Israel and US to attack Iran by Christmas !!!!!

It's easy to scare people. Problem is, it's hard to make money off it unless you are a government or money printer.

Um am I the only one that noticed OP quote something and didn't post a source?

Man you guys are easy. It's like 2008 all over again. Except instead of teh berriez it's teh brown people.
Iran "will respond with full force" to any attack -- or even any threat of military action -- the country's supreme leader said on Thursday, after Israel warned the world must act to prevent Tehran getting nuclear weapons.

Iran "will respond with full force to any aggression or even threats in a way that will demolish the aggressors from within," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told students at a Tehran military college, according to his official website.
Khamenei said the message was directed at Iran's enemies, "especially America and its stooges and the Zionist regime (Israel)."

AFP: Iran leader warns US, Israel against strike
Fuck Iran, their leader talks so much shit they should be vaporized on that alone.

It's frankly terrifying that there are actually people that think this way. And that they live in a country with a stockpile of thousands of nuclear warheads. And that their vote matters just as much as any sane person's.
Would you people please learn that Iranians are NOT brown people. The word "Iran", literally means "Land of the Aryans", and just to the north are the Caucasus Mountains which is where Caucasians originally came from to populate Europe.

Come on guys, you know the drill. We're about to go to war so it's time to brush up on your geography and world history.

And Turbo, it's funny that you want to demonize white people so often, yet won't go near the fact that we all know Israel (ie, Semites, same lineage as the Arabs) is pushing the buttons, and we are merely their bodyguards. But acknowledging that would harm your liberal sensibilities so you would rather just "Hurr Durr its the white man" and ignore all the facts.

I was being metaphorical but I can see how that would be a mistake here. The point is, everyone around here really gets off on fearing the Other. I understand it. Fear makes everyone very very rich, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to buy into it. Ironically, if the fear goes mainstream and continuous it's conversion rate, then it really does become the problem it never was.

So yeah, if the US really does continue it's ridiculously biased favoritism towards Israel and against ever other country in the region and If we've really learned nothing in the past 10 years then we deserve every fucking thing coming to us.

Edit: Does anyone else find this ironic?
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Religion, language, culture, and yes, skin color, are all just ways of highlighting differences to dehumanize other groups of people to justify exploiting or killing them.
If Obama knows what is good for him, he will steer clear of Iran.

We've been over this. Obama's opinion is irrelevant when it comes to Israel. The Jewish-Americans lobby is too powerful and they control both Republicans & Democrats when it comes to these decisions.
My point is you have a knee jerk reaction to make everything about race.

And my point was you missed that it was metaphorical. To get backing from the American people for a war we know we have no business in then you have to fall back on the fear Other. Other cultures, other races, other political systems, other languages, other belief systems.

It's really not that hard, as this thread and so many others prove.
And my point was you missed that it was metaphorical. To get backing from the American people for a war we know we have no business in then you have to fall back on the fear Other. Other cultures, other races, other political systems, other languages, other belief systems.

It's really not that hard, as this thread and so many others prove.

Atleast SOMEONE sees it.
I just hope Russia and China chill out and don't do anything..... :(

Lolwat? The Russians never demonized the Germans up until they invaded Russia. Stalin was adamant that Germany and Russia were allies.

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Stalin was preparing to attack Germans, but they attacked first.