iPhone Apps. Any success?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyQ7VVvaPPI]‪Been HAD iPhone Apps!: #2 Edition - Application almost complete!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Props for posting the video. Good luck with everything.

Thanks bud.

how much is the dev cost of your app?

$2,500 so far and counting.

iPhone Apps is good for me



Fuck you.
Just want to say that I will be attended the Affiliate Summit this month, if anyone wants to meetup to talk about apps/aff mktg or fuck; let me know.
Where do you usually get these developers from? And how you gauge if they are capable of handling the work you are giving them since its not possible to ask for samples I assume?
Where do you usually get these developers from? And how you gauge if they are capable of handling the work you are giving them since its not possible to ask for samples I assume?

I've had one developer that has been doing programming work for me for the past year. Fortunately he also does mobile app development, so it worked out perfectly for me. He also handles development for the iPad and Android, so I'm pretty set on expanding if need be.

I initially found him on odesk.
I seriously have no idea how people can come up with original app ideas anymore. I've had loads of ideas which would be popular and everytime I check the market its always already out there.
I seriously have no idea how people can come up with original app ideas anymore. I've had loads of ideas which would be popular and everytime I check the market its always already out there.

Since when does the app have to be original? All you have to do is be better at something.
I seriously have no idea how people can come up with original app ideas anymore. I've had loads of ideas which would be popular and everytime I check the market its always already out there.

I wouldn't look at it that way. Obviously the majority of apps have been covered already, but that does not mean those apps have done the proper job in capturing the market. There may be a dozen apps mimicking what you want to develop, but guess what, if those apps only have a total of 1k installs between them all, then it's an open market.

I've spent a lot of time looking at apps that just fail right from the start and never pick up on installs and apps that pick up right from the start and keep in going. The actual functionality difference between the two is nothing, it's the same exact app. I see this time after time, there might be 50 apps doing the same exact thing, but 1 of those apps is getting all the attention. It's not because that 1 app is doing it better, which sometimes is the case, but because the one app was actually marketed well by the developers.

Many developers have gotten on the iPhone app train since it's release, but the biggest weakness for these same developers is that they have ZERO marketing experience. They might be able to develop a kick-ass app, but if they don't even know where to start to get any sort of media attention on the app, they're simply fucked.

As I've read on a credible source and have seen myself, hundreds of apps are being released every single day. That's a fuckload. That alone needs to tell you that once released, you need to drop stacks on marketing the app.
I wouldn't look at it that way. Obviously the majority of apps have been covered already, but that does not mean those apps have done the proper job in capturing the market. There may be a dozen apps mimicking what you want to develop, but guess what, if those apps only have a total of 1k installs between them all, then it's an open market.

I've spent a lot of time looking at apps that just fail right from the start and never pick up on installs and apps that pick up right from the start and keep in going. The actual functionality difference between the two is nothing, it's the same exact app. I see this time after time, there might be 50 apps doing the same exact thing, but 1 of those apps is getting all the attention. It's not because that 1 app is doing it better, which sometimes is the case, but because the one app was actually marketed well by the developers.

Many developers have gotten on the iPhone app train since it's release, but the biggest weakness for these same developers is that they have ZERO marketing experience. They might be able to develop a kick-ass app, but if they don't even know where to start to get any sort of media attention on the app, they're simply fucked.

As I've read on a credible source and have seen myself, hundreds of apps are being released every single day. That's a fuckload. That alone needs to tell you that once released, you need to drop stacks on marketing the app.

I've come to realize that marketing is key, sitting on WF for 2 and a half years tends to do that to you - I appreciate the insightful response though.

I was making the point that it's so damn frustrating when you come up with an awesome idea you believe to be original and has massive potential, your excitement gains thinking off all the possibilities then you search the market and its already been done by 10 different dev's with features and that would never have ever occurred to you. Over and over again..

Nice clean interface on your upcoming app mGrunin, reminds me of Orbot for Android.
Just want to say that I will be attended the Affiliate Summit this month, if anyone wants to meetup to talk about apps/aff mktg or fuck; let me know.

I'm interested in the "fuck" part. Can I bring along my donkey?

In all seriousness, I love the app I have for my firm. Although it did cost a pretty penny to develop, its worth it for me. That being said, developing apps isn't the problem, its marketing them that is. Remember, a lot of times you have to lead people to the app, convince them to buy it, and then beg them to use it. otherwise it collects dust on page 4 of the iphone.

hit me up on skype aaronkellylaw
i'm interested.
I'm interested in the "fuck" part. Can I bring along my donkey?

In all seriousness, I love the app I have for my firm. Although it did cost a pretty penny to develop, its worth it for me. That being said, developing apps isn't the problem, its marketing them that is. Remember, a lot of times you have to lead people to the app, convince them to buy it, and then beg them to use it. otherwise it collects dust on page 4 of the iphone.

hit me up on skype aaronkellylaw
i'm interested.

I'll be adding you.


My iPhone app has been completed. I'm now working on the free version on my app, which should only take a couple days.

For more exciting news, I will be getting a funny video made promoting the application. I will be playing out a scene using the app with a few other people, it will involve stereotypes and other attributes that can turn itself into a viral video.

I've already hired a professional filmmaker to have this video captured and edited this following Tuesday.
If you need someone to help you market and get the app in the top ten, i'd be down to get in on the game and throw my 15 cents. I'll add all the skypes with the iphone apps marketing.