I just had a perspective change on life.... now im money hungry.

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Even the death of a loved one can be cushioned if you're wealthy. The pain of losing that person is still bad, but if you work for yourself you can take time off from work, mourn with other family members by going to visit family you don't usually get to see who live out of town (afford the air fare, car rental, etc.) If other family members are affected negatively (like if dad died and you're mom's broke now) you can pick up the slack for them financially and erase their worry.

There really is NO situation in life that money doesn't make BETTER.

I don't think anyone on this forum would argue that ceteris paribus (all things being equal), it isn't better to be WITH money than without.

The issue is that most people unwisely believe that the mere presence of money in their life is going to = happiness. Furthermore, they falsely believe that MORE is ALWAYS BETTER. As mentioned earlier, at some point there are decreasing returns to money and perhaps an example can elucidate what I mean:

Who's familiar with the number 8765?

And 5824?

Ok, how about 686,400??

Back in '04 a mentor of mine who's as successful on all fronts as anyone could be, opened my eyes. Though he was a high school drop out, I learned more from him that from any school I went to.

The above as he explained to a n00b represents - YOUR LIFE!

The first is the number of hours in 1 year

The second is the number of "free" hours one has if one sleeps a good,healthy 8 hrs a day

The third, is the life expectancy for the average American converted to hours.

So the issue is, exactly how much is your life worth?

You can always get more money but you'll never be able to beg, borrow or steel more time.

Therefore, time is your most PRICELESS ASSET. Give or take a few years, you have as much "time assets" as a double digit billionaire and the question is what are people doing with it.

Often times, they are just chasing a medium of exchange - i.e. money - with no clue what they want to "exchange" it for. There's not difference between chasing and hoarding money and chasing and hoarding coupons you'll never turn in.....

If you owned a picasso and someone said to you, "Hey I'll give you $10 bucks", chances are you'd said, "hell no!" right?

Well when you exchange your time assets for money assets you better be damned sure it's a good trade off....

Far too many people spend their precious time assets chasing something as ubiquitous as money......when what we all really want is happiness.

That's one thing I hope we all can take from this business - the gift of passive income. Or, if you're doing what you love (i.e. it's for the enjoyment of it not the money) when you're working long hours awesome. Because then it's not "work" it's "play"...
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Even the death of a loved one can be cushioned if you're wealthy. The pain of losing that person is still bad, but if you work for yourself you can take time off from work, mourn with other family members by going to visit family you don't usually get to see who live out of town (afford the air fare, car rental, etc.) If other family members are affected negatively (like if dad died and you're mom's broke now) you can pick up the slack for them financially and erase their worry.

There really is NO situation in life that money doesn't make BETTER.


How about the jealousy of friends/family members whom you are close to but a) constantly try to 'get' something from you, or b) make uncomfortable comments instead of just being able to hang out the way things were before you made significantly more than them.

Money is a burden as so eloquently mentioned above- specifically however it's how one acts WITH money that decides how those around him will act towards him.

WillIAm going on Oprah and sending 4 poor but academically strong kids to the colleges of their dreams to 'invest in the future of america?'

Yeah respect. Paris hilton crashing another car she can't pronounce? Ridiculous.
I agree with you about looking at money as a tool. Having money means that you can work less for more.

It takes money to make money.

The rich get richer.

Money chases money.

careful. hunger is dangerous territory, and a powerful word. use it wisely.

far better to look at money as a tool, not food.
cause if money ain't the tool, you are.

not sure who I'm paraphrasing there but it's one of those profound truths you should pay attention to.

be hungry for those upper class homes. crave the security for you and your family by being able to buy one with cash.
build an appetite for all the freedoms and life experiences having money can provide for you.
salivate over the ideas that you'll be able to bring into the world, with money.

but don't be hungry for the cash itself. that's like sustaining yourself on diet coke.
Realizing how rich some of the people are in the area surrounding Big Sky Resort in Montana was kind of inspiring. As much as I would probably be annoyed by my neighbors, it would be pretty sweet to have a private ski lift at a mountain like that. Even more exclusive than that is the private "Yellowstone Club" mountain next door which costs about $5 million to join + the promise to buy a property. That's a little over the top and ridiculous though. Not surprising they just went bankrupt.

A visit to my Aunt's new house got me motivated in a big way. Built in wall vacuums, those things on the toilet that shoot water on your ass (don't fuck with the settings or it feels like someone is firing a laser right on your asshole), a dining room big enough to seat 30, located in gorgeous Laguna Niguel....

This year I'm really getting my shit in gear. I have big plans anyway :D

A visit to my Aunt's new house got me motivated in a big way. Built in wall vacuums, those things on the toilet that shoot water on your ass (don't fuck with the settings or it feels like someone is firing a laser right on your asshole), a dining room big enough to seat 30, located in gorgeous Laguna Niguel....

This year I'm really getting my shit in gear. I have big plans anyway :D

Your aunt should get one of the vacuum robots.

I don't think anyone on this forum would argue that ceteris paribus (all things being equal), it isn't better to be WITH money than without....


Not sure who said this... but it stuck w/me -

[SIZE=-1]Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day.

Rich people can't buy more time. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend on another day.

Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.

Success depends upon using it wisely - - by planning and setting priorities. Time is worth more than money, and by killing time, we are killing our own chances of success."[/SIZE]

A visit to my Aunt's new house got me motivated in a big way. Built in wall vacuums, those things on the toilet that shoot water on your ass (don't fuck with the settings or it feels like someone is firing a laser right on your asshole), a dining room big enough to seat 30, located in gorgeous Laguna Niguel....

This year I'm really getting my shit in gear. I have big plans anyway :D
The water thing is called a bidet. We would all like to make enough dosh to have water shot up our asses. :nopenope:
Originally Posted by schockergd
God is going to take care of you.

God helps those who help themselves.

God helps those who help themselves.

Agree with both of you guys. Only it's not some old tyrant in the sky working some fairy tale magic, but the source of infinite love and infinite power WITHIN us all, NOT somewhere "out there"....

/metaphysical slant over :p

Not sure who said this... but it stuck w/me -

[SIZE=-1]Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day.

Rich people can't buy more time. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend on another day.

Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.

Success depends upon using it wisely - - by planning and setting priorities. Time is worth more than money, and by killing time, we are killing our own chances of success."[/SIZE]

That's a nice piece of wisdom there - tx for posting it...
Money doesn't buy you happiness? Money buys a wave runner. Have you ever seen someone unhappy while using a wave runner?
The water thing is called a bidet. We would all like to make enough dosh to have water shot up our asses. :nopenope:
Rushes off to make a CL campaign around rectal spraywashing.

I agree with you about looking at money as a tool. Having money means that you can work less for more.

It takes money to make money.

The rich get richer.

Money chases money.
A guy with a little money can buy a shovel, and then dig ditches for a living. A guy with a lot of money can buy a steam shovel and dig many ditches compared to the guy with the shovel. Money as capital (savings) enables us to increase our productivity. This is why "the rich get richer". Anyone can get rich. Save money. Consume less than your produce and then take the difference and invest it in producing more.

Well when you exchange your time assets for money assets you better be damned sure it's a good trade off....
Money is not a good. It is a medium of exchange. You trade your time for money so you can buy other goods. It solves the problem caused by the scarcity of a coincidence of wants.

In other words, in a barter economy with my time as a SEO and a store clerk selling bread and milk, we do not have a coincidence of wants unless I can find a store clerk who wants to improve his SERP position when I want to make a sandwich and drink milk.

Money as a medium of exchange, allows us to engage in more sophisticated barter exchanges through a larger trading network where we don't have to locate coincidences of wants.

So money, when exchanged for labor, is in fact a fiduciary representation of YOUR TIME, just transmuted into a form that is universally acceptable in a complex market economy.

As an aside, money has the added benefit of adding divisibility into your trades. If you work for one hour and receive $20, you have 2,000 pennies. It is very hard to divide your one hour labor units into such fine divisions. Money enables this and again, this results in an increase of trade.

It is always better to have more money than less. More money means you have more time to spend.

And as far as altruism, that's a value judgment. What is wrong about Paris Hilton is not that she crushes the car she can't pronounce, but that she doesn't understand the cost of the car, and how wasteful the destruction that property is, because she is divorced from rational economic calculation. She probably could not run a gas station, and yet she has the capital stock of some of the wealthiest entrepreneurs. It's no coincidence that many entertainers and athletes end their lives broke, because they never learn how to manage cash.

How about the jealousy of friends/family members whom you are close to but a) constantly try to 'get' something from you, or b) make uncomfortable comments instead of just being able to hang out the way things were before you made significantly more than them.

Money is a burden as so eloquently mentioned above- specifically however it's how one acts WITH money that decides how those around him will act towards him.

PRECISELY! Glad to see someone gets it.

All those people claiming "money buys happiness" or "more is always less" haven't had very much of it - or at least not for a while (new vs. old money).

In fact, this is one reason why the better off end up having to self segregate themselves because you realize other people "just don't get it".
And who wants to spend their time explaining themselves to other people who just don't share your reality?
The water thing is called a bidet. We would all like to make enough dosh to have water shot up our asses. :nopenope:

They come standard issue in all new apartments here in Spain, as a separate appliance, like a second toilet. Basically a sink at knee height. They are the bomb. Nothing like being able to keep your ass clean with soap and warm water in a tropical climate. I highly recommend them.


God approves too.
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