Is Ryan Eagle of Eagle Web Assets a Liar and a Thief?

I don't understand how Ryan's still even in business after dicking soooo manyyyy people!
We should get together and begin an organized effort to destroy any chances he may have any clients in the future...

There are probably hundreds of non-paying shady / scammy networks out there. There are also a few legit networks who play fair and pay on time.

If affiliates actually did some basic research before driving traffic to a network, we wouldn't hear of this shit so often

While yes it's YAEWAT, but at least OP was smart enough to do it "right".
Please god, for all that is holy, let CCarter go back to using the girl with the pig hat as his sig/avatar. Please.

Whatever you do, never change yours. I laugh every single time without fail.
Can't afford to pay someone for 100 dating leads. Can afford to drive around in a Rolls-Royce.


The wicked fire link is not working, goes to page not found. Just letting you know.

Now on a side note instead of bumping another thread. I will just post my reply into this one since it will be linked from o_O Twitter.

I'm not going to go deep into it, but this individual was found for fraud on our network as was provided two detailed reports explaining that his rate of proxies on offers, in some cases, were as high as 40%.

After reading this a second time I decided to reply to this. 40% fraud lol your 100% bullshit. I replied to your emails and I even told you in one of them your compliance is full of shit.

Again last night just to even see if there was any justification in your report's I decided to examine the Ip's my self. I already suspect you was full of shit because my reports from proxy Deter showed two proxies total. Ryan's report claimed 293 proxies out of 1585 leads. Everyone was labeled as Socks 4/5- Socks 24- Proxy Fire- Proxy Heaven- Proxy list.

I went through the first 19 on the report using a few different sites that give feed back on Ip's. I found 0 proxies in them 19. I stopped there cause it was not worth my time and I was tired. Ryan if you need that $1400 that bad then whatever dude. I would post the logs but others have and it has done no good and he would just say i Photoshopped them or edited them.

People can believe what they want. If they want to think the many here are lying then they will get what they deserve come payment time.

I would have never bothered looking if it were not for his complete and utter attacks towards me, but I decided to take a glance into the account. We provided him the reports, and even asked him for an explanation or some sort of substantiation why our levels were reporting high proxy use. If he had decided to even provide the slightest substantiation, we would have released his payment.

Fact check - I attack you after the fact that you had the same replies in all your emails and post about rebuilding or some shit and my Am chad reply to my inquiries were always the same I will look into this for you. These same excuses get old after many times. Sit there and play like this is a first time. This is the 3rd time I came to you about being months late on payments. The previous was a 4k Payment. Other then playing email tag you had no issues then. Now that you are broke and can't pay any one it is fraud.

After that 1st attack I laid off, It was not even my thread it was one of the hundred's of other people you screwed over attacking you because of your emails and I wanted to actually give you the benefit of the doubt.

We will not pay people attempting to blackmail us through posts like this to get their fraudulent traffic paid. We provided all the reports necessary that, in detail, explained his activity with us. We will not pay on fraud, even after he makes posts everywhere like he claimed. We did exactly what any network would have done.

Post everywhere? I defended you on warrior forum dumb ass. It was not till I came here cause wafo reminder post of the rules about not being aloud to out shit networks. When I seen all the threads and your same bull shit lines is the first and only time I attacked you. Funny I got my first E-mail reply from you the next day.

This frauder can't even speak English for Godsake.

Before you insult my English you dumb shit you should be sure about what you just typed in that one line. Fraudster would be the correct word and for God's sake would be the correct term. No worries stick to the wickedfire forum. They will give you a quick embarrassing course in English real fast. I can testify to that.

Day before he seen the post I made a complete ass out of my self and attempted to jump on that band wagon he sent me this email.


So you try and make me look bad cause you seen another thread and decided to take this opportunity to make your self look better. News flash you failed cause I made my self look bad all on my own.

To finalize this if anyone from this day forward gets screwed by this company please keep it to your self or reply in a thread already created. There is plenty of info out now that no one should have this issue.
If you guys wanna fuck him than everyone should file a complaint. The FTC will ruin his life if they go after him. Not fun.

I would never do that over $1400. However considering he owes hundreds of people I would however agree at this point.

Maybe if people start suffering the consequences for their actions then maybe that will prevent this shit from happening as often as it does.

My three favorite lines from that chat log and twitter tweet.

1 - Can we hop on a call. I have seen that in many complaints this guy must have 2 phones going 24/7 considering his affiliate mangers week long fiverr contract's ran out.

2 - All I can do is make right what was made wrong. You have a lot of making right to do. Might want to get started.

3 - Apply the pressure back. I don't know i have seen some major ass kissing and excuses this last month from him. Even seen in a chat log where he might be closing down EWA on the black whatever forum. That's not applying pressure, That is buckling under pressure.