Islam: How to beat your wife

Don't learn Islam from ignorants. If you want to know something about Islam, only scan or read Quran and our prophet's life also our prophet's behavior to his wife. Our guide is these. Not teguh123 or cavemen. You believe thing that you want to believe but before research from right sources. A suggestion for researching: Read Mevlana! Every white bearded isn't Islam scholar. Never a Muslim don't beat or crash or kick or.... his wife. Only animals do it. Not Muslim or Christian, seperate as Animal or Human!!!

You mean how he fucked the dogshit out of his 9 year old wife? Coo...

He hasn't wife that is at 9 years old. As I said before, firstly research as objectively. If you read only Islamophobic books, you believe this. Don't have idea, when you haven't knowledge.

You and people that like you insult our prophet. But we don't insult your prophet. Difference is this between you and me.

Don't waste of your time. Because this discussions have been continued since hundreds year. There is no result.

Only be kindness. Because we can only write somethings. Not face to face.

Believe that you want to believe.
He hasn't wife that is at 9 years old. As I said before, firstly research as objectively. If you read only Islamophobic books, you believe this. Don't have idea, when you haven't knowledge.

You and people that like you insult our prophet. But we don't insult your prophet. Difference is this between you and me.

Don't waste of your time. Because this discussions have been continued since hundreds year. There is no result.

Only be kindness. Because we can only write somethings. Not face to face.

Believe that you want to believe.

Do you write articles by any chance?
well, it's fucked up, but the first sentence of that video is right though... think about it, why are all the nice & good guys masturbating at home, while all the badboys are fucking hotties every night? LOL it's no secret that women like rude boys, so it's time for the Western male to man the fuck up :p :2gunsfiring_v1:
i like the description you gave of ind. it sounds similar to china as well. :) when i looked for my secretary i told her beforehand if she would resist if i wanted her to provide other 'special' things hehe.
ha ha ha. In US you can't do that. Some peee country. Land of the peeeeeeeeeeeeee...... Place of the balllessssssss

Now I see why people love communism. How else can we abuse our workers and our women? Under capitalism? Think again. Even if prostitution is free, it's like what, $1k for a massage section done by ugly hoes?
I don't beat up my wife. I think I should spank her nekkid ass till she do her job better. It's just that she often hit back :(. Christians..... In what country does that beardy talk again? What was the religion again? There is a reason why the word hau (good) in china, is women kneeling under a house (sucking cock). Next time, I won't have a wife. I'll just have secretaries.
Wooden pony ordered. Honey, look what I bought for you..

Looks like communism has an upside. The best and brightest do not get money, but get something far more important. Powah to oppress the mass. Long live karl marx. Way to go. Great system you have here.
Yea, keep voting for socialism commies. I put up enough with all this socialist nonsense and is going to take advantage of "the game" or whatever you put on my plate. Winners will always be winners anyway.
Looks like in Europe, it's the womyn that got balls.
After posting this video on another thread I realized this old thread needs a bump for more lulzz

bumped. Fuck yeah
Iran woman with stoning sentence shown on state TV - Yahoo! News

No wonder these cavemen are are so hard to deal with, they are about 100 yrs behind civilized society.

Even 100 years ago we didn't think it was socially acceptable to beat your wife into submission for not having sex with you. Did it go on? Probably. Does it still go on? Probably.

I'd say Islam is about 1000 years behind the rest of the world. At least the Christian religion realized the "old" way of doing things was too violent so they wrote the New Testament. Which is full of love, non judgement and acceptance.
Religion is proly the #1 cause of violence and death in the world. Fanatic fuckers...

thats a real good bump.
now we need to find the video on Islam and gays, I think it involves a cliff or something like that.

by the way these got banned by most muslim clerics, it seems that the material these are made of stick to the body when wet, and that is just too much for male muslims to take.
A muslim man is not expected to control himself, it is the duty of the female to make sure she is in no way sexually appealing, if she fails it is only natural she will be raped (not kidding - this is the guideline).