IM and programmers: Making bank?

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For example, I'd love to see someone here build twitter's infrastructure.
I'd love for you to back up any bit of what you're talking about. Also, "For example" is a phrase most people use when they present an example; you did not.

Recreating Twitter's service would be very, very simple to do. Recreating Twitter's infrastructure would be markedly more difficult, but only because Twitter was coded by a schoolgirl group of RoR programmers that refused to man up and re-write their service in a scalable language, and are now paying the price with a host of disgusting Mongrel hacks and homebrew load balancers.

"The right way" to do it: nginx load balancers reverse proxying for PHP servers, querying against a self-healing, self-scaling NDB cluster for your SQL. It will scale "infinitely", by which I mean "at least as large as Twitter", very very easily.

And what's that, you say? You'd like to see me build one?
Fuckoff, I say. I already have.
It's quite obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.
100m pages served in April suggests that I have at least some idea of what I'm talking about. I'm not a sysadmin by a longshot, but that's what my farm has served, and I'm ready to scale bigger. Much, much bigger.

I'm not sure what part of my post suggested ignorance or novice.
I described my server cluster, which is currently only 4 servers small, that can scale up, up, UP! with no limit in sight, and could, theoretically, run a Twitter-esque application, presumably at Twitter's scale and size.
I described how you could rewrite Twitter to avoid the Mongrel scaling issues that have plagued Twitter throughout it's entire lifecycle, which even Twitter's founders wish they'd done to this day.

You, on the other hand, haven't described anything. In fact, you haven't used a word more technical than "twitter" or "automate" in any of your posts in this thread. You can tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, but IMO I'm still better off than you, who's insulting and patronizing rather than saying anything of merit, or value.
Thanks for playing.
This part of your post suggests ignorance and novice: "It's fun, challenging, and I'm making way more than someone with my credentials (read: no credentials at all) should be."

No credentials at all? And you expect me to take what you say as fact? Come on now.

100M pages in a month is pretty impressive, don't get me wrong. Of course, Twitter and many others dwarf that scale.

Languages don't scale. It's the architecture. If Twitter chose PHP over Rails in the beginning, they still would've had trouble ramping up. Twitter has been moving to Scala and Erlang and only uses Rails for the frontend, if I remember correctly.

Scaling Twitter: Making Twitter 10000 Percent Faster | High Scalability
So it was "quite obvious" that I had "no idea what I'm talking about" just because I said in FP that I have no "credentials" [read: degree]?

If instead I had posted about my farm under the pretense that I was a university professor, you would have conceded that my clustering advice was correct?

And when it turns out that "100m page hits is impressive", ergo I must have some clue of what I'm talking about, you still say it's my "credentials" that make me ignorant.

And then you admit that Twitter's problem is, in fact, Rails? And that if they'd chosen a different language/framework combination (I never said languages don't scale. Rails doesn't scale.), they wouldn't have these troubles? And that they probably shouldn't have used Rails from the get-go?

So, it sounds like you're saying I was right. Except, it sounds more like you're saying "Nuh-uh! Nuh-uh! You're right, but I still win!" like an eight-year-old.

You, sir, are a douche.
nerd fight

To clarify, I don't want many things, but I do want paper, and lots of it. My official goal, as written down, is to become "stupid rich", which I define as having enough money to crash hundred thousand dollar cars for fun eight days a week, or to buy, bankrupt and raze every movie studio that ever even considers hiring Mel Gibson, for any paying position, at all. I want *that* kind of money. Stupid rich

Hello friend,

I think you have potential for be that rich. Have potential for billions in wealth.

Good luck bro.
In other words, it needs to be Skynet.

heh. Skynet is what we named our VM. Not to completely derail the thread but I think it's important for motivation and moral to give your computer a solid name.

EDIT: oh and lol at the geek fight. Really, It made me laugh way too early on a Sunday morning.
make a tool and get other people to sell it for you through clickbank, etc. make a flog pretending to be a super affiliate that made $100,000/day with it. you could also say it helps you lose weight since it's made you so productive and successful that all you do is work and make money and never even have time to go out and get a hamburger.
This thread is fucking great.

Of course you could clone Twitter. It's really simple, like all the other big trendy sites. But you forget one thing.. the users. Anyone who claims they can clone Twitter is retarded. If it would be so easy, it would have been done many times over. And not even realizing you are retarded when saying something that stupid.. well then my friend, you are truly below retarded.
This thread is fucking great.

Of course you could clone Twitter. It's really simple, like all the other big trendy sites. But you forget one thing.. the users. Anyone who claims they can clone Twitter is retarded. If it would be so easy, it would have been done many times over. And not even realizing you are retarded when saying something that stupid.. well then my friend, you are truly below retarded.

Ha? They are talking about cloning it programatically. A feat that wouldn't be that hard. Cloning it's success is another ball game all together.
Ha? They are talking about cloning it programatically. A feat that wouldn't be that hard. Cloning it's success is another ball game all together.
Yeah and spending energy to talk about cloning technical stuff is just stupid. Every feature, every option, every button, every graphic file can be cloned so talking about that is just waste of breath. People who don't understand that are destined to fail.
Yeah and spending energy to talk about cloning technical stuff is just stupid. Every feature, every option, every button, every graphic file can be cloned so talking about that is just waste of breath. People who don't understand that are destined to fail.
right. so the guy who said i couldn't clone twitter's infrastructure was spewing a load of shit (if he thought it was impossible, he could have kept his mouth shut), and i defended my credentials [or lack thereof] to the best of my ability.
call it a nerd fight, if you want, but my thread was about making money, there was no need for him to talk trash.

OP, you'll look back at this thread one day and cringe.
actually, rather than "one day", i looked back on this thread on sunday, and cringed- at how many job offers i had been pm'd. eight, to be exact.

no more job offers, please; i'm happily employed, and in response to this thread, i now have all the part-time work i can handle for the next year.
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