Israel and US to attack Iran by Christmas !!!!!

Any bets on how long Iran can keep the Strait of Hormuz closed?

I don't think that's the most accurate way to approach the question. Closing Hormuz bottlenecks energy delivery worldwide and oil would likely go to a couple hundred dollars a barrel or more. Which would strengthen the petrodollar, which would absorb some of the dollar derivative overhang worldwide, at least for a short term, and could potentially further weaken the euro and also put a mega hurt on China.

These are desirable consequences overall for the Wall Street City of London crowd, although they come at a very big military and geopolitical price. Hormuz is a potential ace in the hole for extending dollar hegemony during wartime. I think this is one of the reasons it hasn't happened yet. Wall Street's been waiting for the dollar to be on its knees again to pull the trigger.
I'm confused, do you think we go to war with countries because the people are non-white, non-Christian, non-whatever (ie "different than us"), or do you think maybe the US goes to war to expand their empire, power and regional economic influences?

Because if you believe the latter, you're just arguing to argue. But if you really believe the US goes to war for any other reason you're an idiot.

You're missing the point that turbolapp was not commenting on WHY the US government decides to go to war. Her first post mentioned "berriez", which was a quick way to refer to people being gullible and thinking they can lose lots of weight just by eating acai berries. The main goal of the acai pill companies is to make money, but the pill buyers are not concerned with that.

If someone says "gullible Americans will support this war because the people there are different."

Responding with "I can't believe you think our government only attacks places because they are different" = straw man = arguing to argue
iran is not an arab contery

WWIII started a while ago with the so called Arab Spring. Iran is one of the countries on the list.
iran isnt an arabic contery but if u countinue to tell it arabic maybe world warIII can be start.:angryfire:
iran isnt an arabic contery but if u countinue to tell it arabic maybe world warIII can be start.:angryfire:

Wtf is a contery?

And why are you replying to a 5 month old thread? Aren't there enough crappy posts from the past week you could add to with your illiteracy?
No fuckin' way! You srs bro?

yes, its not a known fact propably USA media block it. in EU people talk about this all time last days but it wont go anywhere propably - we all know its not about who has wepon but about who has to be pwned. ie USA should be also pwned for havin it right ;)

a nobel winner Guenter Glass from Germany told publicly about .il nuclear weapons - that he saw when beein a soldier and whats not spoken. google a bit on that, as im sure TV wont tell.
yes, its not a known fact propably USA media block it. in EU people talk about this all time last days but it wont go anywhere propably - we all know its not about who has wepon but about who has to be pwned. ie USA should be also pwned for havin it right ;)

Sarcasm - I has it.

The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

Look for it whenever you see me postin'
yes, its not a known fact propably USA media block it. in EU people talk about this all time last days but it wont go anywhere propably - we all know its not about who has wepon but about who has to be pwned. ie USA should be also pwned for havin it right ;)


So are you trying to say this stock is going to increase in value if Israel nukes Iran?