Going to assume one more time, given your lack of posting, that you're wiped out.
I ended my last post with stay disciplined for a reason.
The market is beautiful in that it teaches you a lot about yourself, the world around you, and other people. It doesn't care who you are nor does it have any favorites, it just does exactly what it's supposed to do.
The sort of obvious irony in all of this is that your ego caused you to think up and post this challenge for yourself, and it also caused your downfall. It caused you to post this challenge over on elitetrader even though you probably knew what would happen. It caused you to post pictures of your car within the first few replies (which are now removed, along with probably 50 other posts) and fight with someone over how much money you make, as if you had something to prove other than the challenge itself. It caused you to break all of the rules and guidelines you set out and said you would follow in your first post. It caused you to be undisciplined. You did, however, end up posting the truth as far as I can see so some credit there is due.
Pretty much all of the things you did wrong though have already been posted on elitetrader and in this thread so there's no sense in repeating it.
Just to be honest, and I may be wrong, this makes me question whether or not you do trade for a living. After you averaged in another 4 contracts on the first trade (which you added a couple more to later on, lower), then continued making textbook 'retail' decisions one after the other the following days, it's just suspect.
This is a valuable lesson people can learn from, but the one who will gain the most value from this if he chooses to accept it and improve upon it is Grunin.
I feel bad in a way about it, because I don't truly know what your intentions were - but if you were trying to sell people some BS later down the line, my job is done, and you did it for me. I hope you do learn from this.