I just had a perspective change on life.... now im money hungry.

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aim high

New member
Jun 3, 2008
anyone ever have a life perspective change? mine just happened when i traveled to an upper class neighborhood to visit some college friends. then drove around thinking. now im hungry for money. going try and stay up all night.

I think mine was right after Katrina hit and people were spending their FEMA cards on handbags and casinos.

Now my philosophy is that most people are too stupid to have money, so I should hold onto it for them.
I had mine the other way around.
Used to think money was all that mattered... now so long as I'm making enough that I don't have to work too hard, and can relax how I want to on weekends (and it's usually pretty simple stuff too), I'm good.

Then again, I'm lucky enough to live in a country and city that caters to nearly every desire I actually have (other than travelling... and Zorbing)
I did when I looked around my 23. sq meter apartment and saw how fucking small it was. I got my ass into work and now rent a place more than 4 times the size of it. Ironically, I probably only actively use 23 sq. meters of my new place. Lol.
I did when I looked around my 23. sq meter apartment and saw how fucking small it was. I got my ass into work and now rent a place more than 4 times the size of it. Ironically, I probably only actively use 23 sq. meters of my new place. Lol.

lmao haha.
careful. hunger is dangerous territory, and a powerful word. use it wisely.

far better to look at money as a tool, not food.
cause if money ain't the tool, you are.

not sure who I'm paraphrasing there but it's one of those profound truths you should pay attention to.

be hungry for those upper class homes. crave the security for you and your family by being able to buy one with cash.
build an appetite for all the freedoms and life experiences having money can provide for you.
salivate over the ideas that you'll be able to bring into the world, with money.

but don't be hungry for the cash itself. that's like sustaining yourself on diet coke.
I had mine the other way around.
Used to think money was all that mattered... now so long as I'm making enough that I don't have to work too hard, and can relax how I want to on weekends (and it's usually pretty simple stuff too), I'm good.

Then again, I'm lucky enough to live in a country and city that caters to nearly every desire I actually have (other than travelling... and Zorbing)

Second this. I used to think that money is my #1 priority but not anymore. I am content with what I have now and I don't give a shit if people are making more than me.

As long as I am making enough to maintain my current lifestyle and traveling then I am content.
I think mine was right after Katrina hit and people were spending their FEMA cards on handbags and casinos.

Now my philosophy is that most people are too stupid to have money, so I should hold onto it for them.

Money = security, money+security = well let's just say I'm pretty fuckin happy at the mo'
For 3 years I worked 12hr shifts for $12ph 4 days a week whilst living in a 12*7 foot room in a town of 200 people in the middle of the outback (Australia) . Best fuckin time in my life.

What you saw in that suburb wasn't money, its a better/different path. search for that and the money will follow.
The shit you own ends up owning you. It's only when you lose everything that you're truly free to do anything...

The Japanese have an old saying about money: "A wise man wears his silk kimono inside, and his cotton kimono outside."

Money means different things to different people, and my view of it has evolved like the OP's. I see it now as more of a vehicle to peace of mind and freedom, rather than enabling me to shop till I drop and drive a fancier car.

Money means that when a bill comes that's large and scary, I don't have to put it out of sight and brood about it. I can write a check and dispense with it.
Money means never waiting for the next shoe to drop. It's peace of mind not worrying about what the bill will look like.
Money means I can take advantage of a compelling low airfare offer. Book it, and get a cheap hotel. It's freedom to pick up and go where I please, not doing it too lavishly because the cheap places to stay are the most interesting after all.
Money means what's broken can be fixed. No more panicking when the rains come, worrying about the leaky roof. Etc.

So to me, money is less about buying stuff, and more about quality of life. I think that you are less owned by your possessions when using it to increase quality of life.
My incident was finding out my wife was pregnant.

No money and a kid on the way is pretty motivating.

Money does buy happiness , don't let anyone fool you , becuase happiness is a pretty easy thing to get a hold on. However , money can't buy true security, that only comes when you know that no matter what happens in life , God is going to take care of you.
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