Hey all, my handle's robotinator, and I'm a wannabe internet marketer.
I read 4 Hour Workweek back in like May and decided to try to change my life and yadda yadda yadda. I've bought maybe 6 domains since then, have made a whopping $13.06 in adsense revenue. My day job, as much as a I have one, is as a social media director in my own startup.
I'm hoping to really break into the IM world here, and get some income going. It's a constant struggle to keep discontent and self-doubt at bay, but I know that it's only the victors in that battle that will reap the reward.
I am always on the lookout for members for a "mastermind" group to bounce ideas off of and possibly go into a JV. If you're interested in this too, and don't mind working with a noob* or showing me the ropes, please PM me and I'll share contact details. I don't have a job or go to school currently, so it's always nice to talk to like-minded people, if nothing else.
*note- when I say noob, I don't mean I just fell off the back of the turnip wagon. I've got knowledge of WP and Photoshop, learning some PHP, and have a strong background in marketing. I've also read Think and Grow Rich and a whole bunch of other wack shit that gets recommended. I just have yet to turn a profit.