Israel and US to attack Iran by Christmas !!!!!


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Jun 20, 2011
Report: Israel prepared to attack Iran by Christmas

Israel is preparing an attack against Iran's nuclear sites "sooner rather than later," with logistical help from the United States, British newspaper the Daily Mail reported on Thursday.

According to the report, Israel could strike Iran as soon a Christmas or the new year, according to "intelligence chiefs."

The report noted that critical support from US-Jewish voters would compel President Barack Obama to support Israeli military action against the nuclear threat in Iran.



WWIII started a while ago with the so called Arab Spring. Iran is one of the countries on the list.
WWIII started a while ago with the so called Arab Spring. Iran is one of the countries on the list.

Why must the US always get in the business of other countries. Like, DAMN, shut up, sit down. Just because we are the most powerful nation in the world doesn't mean we have to the police of the world. Nor do we have to bomb the fuck out of Arabs who already have a fucking problem with us. :boid::boid:
Hmmm i have been to Iran, its such a nice place. I know no Americans would believe that, but the people is so friendly.

Ofcourse their system is fucked, their leaders is horrible and their laws is crazy. But the people is so nice. A war would be so sad.
WWIII started a while ago with the so called Arab Spring. Iran is one of the countries on the list.

History books will say WWIII started on Sept 11, 2001. That's what lit the fuse for the US to begin invading the Middle East, and there's no end in sight.

And yeah, I fully expect an attack on Iran by the end of the year.


They want Iran, and they have to go into Iran, or else it negates the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, plus decades of US foreign policy. Legally, US troops have to be out of Iraq by Dec 31st this year, or else they face prosecution by Iraqi authorities for any crimes committed under Iraqi law. So expect someone to strike Iran before that little law goes into effect.

Personally, I think all this Iran bullshit we hear / read is 100% pure propaganda. It's as stupid as before the Iraq invasion, where we heard about how Saddam boils babies alive, and has hundreds of mobile WMD factories cruising around the desert, about to kill millions of us any day now, etc. It's all bullshit.

I just don't believe Iran is some huge threat to global security, like they want us to believe. Really, if Iran ever made an aggressive stance, or a pre-emptive strike against any Western nation (or probably ANY nation for that matter), the entire Western world would unconditionally jump behind the US with full resources, Iran would lose backing from China and Russia, and would be gone within a week.

Military would be obliterated within 72 hours, and the government would be gone within a couple weeks at the most. What, is Iran's navy going to go against a modern US carrier group? That'd be like Mohammed Ali boxing a 9yo kid at full force. Iran wouldn't even be able to put up a decent fight, let alone have any chance of winning it. And everyone knows this, so I don't understand why we're so scared to the point we believe we need to invade. Oh right, Persian Gulf, oil, and other geo-political reasons. The Caspian Sea sure looks inviting, doesn't it?
About time. Fuck Iran.

Sooner rather than later Muslims will adopt to western culture, and we'll forget our differences.

The world will truly become peaceful and harmonious with no dictators running around killing people at will.
Personally, I think all this Iran bullshit we hear / read is 100% pure propaganda. It's as stupid as before the Iraq invasion, where we heard about how Saddam boils babies alive, and has hundreds of mobile WMD factories cruising around the desert, about to kill millions of us any day now, etc. It's all bullshit.

Well, at least the stuff about him wanting to wipe Israel from the face of the map is bullshit. His original point was, and he has clarified it numerous times, that the Zionist regime in Israel (ie. the regime that maintains it as a Jewish state with special rights for Jews) is illegitimate and should disappear. ie. Israel should become a state of all its citizens rather than an ethnic state. That gets intentionally spun to sound like he wants to bomb the whole country and kill all the Jews.
Ofcourse their system is fucked, their leaders is horrible and their laws is crazy. But the people is so nice.

Here is an example of how American liberation have helped the laws and dictatorship of a country:

[ame=]Rebels to Radicals: Islam extremism sweeps 'liberated' Libya - YouTube[/ame]
The US ground troops will invade Iran on November 24 2011.


It's the next dark moon, which allows the US to take advantage of night vision.

The next dark moon is December 24 which would be another option.
I just hope that this invasion doesn't end in a massive nuclear world war.

By the way, anyone has an objective forecast as to what would China and Russia do after the invasion?
Well a couple of months ago the US bought up 100k steel coffins, now we know where those will be used.

As for the propaganda this reminds me of WWII stories made up by the russians about the germans. They are devils and demons and what nots and the only thing they managed to accomplish is that they got scared of attacking the germans.

Here's a good video which explains why this is happening, besides the oil and all that jazz. Let

"Economy instability often leads to war" => so true

I wonder what will be the excuse for Iran if I recall Iraq was:
"I heard that my cousins sister's bosses's wife's friend heard that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Let's invade IRAQ!!!"
"I heard that my cousins sister's bosses's wife's friend heard that Iran has aliens [insert stupid excuse here]. Let's invade IRAN!!!"
Lolwat? The Russians never demonized the Germans up until they invaded Russia. Stalin was adamant that Germany and Russia were allies.

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You buy cheap crap from China. The money goes to:
1 - nuke technology for Iran = makings of WW111
2 - nuke technology for North Korea = makings of WW111
3 - US Military fake computer chips purchases = downgraded (read failure) performance of critical systems to fight WW111
4 - Economic warfare on the US (which started 20 years ago) = weakening of the US ability to fight WW111
5 - advanced bio warfare technology to depopulate the US and destroy our ability to fight WW111.

WW111 is already upon us. The bombs and germs just haven't been launched yet.

So this Christmas be sure to buy lots of junk made in China to support their war effort.
Care to reference a source on that gem of knowledge?

This was passed around by the Alex Jones camp. Popular Mechanics debunked it.

CLAIM: "500,000 plastic air-tight coffins in the middle of Atlanta Georgia. Apparently the Government is expecting a Half Million people to die relatively soon, and the Atlanta Airport is a major airline traffic hub, probably the biggest in the country, which means Georgia is a prime base to conduct military operations and coordination. It is also the home of the CDC, the Center for Disease Control. I don't want to alarm anyone, but usually you don't buy 500,000 plastic coffins 'just in case something happens,' you buy them because you know something is going to happen. These air tight seal containers would be perfect to bury victims of plague or biological warfare in, wouldn't they?"

FACT: The black polypropylene products purported to be coffins are grave liners, or burial vaults, manufactured by Convington, Ga.-based Vantage Products. (In this case, they are examples of the company's Standard Air Seal model.) The use of a burial vault, which prevents the collapse of cemetery ground and protects the casket, is a common requirement when a body is interred.

The filmed lot in Madison, Ga., is a Vantage storage facility. Of the 900,000 or so in-ground burials in the U.S. each year, a small percentage of those people prearranged their own caskets and vaults--which Vanguard holds at the storage facility until the appropriate time. According to company Vice President of Operations Michael Lacey, there are approximately 50,000 vaults in storage in Madison. "It's nowhere near the quantity they talk about on the Internet," he told the local Morgan County Citizen newspaper. Furthermore, Lacey has said the company maintains detailed records of product ownership and is audited annually, to insure all vaults are accounted for.