IM and programmers: Making bank?

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Anyone clone this yet?

Some programmer did get rich.. Sergey Brin, Jerry Yang, Filo, Bill Gates but then there are a billion programmers in India already... And I didn't really get that "Getting a good developer is difficult".. Getting Bill Gates rich with programming takes a lot of Luck.. You'd be better off buying super lotto..

But I guess you are now in the right place.. wickedfire syndk8..
You can easily become rich quickly with programming skills if you are willing to go a little blackhat...

You could easily implement bluehatseo's blog posts...

One example: Consider this a high level BRD
1) Create reallly good script that will hit some domain registrar faster than the big guys.. Grab all expiring one word .com s.. register them programatically, and domain park them with CPC..

2) And other non single word domains backlinks, also register them again automatically, then automatically scrap and recreate the old pages and paste affiliate links and adsense-- no point using marketing/demographical mind here- just plain automation...

3) Other domains that has few back links but got some age and keywords in the domain name, paste them with some junk content that you scrap from wikipedia+infoplease+webmd+yellowpages --> madlib them --> paste them --> each paste automatically submitted to every possible Pligg sites in the world --> comment on all related dofollow blogs...

4) Auto register yourself on youtube or bebo or slideshare from thousands of diffferent IPs and create BUY VIAGRA links on the profile page in bold and then create a million links to your profile page though comment spamming, sell a few viagras or pheromones and move on to another new profile

DO this for two years, get burned out and retire .... :) :)
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