I Need A VPS. Who To Use?

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For the record, having serious performance issues with HostICan right now and this is with only one super low-traffic WP blog.
Yeah I'm getting off hostican. My VPS isn't performing for shit even after aggressively tuning Apache and MySQL myself (no thanks to Hostican support). 8-12 second page loads for a 10-article wordpress blog with about 50 uniques a day. Total crap.

Anyone ever use Tektonic.net ? I'm not so keen on their datacenter being in Dallas, but they offer a great range of packages and very good pricing especially for Unmanaged VPS.
I used to use JaguarPc, they were very solid on their VPS. You pay a little more, but you get something managed.

I use Tektonic.net now and I am very happy with their performance. Server has went down twice, once for reboot for a new kernel and another time to add Ram...2 times in 6 months.
myriad hosting is pretty good, though it's unmanaged and you need your own system admin.

alternatively, you could scope webhosting talk and see what the top recommends are.

if you dont need a VPS/dedicated, you can look at precisionEffect.com.
they have a managed premium shared hosting account, and for $39.90, it's good bang for your buck. i understand they have about 10% the regular number of customers on it compared to a regular shared hosting account and they have some failover crash recovery built into it.
i Use SLHOST...very cheap and support is extremely quick, even thought its through a ticket support system. I get answers in less than 15 min after filing the ticket...and this is filing them at 2am PST on saturdays and sundays.
Their support can lick my left fucking nut.
Very, very, very bad experiences.

Their services are unmanaged so they don't do a lot for you, but it's cheap and I haven't had any problems with downtime. If you can handle your own server then go for it, but if you need help setting your server up, then stay away from fdcservers.
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