TOLERANCE of different thinking and New Ideas.

It's only been 300 years or about 8 generations since here in the USA, Land of Opportunity, that we quit BURNING WOMEN for having their own THOUGHTS and SPEAKING their minds. Christianity/Religion was used by MEN to justify these horrific acts.

It seems to be Human Nature to take things or thoughts that are of benefit and then twist them into things that hinder rather than help.

Weapons were once used MAINLY for the acquisition of FOOD and DEFENSE from ANIMALS that were hunting us for food. Now they are used mainly against our own species to enforce THOUGHTS/BELIEFS!!!

GOD/Religion was initially a way for the Human Mind to cope with the unknown. But again, it too got twisted and became a TOOL to control and destroy.

My point of all this is that "I" think everyone is entitled to think however they want. So, just because I don't have the same thoughts or beliefs as someone else doesn't mean that I cannot interact with them in a sociable way or the course of doing business.

Most people tend to become physically violent when they can no longer come up with any THOUGHTS to refute Someone Else's conflicting thoughts. It's SAD, but seems to be true from what I've seen during my time on Planet Earth.

Whether it's Domestic Violence or World Wars, it seems to stem from the same source.

OK, enough of my rambling in another GOD/Religion thread.

Can't we all just get along?!!!

Only when my wife isn't about to miscarry or my daughter is about to bleed to death, or hoping my mother doesn't suffer acute neural trauma.

fuck i need a hobby.
I'm in agreement with most of what you said.

However, I'm not afraid of doing any of those things you mentioned. Then again, I've been accused of being a "Cafeteria Christian."

I guess for me there is a fear of going too far to the dark side. And there's the occasional feelings of guilt in certain situations, but I don't let it restrict me. And having a spiritual side to my life is worth it, even if I don't measure up to the other Christians, at least in their eyes.

Ok, I was brought up as a Christian. I'll throw you a line to think and pray upon.

Guilt is a tool of MAN/Satan. The bible says NOTHING about guilt. God says to REPENT or to "Turn away from the sin." Man has added the remorse and guilt to the definition. If you research the Hebrew and Greek definitions you will also find that SIN was derived from a similar word that just means to "Miss one's Mark."

In other words, when you SIN you are really just not quite accomplishing your goals of living according to the edicts of GOD'S WILL/LAW. To sin is NOT an action or thought that causes you to be cast into the outer outer. But merely a Hick-Up on your path so long as you do not dwell upon it or continue the act.

Also, never look to the approval of MAN or WOMAN in the matter of your relationship with GOD. As a Christian you yourself can pray and communicate directly with GOD/Jesus.

Here's something that I myself used when I was going to Church. When my first daughter was born, she taught me more about my relationship with GOD then any other person had.

The relationship between GOD and the followers can be likened to that of a Father and his Child. A father only wants the BEST for his children and does his utmost to Love, Protect, and Teach his children. A father suffers the pain of his children when they make mistakes and get hurt both mentally and physically.

The same holds true with GOD. So, if my daughter were to tell me that she hates my guts and never wanted to see me again, I would do my best to keep our relationship from breaking.

But if she decides to end it and then goes out on her own, that's her choice and right of free will.

Now let's say that some years later with having had no communication at all my daughter shows up at my door. Will I turn her away? Of course not, she is my child and flesh of my flesh. It will not matter what she has done or that we were apart. I will be HAPPY and GRATEFUL that I have her back in my life and I in hers.

The same holds true with GOD.

I'm posting this in response to your post because I sensed some internal pain/strife going on inside of you. Just because I no longer have any belief in GOD does not mean that I can't share what I've learned that may HELP you with your journey and struggles.

I know I'll get flamed for this, but Whoopty Ding Dang!! Lulz

I'll end this with a story for you, I saw this as a movie while I was in the Marine Corps. A friend of mine invited me to his Mormon Church and though I was brought up as a Methodist I knew that GOD is GOD no matter what branch of the vine I was on.

This is a different version of the movie I saw, but the message should be same.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ma_p6haSavI"]Touch of the Master's Hand BB 092409.mov - YouTube[/ame]

If you liked that video, here's another one that's in two parts and goes into depth on the violin.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jSlU45Y_lk"]The Touch of the Master's Hand - [1/2] - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfsdPFVhIOs"]Touch of the Master's Hand - 2 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]

Be at PEACE with YOURSELF above all else is that best advise I can pass on to you. Whatever it takes to gain that peace is what should guide you. GOD, Money, A Mate, Pet, or whatever.

No matter what others may think or say, it's YOUR LIFE and no One Else's.

Peace out!!
These debates always turn to shit for one main reason: jealousy... on BOTH sides.

Atheists are jealous of believers because they have this sense of spiritual fulfillment that an atheist simply doesn't have. Believers know what they're here for and know where they're going (or at least they believe in it!) so they have that part of their life covered. I remember reading a study showing that there was more depressed people among atheists than among religious people. The spiritual emptiness is tough!

It works the other way as well...

Believers are jealous of atheists because they can do whatever the fuck they want without fear of consequences. The concept of fear is highly present in all religions. Believers are afraid to have fun, afraid to talk to chicks, afraid to get drunk, afraid to make money, etc... fear is always there amongst believers + they know atheists don't have it and they hate them for it.

This can't happen because religion or atheism is available for everyone. People believe in god or don't believe in god only because of their own choice. A poor person envies a rich person because he can't get what he has but when it comes to believing in something no one is going to have jealous of a person of another believe, instead he will simply switch to the believe that he thinks better and start thinking everyone else is an idiot. This is what happens in believing religions and Atheism. Religious people think Atheists are idiots/retards and Atheists think Religious people are idiots/retards. That's the reason for their hate. For example - I think atheists are idiots/retards and I'm sure that's what an atheist think of me as well.
.................... For example - I think atheists are idiots/retards and I'm sure that's what an atheist think of me as well.

I guess I'm the exception to your belief about an Atheist.

I don't think that people who believe in a GOD are idiots.

To me, it just adds another Dynamic to their way of thinking and personality.

Kinda like the difference between an Engineer and an Artist. Both can be very intelligent and well rounded.

On the other hand, each can be an Idiot Savant!!!

I guess I'm the exception to your belief about an Atheist.

I don't think that people who believe in a GOD are idiots.

To me, it just adds another Dynamic to their way of thinking and personality.

Kinda like the difference between an Engineer and an Artist. Both can be very intelligent and well rounded.

On the other hand, each can be an Idiot Savant!!!


Then you're not an Atheist. You're just in the middle because you neither believe god nor deny god.

Atheists deny god.
And on the 7th day, not a single fuck was given. Or ever again.

If there is a god, he sure doesn't care about us. Look around you. War, disease, famine, etc.

Organized religion lol. Yes, 'god' will save us.
The theory of evolution is too strong of an argument to believe in god in my opinion.

This is like pointing at a very large number and saying it shows that infinity cannot exist. Every amazing thing that happens on earth can potentially be measured mathematically, whereas "God" would not be able to be quantified, as with infinity.

Scientists: no contradiction between evolutionary biology and belief in God

Theistic evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This view is generally accepted by major Christian churches, including the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Episcopal Church USA, and some other mainline Protestant denominations; virtually all Jewish denominations; and other religious groups that lack a literalist stance concerning some holy scriptures.