I just had a perspective change on life.... now im money hungry.

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build an appetite for all the freedoms and life experiences having money can provide for you.

^ That.

IMHO, money is a tool that provides security & enables you to do the things you really want to do. At least it should be. A lot of people get blinded by why they wanted money in the first place during the pursuit of it.

The shit you own ends up owning you. It's only when you lose everything that you're truly free to do anything...

Tyler Durden is a modern day prophet. That statement is so true.

Fear not OP, your perspective will change again after you grow up a bit. That's envy you're feeling at the moment, it's actually the opposite of happiness.
I think mine was right after Katrina hit and people were spending their FEMA cards on handbags and casinos.

Now my philosophy is that most people are too stupid to have money, so I should hold onto it for them.


i'm from new orleans and was directly affected by the storm (lost EVERYTHING, 12ft of water in the house, etc)...outside of my family and friends, everybodys FEMA money was fair game...
I signed a lease on an apartment that was too expensive for me. This motivated me to get in gear and start husslin'. I feel great when I go home and enjoy my place.
happened to me last summer, i remember the day. I went to Borders and bought a book on stock investing. took me a while to find aff marketing.
I am new to the affiliate marketing game but I have been in the online marketing industry for awhile now but the perspective change I think happens to almost everyone who starts their own business. It is usually people who don't have a whole lot and are willing to work for what they want since you aren't working for a wage it is pretty much how hard you want to work and study to get to the top.
People who say "Money can't buy happiness" have obviously never rented a jet ski. Have you ever seen anyone unhappy on a jet ski before?
For me... Money = Freedom to do what i want

I have hardly any material possessions. The two most expensive things I own are my laptop and my watch. All the clothes i own fit in 1 bag, and i spend each year in at least 6 different countries, and i can pack up and be at an airport to go anywhere within 1 hour :)
Tyler Durden is a modern day prophet. That statement is so true.

Fear not OP, your perspective will change again after you grow up a bit. That's envy you're feeling at the moment, it's actually the opposite of happiness.

Guess i'm in the same state as OP.
money doesn't mean much if you have no one to enjoy it with :) So for me, friends and family >>> money.
People who say "Money can't buy happiness" have obviously never rented a jet ski. Have you ever seen anyone unhappy on a jet ski before?

Thus speaks the child untouched by tragedy. See how happy you feel on that jetski a few hours after someone you loved has died unexpectedly.

Neither money nor thrills has much chance to break through that wall of pain.

By the way - studies have shown that above a household income of about $50k, money does not buy hapiness, but, from below the poverty line up until that point, objective measures demonstrate that it does indeed do so. It's all about where you're coming from.
Guess i'm in the same state as OP.
The OP is in Michigan. If you're in Michigan, you should probably consider moving.

I had a life perspective change- I was in Michigan. I had a little money. I realized there is no happiness in Michigan, so I took all the money I had, and bought stock in "Relocation." Six months later, and a little San Diego sun, and that little slice of Relocation has grown into a hefty serving of Happiness. :)
Money is like good health. Having it won't necessarily make you happy, but not having it sucks.


Moslov got it wrong in his hierarchy of needs. In our society money needed to be one of the steps in the ladder. It is easy for people who have money to thing about "other" things like happiness, but for people who are struggling money is all they think about.
said somewhere here:

"only people who say they are not in it for the money are not successful"

and i say:

"once you are successful money is definately not as important ... as living life."

my perspective changed jan 2009.
I had two wake up calls - strangely enough both were health related.

The first came when I was 12 or so and broke my leg. We just moved to the US a few month earlier and didn't have any kind of an insurance. I still remember what a financial burden that 25K hospital bill was and how long it took to pay off.

The real wake-up call came about 3 years ago when my grandmother had a heart valve replacement surgery. The surgery itself was covered by the insurance, but her insurance would only pay for a regular hospital room (a double) for the week or so that she needed to spend in the hospital after the surgery. It was great knowing that I was just able to pay the extra $200-$300 a night for a private room for her without even giving it a second thought. It was even better knowing that I could be there whenever needed without having to ask for time-off from anyone. Either myself, my parents or my grandfather were there 24/7 and it might have even helped her to recover a bit faster as she was able to leave the hospital two days earlier then originally expected.
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