Islam: How to beat your wife

The Old testament has some pretty sick ideas too, we in the west just choose to ignore the parts we don't like. Stone your wife for cheating on you anyone?

Yep Muslims will get back their rep when they ignore Islam.

But the implication from that would be the death penalty so there's no way out.

The man in the wizard outfit is just saying that when your girl gets out of line you can smack them but not kick their ass. I still disagree. Even when gandalf in the video says that you can beat them with a rod, which in his case would be a wand, it's still wrong.
Iran woman with stoning sentence shown on state TV - Yahoo! News

No wonder these cavemen are are so hard to deal with, they are about 100 yrs behind civilized society.

More like 10 years behind, if you compare Indonesia to US. We're catching up to you. Don't worry. The Japs are already ahead of you. They're not Muslim, but not west either. We keep running and catch up each other okay?

Speaking of marriage. It seems to me there are several ideas on what the best consensual sex relationship should be.
There is bdsm where you also beat up your mate
There is extremist muslim marriage where you beat your wife
There is moderate muslim marriage where you don't beat your wife.
There is old testament marriage where you stoned your wife to death for cheating on you and that she'll fuck your brother if you're death (maybe this one should be illegal)
There is western marriage, where you keep paying your wife after she rides someone else cocks' and are responsible for her bastard child (another unconscionable nonsense)
There is my marriage, where I keep persuading my wife to be more "active" while she keep getting mad at me.
There is free sex, where girls are doing it for free.
There is polygamy.
There is monogamy.
There is orgy.
There is polyandry.
There is group marriage.
There is prostitution, where you pay to get laid
There is contract marriage.
There is concubinage.
There is cohabitation contract.
There is abstinance
There is suicide hara kiri mutual.
There is welfare marriage, where they expect government to pay up for all the kids made (the only one I think should be illegal)

I would say the issue is not which one is right. The issue is why does it have to be government deciding which one is best?

If government can prohibit some, for example, then it's easy to see how government can effectively force some. Just prohibits all popular alternatives.

Why not keep everything legal, and let the market decide who decide which?

As for women getting stoned, or males paying alimony for life. Would they agree to it if alternatives were legal? I don't think so. If they do, well, they agreed right. However, it's stupid to say they agree where virtually all alternatives are illegal.

In Taliban, for example, the only alternative for women besides marriage is begging or starving. That's effectively forced marriage.

In US, prostitution is illegal.The alternatives for hot cunts are not that hot either. Abstinence, free sex, or be engineers and compete with males (usually becoming an old virgin hag in the process because Bosses can't solicit sex). Monogamy means it'll be more difficult for girls to aim for males far richer than her, which could be what she really wants. Life long alimonies means most males with decent income won't even bother getting married. There goes the most productive members of our society into extinction.

Here in my country, the only way a girl will work for me is if she's hot, and allow me to grab her all over. We don't have stupid anti discrimination laws like US. Doesn't like that? Go work somewhere else.
To be fair, check out the bible, see how many rights women get there.

It's because, when these books were written, it was the norm for men to be considered above women. You can't expect books that are thousands and thousands of years old to be totally modern and up to date.
Here in my country, the only way a girl will work for me is if she's hot, and allow me to grab her all over. We don't have stupid anti discrimination laws like US. Doesn't like that? Go work somewhere else.

We're fucking human beings. Always let your values lead you, not your lust.

Can I rub my dick against your sister's tits if she writes articles for me?

but if you were trolling, then I guess shits and giggles bruh! lol
The is for all the fucktards who think we are so much better than the next guy. Look up the "rule of thumb".

WE are all the same, Do you know an Muslims ? All of the ones I know are very nice people. In every culture there are extremes. This guy is their extreme, We have wife beaters and "rednecks" ( which was a group of coal miners who fought for their rights and fair working conditions , so I am not sure why its a negative term ).

So read a book open your eyes and think for yourself. ( Read Robert Heinlein - "Stranger in a Strange Land" ).

ok now flame away.

The issue is that if you are making the argument 'us them, we're all the same' you have to recognize that we have now outlawed the rule of thumb. Virtually all religions and cultures/people have included these kind of practices at some point in their history, along with genocide and other terrible things. The point is that some sects of islam, at the least, are still doing it. We aren't. Your point is invalid.
haha that guy is awesome, do not beat her in face or give any marks. you can use a short rod WTF?

Just listen to his final conclusion, if she refuses to sleep with you, Beat her?
Oh sure... there are rules about beating your wife... but does that really mean that anyone would even consider them in such a situation? If a man is willing to let his anger get the best of him, then how can anyone expect that anger to be tempered with any of "society's expectations" of "proper behavior."

Paraphrasing and adding to earlier comments: This is just an excuse for a barbaric society to allow the continuation of a primative and brutal practice.

And props on the Heinlein reference, Jhirley. Heinlein never gets enough love (But is there Time Enough? excuse the bad pun.)
We're fucking human beings. Always let your values lead you, not your lust.

Can I rub my dick against your sister's tits if she writes articles for me?

but if you were trolling, then I guess shits and giggles bruh! lol

My value is simple. I create the job. I own the job. She doesn't like working with me, go somewhere else.

If I want all women employee that work with me get nekkid, that's none of government's biz. Of course, I may have a hard time getting an employee if that's my way (actually not :)). But that's something the market should decide. Not government.

If my idea of marriage (I am not muslim here), is bdsm, that's none of governments' biz. Of course, I may have a hard time getting a wife if that's my idea of marriage. But that's something the market should decide. Not government.

The problem is not that some marriages ideas are bad. Even under free market, some deals are bad. But those deals go away by themselves replaced by better more fair deal. The problem in marriage is government has power to prohibit alternatives and hence effectively force those bad marriage ideas.

Should muslim men beat up their wifes? Well, should american males ended up like Beatty Chadwick H. Beatty Chadwick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Simple. Just include that material terms on marriage vows, and see whether people should still agree.

Currently people are simply presumed to agree. Most popular alternatives are illegal. The terms are hidden well beyond marriage laws on some holy books with flexible interpretation. Why not make it explicit what people are actually agreeing too? Why not give people freedom to decide what they agree. Duh. That's what we mean by agreeing right? Like any other contracts.

But by being married you agreed too.. Bla bla bla bla... People do not even have freedom to define their own marriage. C'mon. :angryfire:. Also legislators made those terms. Not them.
I want to piss on the fucking zealots, but damn that Sean Connery. he is so fucking right. They just won't let go... Not that I deal with an open palm.. but his reasoning is ACCEPTABLE :)
The problem is not islam. The problem is government's intervention in prohibiting a lot of consensual alternatives.

That happens everywhere. I can't believe I am defending islam here. They do have problems. They have the exact same problems with you. Their government decide what a good relationship and prohibits the rest.

At least in those countries, women can choose to share rich smart males.

Nazi is evil. Not because it tries to exterminate the superior or inferior. Nazi is evil because it tries to accomplish that by government's intervention rather than market mechanism. When that happens, the superior got screwed.

The same way, when government is in charge in defining marriage (hence who got exterminated, and who will breed more kids), the superior again get screwed. The rich are making less kids. Rich women make even less kids.

Dying in gas chamber, or in front of big TV. If you don't have kids, you'll go extinct. The rest don't matter much.