Is there a way to remove something from google results?

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So why did you post this? "Like the film a lot". Hmm...

Really ? as I'm the person YOU and your sister screwed i can post her email to me and she was in communication in palm springs with internet access.

You got involved because you were behind the whole thing as she referred to you several times and used some of the same quotes you have used here and the other thread about her 10 min. film.

And now you want the sitepoint post how you screwed a buyer the same way buried.
The only difference was you did it for twice the $$$$$.

I've gone away ? Don't bet on it as I'm going to take your sister to court as you know...

So the sister won a car, put it up on ebay, sold it for 11 grand, backed out of the sale because she wants more money for it and now the guy who won the auction is the bastard because he wants his car? What am I missing?!

She's 11 grand better off then before she won the car! I've got no sympathy for her!

Just out of interest darbsllim, was it the sitepoint post you wanted removed? Or the thousands of other pages with your name on them?

Actually I won the car at $11,600 and when she said no way i offered her $12,000 I have all the email msgs i can post if need.

And yes it was the Sitepoint post this time last year,how do i know because I sent the sister the link and asked her if she was going to honor her obligation or was she going to do what her brother had done and I asked if it ran in the family.I sent along that link as it was apparent she was not going to sell and do the right thing.

If you spent 2 hours you would see he has been run off many boards.He only has 8 post on sitepoint and then found a home here and i just wanted you guys to know about your elite senior member.

As far as why did i say i liked the 10 min. of film with leaves and kids well i do.I also like dogs.
WOW,for someone never lost for words you seemed to fall of the edge of the earth SLIM.what's the matter ?
WOW,for someone never lost for words you seemed to fall of the edge of the earth SLIM.what's the matter ?

Slim,I decided to put this post over at the Digg site since you like to be well known.You must have taken the dealers $13,000 since I haven't seen that car for sale...yet

SLIM with all the answers is a scam artist,Slim do the boys know about the toolbar downloads of Ron Paul that you got thousands of for $3,00 apiece ?
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