Is Ryan Eagle of Eagle Web Assets a Liar and a Thief?


New member
Oct 31, 2011
between the boobies
I'll keep it brief.

Payment is due since October 2012. Have already sent lots of emails and PMs to Ryan. Below you can see the latest conversation where he promised payment within 14 days.

I have been very patient and polite all along. It's not worth my time to go after $2285 so I'll just write it off. However, I would like this thread to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Ryan Eagle, they'll know what he has done to people.

ps. Ryan, you can still pay me and I'll just close this chapter and move on. If you choose not to pay, you will be proven a liar and a thief.
But if you decide to accuse me of fraud like you have been doing with other affiliates, I'll get my rep from Global Personals to post here and confirm that the leads sent were legit and they have already paid you in full.


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a mod ought to make this thread a sticky until this jackass pays somebody.
hell, even suddenly_ass now recognizes how many "EWA won't pay" threads he has to post ass on before this site will step up, call a spade a spade, and at the very least make one of these threads a sticky instead of letting them all fade into oblivion, which smacks of collusion.
Why doesn't someone just made a website called Then all the complainers can go post their story there? It'll rank quickly for his name and will get the point across. It's obvious continously posting over and over the same thread is not working. It really would not matter actually, since most newbies will not take the time to do due diligence on people they do business with anyways. If they did they would not continue signing up.

Carry on...
Why hasn't WIA destroyed his life yet? You'll ruin a kids life for posting naked photos of girls on a website but a guy that lies to you, steals from you, defrauds his loyal customers and uses his sweet mouth on hundreds of gay webmasters after supporting him for years, he gets off scot-free. Oh wait.
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Why hasn't WIA destroyed his life yet? You'll ruin a kids life for posting naked photos of girls on a website but a guy that lies to you, steals from you, defrauds his loyal customers and uses his sweet mouth on hundreds of gay webmasters after supporting him for years, he gets off scot-free. Oh wait.

WIA destroys reputations - Ryan Eagle already did that himself.
I am not quite sure why this reminds me of Ryan Eagle.. But it just does.

[ame=]Fresh Prince of Bel Air Intro - YouTube[/ame]
I don't understand how Ryan's still even in business after dicking soooo manyyyy people!
We should get together and begin an organized effort to destroy any chances he may have any clients in the future...
This would be for the greater good. We would be solving the problem once and for all!
Heck, I've not been dicked by him coz I'm not stupid enough to do business with a guy like that but I'll sure as hell jump in and help in any way I can.

WF is a very powerful community and I'm sure we'll find many volunteers, some victims and some who're willing to participate for the amusement.
Why doesn't someone just made a website called Then all the complainers can go post their story there? It'll rank quickly for his name and will get the point across. It's obvious continously posting over and over the same thread is not working. It really would not matter actually, since most newbies will not take the time to do due diligence on people they do business with anyways. If they did they would not continue signing up.

Carry on...

Add the word "scam" in the url.
Why doesn't someone just made a website called Then all the complainers can go post their story there? It'll rank quickly for his name and will get the point across. It's obvious continously posting over and over the same thread is not working. It really would not matter actually, since most newbies will not take the time to do due diligence on people they do business with anyways. If they did they would not continue signing up.

Carry on...

Please god, for all that is holy, let CCarter go back to using the girl with the pig hat as his sig/avatar. Please.