Is Ryan Eagle of Eagle Web Assets a Liar and a Thief?

There won't ever be legal heat on Eagle in the US because 90% of the people he owes are noobs from India and SE Asia and everyone else doesn't seem to care enough.

2 nude and irate WFers chasing Ryan Eagle down a beach.


No rest for the weary.
"January flew past us rather quickly, but hopefully you've started getting plans put into action so that February can turn out to be a strong month for you as well as your business. We've been killing it internally and wanted to share the wealth with you. "

How do you even send a newsletter like that out knowing you owe so many people money, and look at yourself in the mirror every morning. What the fuck, man?

Even if Ryan straightens out, suddenly pays everyone back in one day, and starts making affiliates $$$$$$/day - I still wouldn't fucking work with someone that is capable of that.
Rats are leaving a sinking boat. Only 4 affiliate managers left at EWA. Matthew is Ryan's friend, Kyle is his brother and Sharon Dela is fake.
Chad seemed to be a relatively decent guy back when I worked with him for a while. I never understood why he worked for them. There used to be another Ryan there that was a total retard and some blonde clueless meth whore that wasn't Sharon.
Jesus Swept.

*Logs in and checks STS*

Usual Top 10 topics...

01. Teh Blaq Obomba is trying to regulate mah munies!!1

02. Dose Libtards are wonting our guns. woe to us all!

03. Wash a ton has declared us as enemies! Lets seed dis god foreskinned union

04. Self made $Munee* step-by-step of whats been online for the last 7 years! With spun content, expanded over a gazillion posts! Click here now! Sip the sweat from my balzac of wise dumb

05. Same as above but it's post 2500 and 75 cents becuz consume hers like numbers. Giving as ceiling cat gave to me.

06. The news is filled with all full things that need repeating

07. Sock puppeted puppies parading for profits

08. This post is just to get losers to click my sig, no not you, the other losers.

09. Help! The government is doing what I Chief Keef, I Chief Keef

10. Let's file government complaints soliciting their help because we obviously don't know how to regulate ourselves. (See post 1)


Never condoning any bad business but do people realize that pulling the FTC or any other government agency into petty nonsense like this is ruining this business and disrupting the industry long term. Yes, received the adapt or die memo many years ago. Not even threatening to run to government is useful. Adapting to reasonable market conditions is one thing, self-inflicted wounds is another.

This has more to do with industry perception as a whole. We're in this together even if we don't work together expressly. It's all fun and games to many people because you're thinking you're screwing over some foreigner in another country. But businesses and families here suffer because of that type of wild west mentality spreading here. To be clear for WildGunner "here" means the US of A.

However for you, whoever you are reading this, "here" means where you are too. It's a global community now. Thinking nation or even state only wihout considering consequences of your neighbor is going to have greater impact than some of you realize and sooner than most of you think.

The US is not backing small businesses cart blanche. Meanwhile, other nations are pooling their resources to step up to the world stage and domestically the psychology of the next generation en masse is practically in revelry with a behavior pattern and belief system that the current guard has yet to crack the code to in order to keep the ship afloat and significantly ahead of the pack.

The big boys work together. That's part of why they're the big boys.

Until we get that, Ryan Livingston Seagull is all of us. :spawn:

However, the thought is that after this fiasco, no Lupe. Another, as usual will rise from the Copeacian heap of carcass that is Lingle Bedard Jr. the III repeating this wildly entertainig, sad & vicious cycle.

In the meantime any ensuing sockpuppet argument you encounter only hear and a broad serves as a means to drop do hicky things on your computer love box so as to make use of it for catching bears with pots full of the honey you lust foar

*This will be my last post in this thread because my new affiliate manager needs help setting up her bedroom webcam.*
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so how long until with all the screenies of him not paying peoples?