Hi. My name is Charlie and I have ADHD and I am … Hey what’s this Alcoholics Anonymous? No seriously, I am amazed at you guys. When I was the age most of you are I was in my “gap year” which kind of got stretched to 12 years before I decided maybe I should take life seriously.
You guys are awesome. (Where I come from “guys” the plural form, is gender neutral.)
My first job way back in the late 60s was as a computer operator. Ah so many years ago, but it was back in the days of punch cards (one line of code per card), huge cassettes of things that looked like large long playing records (no little hard drives in those days), Oh yes I do remember lots of things about that job, like the day I dropped a big box of punch cards and had to get them back in the right order.
Then I moved on and became a chemist. Not the pharmacist kind, but one of those that mix smelly gunge and stuff.
I did start a few businesses, but found it was more fun to start a business than run one, so as soon as it got boring I started a new one. After retirement I discovered I have ADHD, which explains my behavior in the previous sentence.
So I started a website writing about ADHD bringing my life to a full circle as now I spend my days at a computer. That is when I am not spending my time with my wife, our dogs, horses, cycling and chatting with young people who often drop in to our home.