Ignorant Americans

Haha true that. National holidays happen here too but they are shite :p There is a lot to see in America without the need to go abroad, but personally I still would.

And 2 weeks :eek: It's 4+ standard here.

Me too which is why I have lived in a few other countries and spent significant time in many more. I think Americans are missing out on a lot by not going overseas and experiencing different cultures.

The normal vacation allotments suck here.

fuck england. london is fucking police state where snaggle toothed serfs lick the boots of a fucking royal family of all things. how medieval. why would we teach our kids that when we shrugged it off over 200 years ago?

Can someone explain to me the British bad teeth stereotype? Why would we genetically have any worse teeth than anyone else? We are also ranked fairly highly in international dental care and all over are one of the more hygienic countries in the world.

It probably makes sense pre 1960 due to how the working class lived and what little care they had, but these days I don't think it's really relevant.

I'm pretty sure alot of people in this country aren't even aware this stereotype exists.

Brits still believe in "royalty" based on heredity. Nuff fucking said.

Not really, in fact most people these days openly object to it. It's only the old bastards who give a shit about that, in a few generations I would say that we will have a very strong majority disagreeing with it. Pretty much anyone below the age of 30 disagrees with it.
Can someone explain to me the British bad teeth stereotype? Why would we genetically have any worse teeth than anyone else? We are also ranked fairly highly in international dental care and all over are one of the more hygienic countries in the world.

It probably makes sense pre 1960 due to how the working class lived and what little care they had, but these days I don't think it's really relevant.

I'm pretty sure alot of people in this country aren't even aware this stereotype exists.

I dnt knw man, every video, i have seen of a brit, they got stained teeth.. ok maybe im exaggerating
Can someone explain to me the British bad teeth stereotype? Why would we genetically have any worse teeth than anyone else? We are also ranked fairly highly in international dental care and all over are one of the more hygienic countries in the world.

It probably makes sense pre 1960 due to how the working class lived and what little care they had, but these days I don't think it's really relevant.

I'm pretty sure alot of people in this country aren't even aware this stereotype exists.

Not really, in fact most people these days openly object to it. It's only the old bastards who give a shit about that, in a few generations I would say that we will have a very strong majority disagreeing with it. Pretty much anyone below the age of 30 disagrees with it.

In both cases you are fending off stereotypes of Brits. Yet, your whole original post stereotypes an entire country off of 1 video. Why don't you pick which side of the coin you are on? Or maybe you're just a fucking retard with a USA hater dick stuck in your ass. I'm guessing by your avatar title that you are still butthurt over the World Cup / soccer is gay era.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqmYrsfpI6Y"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
The bad teeth thing comes from the fact that there is no fluoride in your water, and you guys drink tea like it's going out of style, there fore your teeth are generally not as white and tend to break down easier without the fluoride. Has nothing to do with genetics.
There are 3 subjects public education in the US completely sucks at teaching

1) Geography
2) Foreign Language
3) Personal Finance

Forget the map of Europe, ask those California people where the fuck is Vermont or Delaware. Same response.
i think its is fair to say that all countries have some poeple that don't know much about thier country
I presume this was a joke.

My point has NOTHING to do with me knowing more about America than you know about the UK. I don't expect you to know virtually anything about the UK aside from music obviously, but if you don't know where it is on a map then you're incredibly ignorant.

Why should we know where it is on a map? We're not frickin sailors.

Leave it to the British to learn useless information like world geography, and ignore useful information. Dentistry, for instance.
Maybe the teeth thing exists because high-profile British rockstars spend all their time taking drugs and fucking and don't have time to brush their teeth. For example the picture of Pete Doherty above.

Someday I'm literally gonna take a picture of my teeth and post it here.
Maybe the teeth thing exists because high-profile British rockstars spend all their time taking drugs and fucking and don't have time to brush their teeth. For example the picture of Pete Doherty above.

Someday I'm literally gonna take a picture of my teeth and post it here.

Which state did you do the procedure in?
In both cases you are fending off stereotypes of Brits. Yet, your whole original post stereotypes an entire country off of 1 video. Why don't you pick which side of the coin you are on? Or maybe you're just a fucking retard with a USA hater dick stuck in your ass. I'm guessing by your avatar title that you are still butthurt over the World Cup / soccer is gay era.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

How am I stereotyping a whole nation? All I'm suggesting is when it comes to worldly knowledge Americans seem behind. This video isn't the only reason I think this, it just prompted me to bring it up to see what Americans thought of it. I just thought it shocking that people this age who I assume have gone through a decent education system can't point out a major country on a map. If that doesn't surprise you then fine :\

Meh not much of a soccer fan I just like trolling the idiots on this forum.

The bad teeth thing comes from the fact that there is no fluoride in your water, and you guys drink tea like it's going out of style, there fore your teeth are generally not as white and tend to break down easier without the fluoride. Has nothing to do with genetics.
Pretty sure most of the UK has fluoride in their water.

Haha I think you have a point on the tea thing. Although coffee is probably similar and isn't that as big in America as tea is here? Coffee is also big here obviously.

I actually did a bit of a search after I made that comment and I was reading something about how in America if your teeth aren't right you use cosmetic treatment pretty liberally, so maybe that has something to do with it.
There are some people in America that can't even point out their own state on a map. Geography is the one thing in schools here that they suck at teaching. The entire extent of my geography courses was the teacher giving us a map of the US and making us memorize it overnight. Then we came in the next day and everyone failed so he made it out of like 5 points so it wouldn't affect our grades. THAT'S IT. I can barely even locate the continents on a map, let alone countries or states. But whatever. That's why maps are labeled.
It makes me wonder if I took a camera and a picture of Bill Gates over to the UK how many students could tell me who he was and his significance on modern societies. I can tell you that most of my students (who are at-risk students at that - not necessarily university bound and more likely to drop out than graduate outside of our program) would know who he is.

Not excusing any lack of geography knowledge, it simply isn't relevant to most modern learners in the US. Facts are readily accessible and knowing them makes you good at Jeopardy (you're lucky if a teen even really knows what that is either.)

The truly educated know how to assimilate facts and to apply what they learn. Of course then you argue that learning the facts is the key to evaluating and critical evaluation of things, so it's a cycle that honestly probably doesn't apply to the people in that video.

Many Americans don't know who Nelson Mandela is because he didn't do much for us. Yes, he's hugely significant in World History, but he's made about zero air time over here. Every citizen knows who MLK is - he matters in our country's history. Remember that South Africa was like (and still is?) a UK suburb for centuries. Naturally y'all know more about it over there than we do over here.

This generation is one of specialty knowledge. The internet allows us to learn more and more about what we like. Memorizing things that kids can Google isn't important, really - at least to the kids. The forced learning of facts is actually one of the contributing factors of teenage apathy. Learning to actually think rather than throwing out facts is more critical. A lot of teachers are behind the curve simply because information is moving faster than curriculum ever could and many teachers teach they way they were taught - I'm sure this isn't the case in the UK through, right?

Yes, there are bad schools, bad school districts and bad teachers. There is too much spent on administration and I guess unions up north are problematic at times - I've taught for more than 9 years and believe me, unions in the south are nominal at best - they are lawsuit insurance for teachers who need protection. The unions have little or no power down here - it's all up to the state legislatures.

In the defense of the US school system from a very general perspective, we are the only country in the world to educate all residents - all abilities, all creeds, all religions, all skill levels. Not only do we provide education, it's mandatory which means a lot of teachers are forcing it on children without the support of parents, community or the child. We are not allowed to ability group for education at the intermediate or high school level. We don't have tests at thirteen or fourteen to determine who gets taught real things and who gets to install car batteries. It's an imperfect system over here, but it's one of the reasons America is still considered a land of real opportunity by those willing to work the system to their advantage.

Interesting.. I live in the West Midlands and my water hhas fluoride, guess I just assumed it was like that most places.

There are some people in America that can't even point out their own state on a map. Geography is the one thing in schools here that they suck at teaching. The entire extent of my geography courses was the teacher giving us a map of the US and making us memorize it overnight. Then we came in the next day and everyone failed so he made it out of like 5 points so it wouldn't affect our grades. THAT'S IT. I can barely even locate the continents on a map, let alone countries or states. But whatever. That's why maps are labeled.

So what do you guys learn in History?


In the defense of the US school system from a very general perspective, we are the only country in the world to educate all residents - all abilities, all creeds, all religions, all skill levels. Not only do we provide education, it's mandatory which means a lot of teachers are forcing it on children without the support of parents, community or the child. We are not allowed to ability group for education at the intermediate or high school level. We don't have tests at thirteen or fourteen to determine who gets taught real things and who gets to install car batteries. It's an imperfect system over here, but it's one of the reasons America is still considered a land of real opportunity by those willing to work the system to their advantage.

Good post.

I would guess that a significant amount of people in the UK school system would be able to point out Bill Gates, probably not in the less privileged areas though. I was in school not long ago and most of my friends IRL aren't the brightest people, but I'm pretty sure most of them would know what Bill Gates looked like.

"we are the only country in the world to educate all residents - all abilities, all creeds, all religions, all skill levels. Not only do we provide education, it's mandatory which means a lot of teachers are forcing it on children without the support of parents, community or the child."

Don't see how that differs at all to the UK, can't speak for other countries.
I think stupidity is the wrong word to use. Its more like a disinterest in the outside world. I know people that have travelled to the US, who were very suprised when they switched on the news and saw barely a mention of any event outside of America. It seems Americans are far more interested in the newest way to grill chicken than events that are making history elsewhere. Fair enough.

I don't know exactly where general knowledge about the outside world comes from, but I know it isn't schools. I mean its not as if we have classes on world affairs. Also I dropped geography as soon as I could, and even when I did have to take it, we didn't look at maps we learned about rocks and glaciers.

General knowledge about the outside world comes from other places like the news, travelling, general conversation, TV

The problem with these are that they all rely on the individual actually giving a shit, and if you don't then you'll never learn.