I Need A VPS. Who To Use?

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I've been with Prohosters since April '06 and have been 100 percent satisfied. Very good support and virtually no down time for my sites.

Their services are unmanaged so they don't do a lot for you, but it's cheap and I haven't had any problems with downtime. If you can handle your own server then go for it, but if you need help setting your server up, then stay away from fdcservers.
This has nothing to do with my ability to manage servers. This is about them getting angry at a reseller(who I went through) who had one client that messed up big time(out of 100-200 I think?), dropping all of his servers(which he had paid for; no late bills), formatting them all in under 8 hours, and absolutely refusing to allow me to get at my data, saying I had to go through my reseller for that(who they would not listen to/call back/cooperate with)

I was actually doing a data brokering gig at the time, and lost around 20-40k worth of data because their techs were pricks. (it was directly FTPed in earlier that day, so I didn't have a chance to make a backup yet)

I understand their problem with one guy messing up, and would've fully accepted the server termination. But let at people get at their data first. Especially those who were not at fault for the issue.

Screw FDC.
SLHost.com is fucking awesome. Support responds within 30 minutes 24 hours per day, and I've had a lot of experience with their support.

I pay something like $30 for a VPS with 20gb storage, 3 IPs, and 200gb bandwidth... and that's MANAGED hosting. No gripes from them no matter what support question you have, they will even gladly assist you with script specific problems caused by shitty coding.
+1 Rus is great, although he is pretty overloaded right now.


Had to raise a few support tickets when I first got my server as things weren't supplied such as my IP's (always useful) but support was quick and no problems. Also they're running HyperVM which means if you truly screw up you can just reload your machine without a support ticket :)
Is anyone using their VPS specifically as an email server? I'm going to be setting up an email service for testing on my VPS so I need to make sure there aren't any weird email restrictions. I signed up with GoDaddy and tested their VPS but they have a 1000 email a day limit, which would screw me all up.
Sorry for the double post, but I just want to strongly reiterate that everyone should stay FAR, FAR away from HostICant. See the linked thread for more than enough proof that they have no idea what they are doing and make no effort to compensate for their massive shortcomings.
Don't use rackforce. They are TERRIBLE.. when you try to cancel, you have to wait another whole month before it cancels, so they can bill you again. Fuckers.
I am really surprised by the comments Hostican recieved in this forum. I have been using their service since December with no problem. I ran a video site that averages 3,500 unique a day.
Also, my experience with their customer service has been great. Both on the phnoe and email. Now, i am really getting scared of falling into the same problems expressed by WF members.
Per the link above, 60 hrs of downtime (and counting) and no backups should tell you more than enough to run away screaming. Everything is fine until something goes wrong, then you are royally fucked.

I've since migrated to knownhost but I plan to ride Hostican hard until they give me a full refund. Purely a matter of principle at this point.
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