Ignorant Americans


^ I lol'd

The OP video proves nothing.

The common prevalence of the expression "could care less" however, does.
If you think a video interviewing random people matters, you would enjoy michael moore's work quite a bit
because nobody gives a fuck about england thats why. Why do you guys think your important anyway? Who do you think you are? America?

Please don't have any children.

I don't know who the queen of england is. Is she important? Oh wait, not at all.

"Thank goodness amercians aren't smarter they'd be much harder to sell to."

Weird, last time I checked the US was a superpower, and the UK was our bitch.

1. "The video ^^ he did previously he was showing a picture of Nelson Mandela and virtually nobody could identify him, this blew my mind. If you showed that around an avg secondary school (12-17) in the UK I think atleast 90% would be able to identify him"

That's fucking awesome man, thanks for the estimate. Feel free to post the results of your survey with video footage. Hopefully we can understand the dirty british street rats

2. "How can people not know where England is on a map? LOL. It's incredible."

Because England is probably the shittiest country in europe, the way you speak is annoying as fuck. No one likes you and you have terrible teeth. I've got more respect for canada.

Enjoy the 24 hour government surveillance in your shitty country.

3. "Not trying to offend people, there are idiots in every country it just seems that when it comes to wordly knowledge USA are really far below the curve"

You WERE trying to offend people, what makes you believe that the "USA are really far below the curve", fyi typically its "ahead of the curve" and "behind the curve" but idk your countries language is retarded.

Explain how we are "below the curve" the USA is literally better than the UK in every single way, people here are literally bigger, faster, stronger and smarter than brits.

Sigh, Jealousy.

PS you guys sound so fucking ridiculous.

Please don't have any children.
Completely forgot I even started this thread :D

Obviously not everyone in the USA is like this, it's just that these seem like average students around my age and I think in the UK you would really really struggle to find people this age who are in education who couldn't point out: Australia, Spain, Japan, etc etc on a map... I know that the guy who makes these "California on" videos doesn't spend much time on them, he obviously located these people pretty quickly...

Also, any moist idiot who got offended by this thread: lol@you.

EDIT: Just checked my CP out of interest.. People actually use neg rep rofl.

It's only because US is the most modernized nation in the world and has more access to the internet and video cameras. Just be assured that if the country you're from was a little more ahead of the curve, we'd see a lot more videos of ugly hairy toothless citizens who don't know anything either. ;)

Lol at thinking the USA has more access to internet and cameras than any other developed country.


Oops, given too much out in the past 24hrs, I'll hit ya up tomorrow.


My question would be why would I take the time to know such things. My rule is if I can look it up I don't bother memorizing. Do I really need to know where england is? Or who mendela is? I don't think so. Do Brits need to know who Betsy Ross is? Or where Indiana is? I don't think so.

I don't think knowing where Indiana is is really comparable to being able to point out a major country on a map.

actually, you're the moron for believing that this video is an accurate representation of people in America.

I could take a camera and interview people in any country in the world and with a little work I could find several people who don't know some basic answers to questions, edit it together and put it on Youtube titled "(Insert Country Name) People are Idiots"

Actually you're a moran for thinking I believe that.

I for one only know what I need to and I don't spend my time researching shit about England or any other country for that matter. Now if I were to travel to that said country I might memorize some basic facts just for the hell of it, but as it stands I don't see why I'd EVER need to know who the queen of England is. There's a difference between being a dumb shit and just not caring enough to memorize pointless facts. If you don't know how many feet are in a meter or how many inches are in a foot, you're a dumb shit and should be ashamed of yourself. If you don't know who the queen of England is (so long as you're not living there!), you probably just don't give a fuck.
I don't expect anyone to know who the Queen of England is, but I really do expect everyone to know where England is on a map..
You WERE trying to offend people, what makes you believe that the "USA are really far below the curve", fyi typically its "ahead of the curve" and "behind the curve" but idk your countries language is retarded.

While my evidence for this is purely anecdotal and experience based, your post backs the theory up pretty nicely.

Good day sir.
I don't think knowing where Indiana is is really comparable to being able to point out a major country on a map.

England is a major country? You mean like in the Olympics? What if we don't follow the Olympics though - would you really expect us to be able to find it on a map still? Plus, it's not like we've bombed it lately, cause I can find Afghanistan and Iraq since they are always on the CNN.

Wait, I know it's near Ireland right?
Foreigners that make fun of how they know more about America than Americans know about their non-American country fail to realize that they, as foreigners, are super-consumers of American culture.

Non-Americans consume American movies, music, culture, pop culture, food, language, often at levels on par with Americans.

If Jersey Shore and Hannah Montana were French, then the rest of the world would know a shit tonne about France.
Dont know what kind of none sense this is its like my 11 years old (step) kid asks me question about USA while i am originally from israel - question like who was the 14th president and so. how the hell or why the hell would i care to know that and crist..
UK ?... UK .. come on they barely speak English.

Its a funny vid though. they not knowing who are the Beatles, i loled so hard i think i had a turtle neck that almost turned into a disaster.

thread = ^

Anyone whose managed to register an account on here is already smarter than all those mentioned people so who gives a fuck? If there's stupid people about then make money from them like all the billion $ companies are (media)