Is there a way to remove something from google results?

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I didn't list the auction, it was my sister's auction, I'm just trying to help her out, I posted that thread half way through the auction when I saw she put it up.

Anyway thanks for some of the advice so far about selling the car, I'm going to help her out with it this time and hopefully get some more exposure and make it a lot more appealing.

OK, I know you didn't list the auction personally, it was your sister.

You said you were going to pull the auction, but you didn't. Why?

You could have improved upon the eBay listing, but you didn't. Why?

Did your sister just tell you to leave it or something? Were you just being lazy? I'm trying to get my head around this because it just doesn't make any sense.

As far as I can tell, your inaction at following through on what you said you were going to do means that the car sold for much less than you wanted it to. If you had promoted it heavily, done some of the things we suggested, heck... even held a raffle for it, you could have maybe even sold it for more than it was worth.

You didn't, and now the car has been sold. Live and learn.
Fatbat, as part of the award she won, she got tickets for the Palm Springs Film Festival, so while the auction was going on, she was at the Palm Springs Film Festival and didn't have access to a computer.

I was also getting ready for my honeymoon/1st anniversary trip, along with over very important activities like making creatives for google money system, playing Wii Tennis, sleeping in and other pressing business matters that I don't think I need to explain =P

Whatever the reasons, it doesn't really matter, the auction finished without being taken down.

Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Do you work for ebay? Were your parents killed by indian givers?
I think what he is trying to say is that it's pointless to give you any further advice until you square things with the buyer. The reason being:

-You/your sister has entered into a legally binding contract with this person by completing the ebay auction

-You can not legally start another sale whether on or off ebay, technically, the car is no longer your sisters' to sell and if you do happen to complete a sale to someone other than the original buyer, then the original buyer can file a complaint (not ebay, a real court); once the complaint is filed, a judge can issue an injunction to stop any further attempts at a sale or nullify any sale that may have been made.

-should your sister lose the resulting suit, the title will be transferred to the original buyer to comply with the judgement and your sister will get $11000 minus court costs, which would be more like $5000 - $10000 depending on how long the case gets dragged out.
No man, as I just told you in response to your PM, but let me explain it for everyone to enjoy.

You came asking for advice once and got lots of good ideas. You didn't follow through on any of that advice (admittedly because of your laziness it now seems) and because of that have now come asking for more advice on how to clear your name in regards to this shifty deal. Give the man the car he fairly won at auction and you won't have to try to bury your bad reputation, your names will be vindicated, and you will look like the good guys after all. If done correctly, you might even bennefit in some way. Karma works in mysterious ways.

Try to hide it and you are only asking for worse. As I said to you, imagine if this hits Digg? If WF members can take on a project like Gary Thiem, there are thousands of other forums out there that might take on you as a new project. I'm pretty sure you and your sister don't want that.

I have to ask, why did your sister rush to post this auction so quickly? Why didn't she just wait until she was back? It doesn't really matter now I guess. Whatever the reasons, you guys screwed up, and now need to deal with the consequences. You guys need to do the right thing.

I wish you luck, I really do.
jryan I'm not that concerned about this buyer, he's moved on. It's been a while since she's heard anything from him.

I haven't heard of any cases where what you're describing has happened.
well I responded in pm but since you're still dragging this on in the thread I'll have to respond again in the thread.

I'm not really that concerned with my rep regarding this ebay thing, it's not even my car, it's my sister's car. This thread was more of a general question that I've wondered for a while, about how easy it is to remove google results.

Yeah I came for some suggestions from people here and got some good ones. Life happens though, and she was supposed to end the auction but didn't.

I'm not being harassed it's all over with as of like 2 weeks ago the guy quit messaging her. The thing that bothered me was that he somehow found me through her ebay auction, but thats trivial I don't really care about it.

To answer your question, she put the auction up in a hurry because the car was coming in and the Ford dealership didn't want to hold it on the lot, plus she's living at a friend's house and has no income but like 60k in student loan debt from film school. She really needed the money and rushed the auction out and wasn't around to take care of it.
I haven't heard of any cases where what you're describing has happened.

After a little research, it seems there may not be any legal recourse for the buyer, other than having your sister's eBay account banned. He could however drum up a ton of negative publicity if so inclined. One only has to search Google to find cases like this.

BMW dealer reneges on winning eBay bid Dvorak Uncensored: General interest observations and true web-log.

Followups: Facing Online Onslaught, Dealership Honors eBay Sale
Fatbat, I'm sure he could drum up negative publicity, but I hope that anyone with any compassion whatsoever can realize the situation for what it is.

Honestly this is a rare potentially once in a lifetime situation where a struggling film student's hard work pays off.

She's not trying to make extra money ripping someone off selling them a google cash kit, acai berries or a government grant kit, she's simply trying to get by and not get ripped off herself.

I can't advise her to go through with the sale, that car is her source of income for the year right now, and I feel like anyone who knows her situation, yet would still make her sell the car for $11,600 is not someone who I'd want on my Christmas list.

Whatever the situation, it was a mistake, and her selling the car for that low is ludicrous.

Lesson learned, don't try to sell a car on ebay without a reserve price - it cost her $150 or more in ebay fees to learn that lesson.
Get a ton of articles written and submit them. Once they get published, link to them.

you mean articles about her and about how the car is for sale/the unique story behind it, etc?

I notice your name is $5 submissions, if you are in the business of doing this, and you think this would help promote selling the car, I'd like to possibly hire you to help us out with promoting the sale this time.

I want to do it right and make sure she gets some decent money for that car this time.
you mean articles about her and about how the car is for sale/the unique story behind it, etc?

I notice your name is $5 submissions, if you are in the business of doing this, and you think this would help promote selling the car, I'd like to possibly hire you to help us out with promoting the sale this time.

I want to do it right and make sure she gets some decent money for that car this time.

I am assuming that you're talking about SE results when you do a search for your name. That can be fixed by 'burying' the result by writing articles with your name, submitting them, and linking. Also, you can look into having a lot of differing social network accounts created with your name.
Yeah, I'm a heartless bastard (and I was really looking forward to that Xmas card). I might have been a bit too harsh earlier and for that I apologize. I put myself in the buyer's shoes first. If I were him, I would be royally pissed.

Anyways, hopefully there are no other repercussions, and good luck with the second sale.
Yeah, I'm a heartless bastard (and I was really looking forward to that Xmas card). I might have been a bit too harsh earlier and for that I apologize. I put myself in the buyer's shoes first. If I were him, I would be royally pissed.

Anyways, hopefully there are no other repercussions, and good luck with the second sale.

Not saying you are a heartless bastard =P

I would be royally pissed too if I were the buyer, but after the situation had been explained to me, I would have understood. She offered him other deals and even to give a % of the resale to him but he wouldn't budge.

I would have realized that I was royally screwing someone over who was a noob at ebay and let her off the hook after knowing the backstory.
Really ? as I'm the person YOU and your sister screwed i can post her email to me and she was in communication in palm springs with internet access.

You got involved because you were behind the whole thing as she referred to you several times and used some of the same quotes you have used here and the other thread about her 10 min. film.

And now you want the sitepoint post how you screwed a buyer the same way buried.
The only difference was you did it for twice the $$$$$.

I've gone away ? Don't bet on it as I'm going to take your sister to court as you know...
Yes,i did some research on you Brad as it became obvious to me from your sister it was your auction.

Seems you were booted from almost as many forums as you joined as i looked into you.I have one question,have you ever worked a day in your life ?

Here is what got brad nervous i sent this to his sister through e bay..

Dear jacquelynmills,

Seems like your 26 yr/old brother has done the same thing Marketplace question, am I obliged to accept a BIN offer? - SitePoint Forums I guess it runs in the family..The power of the internet is awesome.You will regret your decision when i get a $10,000 judgment against you.

- quirk5504

Ford : FocusItem Id:190278354368End time:Jan-12-09 07:41:05 PSTBuyer:quirk5504 (19
100.0% Positive Feedback
So the sister won a car, put it up on ebay, sold it for 11 grand, backed out of the sale because she wants more money for it and now the guy who won the auction is the bastard because he wants his car? What am I missing?!

She's 11 grand better off then before she won the car! I've got no sympathy for her!

Just out of interest darbsllim, was it the sitepoint post you wanted removed? Or the thousands of other pages with your name on them?
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