Israel and US to attack Iran by Christmas !!!!!

I agree that another war is going to happen and once again it's about OIL and just so happens that it will be on Iran soil. However I think it's all about the economy and China.

China gets a lot of it's oil from Iran and Syria. US / UK is trying to eliminate their Oil sources to cause hyper inflation. Hyper inflation leads to money being worth half of what it is worth now and therefor the US debt will be much less significant.

This will lead to WWIII unfortunately because I can't see China just sitting back and taking it up the ass. The fight right now is for the one remaining country that will make this a one sided fight or even out the field and that country is Russia. If they join China this is going to cost the world NOT millions but BILLIONS of lives as this will become a very deadly Nuclear war.

The war already started a while ago at an economy level.

You could even argue that they are all in it together to create the 'NEED' for a one world economy and governance. Scary shit, but thankfully I don't live in North America, but I know where I live we'll feel the secondary effects of inflation, etc.

I agree that another war is going to happen and once again it's about OIL and just so happens that it will be on Iran soil. However I think it's all about the economy and China.

China gets a lot of it's oil from Iran and Syria. US / UK is trying to eliminate their Oil sources to cause hyper inflation. Hyper inflation leads to money being worth half of what it is worth now and therefor the US debt will be much less significant.

This will lead to WWIII unfortunately because I can't see China just sitting back and taking it up the ass. The fight right now is for the one remaining country that will make this a one sided fight or even out the field and that country is Russia. If they join China this is going to cost the world NOT millions but BILLIONS of lives as this will become a very deadly Nuclear war.

The war already started a while ago at an economy level.

You could even argue that they are all in it together to create the 'NEED' for a one world economy and governance. Scary shit, but thankfully I don't live in North America, but I know where I live we'll feel the secondary effects of inflation, etc.
You must live in Sweden. Most Caucasians don't have blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin - you do realize that right?

That's what people from Caucasus look like. Unibrow, all have black hair + black eyes, etc.

I'm wondering what word for "Caucasian" people have in other languages...
I was being metaphorical but I can see how that would be a mistake here. The point is, everyone around here really gets off on fearing the Other. I understand it. Fear makes everyone very very rich, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to buy into it. Ironically, if the fear goes mainstream and continuous it's conversion rate, then it really does become the problem it never was.

So yeah, if the US really does continue it's ridiculously biased favoritism towards Israel and against ever other country in the region and If we've really learned nothing in the past 10 years then we deserve every fucking thing coming to us.

Edit: Does anyone else find this ironic?

Ronny was a handsome young man
Vietnam all over again, I hope the people protest more effectively (violently?) this time so we all don't turn into radiation and dust.

At least I'm medically unfit to be drafted, I'll have all the fat American girls to myself while everyone else dies for no reason.
1. The source of this RUMOR is laughable, as is the presentation.

2. If it were true, don't you think they might have wanted to keep attack plans a bit more... Secretive?

3. Even if it were true and somehow got leaked by an inside source, even of someone with authority, don't you think the attackers would now want to change their plans because Iran has clearly been tipped off?

This whole thread is so stupid I kind of wish I hadn't made this post. Oh well, too late.
Fuck Iran, their leader talks so much shit they should be vaporized on that alone.

Their president is the one that makes most of the controversial statements. Ranking above the president, they have a "supreme leader" who is a religious figure and has said that it is not moral to possess nuclear weapons.

The majority of the people killed by the US in wars have been white people, primarily from Europe and this was at a time in the US when there really was institutional racism against non-whites. These wars are about money and power and nothing else.

Most of the Germans were killed by Russians. Add up the total kills by the US of Japanese in WWII, to numbers from the Korean and Vietnam wars, and you get millions of Asians.

I thought it was obvious that she wasn't saying that Obama and friends sit around a table and decide who to attack purely based on race. She was pointing out that typical Americans are more likely to agree to wars against and be afraid of people that they perceive as being different from them.

German Americans didn't get put in internment camps while Japanese Americans did. If Germans were Asian, then the typical American would have been more afraid of them, which would have made it more likely for them to end up in camps.

You seem like a smart gal,
That looks like some Ukrainian faggots

Hey, why do you see gender and sexuality as factors here? durp herp lol

That accounts for about 30,000 of the 8 million or so German deaths.

That's not the way it sounds when you specify "Americans only kill brown people hurr durr derp".

Nobody specified that.

Iran is mostly Caucasian anyway so the point is not only moot, but ignorant.

The average American does not understand the differences between people in places like Iraq, Libya or Iran. It's all the same to them.

That was ordered by the Godfather of the Democrats, FDR. As usual, Democrats did whatever they could to demean and dehumanize minorities - no surprise there.

You're doing what you assumed turbolapp was, but instead of race you are bringing up political parties.

FDR's order was backed by the Supreme Court. It was requested by John "the Japanese race is an enemy race" Dewitt, and Republicans Leland Ford and Earl Warren were two of the main figures who pushed for it.

As justification for this, I submit that if an American born Japanese, who is a citizen, is really patriotic and wishes to make his contribution to the safety and welfare of this country, right here is the opportunity to do so, namely, that by permitting himself to be placed in a concentration camp, he would be making his sacrifice, and he should be willing to do it if he is patriotic and working for us. - Leland Ford (R)
Hmmm i have been to Iran, its such a nice place. I know no Americans would believe that, but the people is so friendly.

Ofcourse their system is fucked, their leaders is horrible and their laws is crazy. But the people is so nice. A war would be so sad.

Agree every word. The new generations have high levels of scholarship and are, mostly, nice people.
jhansen what do you think about Iran women? After Scandinavia and Mongolia, in Iran I have met the most beautiful women in my life.
About time. Fuck Iran.

Sooner rather than later Muslims will adopt to western culture, and we'll forget our differences.

The world will truly become peaceful and harmonious with no dictators running around killing people at will.

Peaceful and harmonious?

Try telling that to the 100,000+ Iraqi civilians that died in that War.

Iran has like double their population as well. If this did go off, then eventually it would no doubt come back to bite you (and us) in the ass.
[ame=""]George Carlin on American Foreign Policy - Bombing Brown People - YouTube[/ame]
hahah I love how moxie completely ignored this

hahah I didn't say he was wrong, but the burden of proof would just as much be on him. The US has killed millions of mostly non-whites since WWII, and with the number of Japanese they killed in WWII, we are mostly left to look at World War I.

The US was only 11 percent of the allied troop numbers in WWI and they were only involved in the last two years. If we give credit to the US for 11% of the central powers deaths, that would be about 770,000. The real number could be much higher, but also nearly half of the central powers who died were Ottomans and I'm not sure if yuckstuff would count them as "white" people.

lol okay thanks mcgraw hill

meeeeeeeeeh sensitive subject when it comes to politics, lol. But in short, I hope this does happen. Although I despite both Israel and today's US; "It's only going to get worse before it gets better". So let hell break free!