I haz compuuuuterz

1) VPS's don't need to be external, you can setup your own locally. Shit, you could have one machine running VMWare 5x per box if you wanted.

2) That's over 1,000 watts of power right there. Depending on where you live, that could end up costing you an extra $600/month in power.

3) 1,000 watts is a shitload of heat, that room is going to overheat like a motherfuck, and you're going to start having hdd failures.

4) You're probably going to piss off your ISP if you're doing any decent amount of scraping.

5) You'd have been better off collocating those laptops, 10 amps and 20U would have done it, plus you could have spaced them an inch apart, and let someone else deal with the cooling. Should be able to find someone willing to supply your colo needs for under $400/month.

Erm, but an OK laptop costs atleast 600-700$, so you paid over 10 000 $ for those 17 Laptops ?

I highly doubt OP was foolish enough to do that. I worked as a contractor for a major department store rolling out new computers to all their staff, I ended up scoring about 10 decent laptops for free that were otherwise going to be thrown in the bin or recycled. Could be something along those lines...
Regardless of my thoughts on how unpractical i think this setup is, i think you should at least invest in some KVM switches and vga cables.

Then you can use the same Monitor / Keyboard / Mouse for all the laptops and switch between them at the click of a button.

I like how they're all sunbathing precariously by the edge of the desk while that rack they're all on bows under their weight.

Let us know which happens first -- you knock them all off the desk, or that shelf finally breaks.
Haha, you faggots can hate all you want. This setup gets the job done for me. I don't give a flying fuck that I paid $300 per machine. To me it's worth it. I pay for all these machines, combined, before I wake up one morning.

You fucking peasants can keep on judging, this setup brings me $10k-$20k each day, pure profit.
I like how they're all sunbathing precariously by the edge of the desk while that rack they're all on bows under their weight.

Let us know which happens first -- you knock them all off the desk, or that shelf finally breaks.

Yeah, because 100 lbs is just so easy to knock off the desk. dumb ass.
Yeah, because 100 lbs is just so easy to knock off the desk. dumb ass.

Dumb ass -- your the one that put all his eggs in one basket. So what is the half-life of that fucking over stressed shelf?

PS: option 3 you leave the window open and it rains it all over them.
Dumb ass -- your the one that put all his eggs in one basket. So what is the half-life of that fucking over stressed shelf?

PS: option 3 you leave the window open and it rains it all over them.

I am literally LOL. Yup, my machines are just going to magically explode. Yeah, if that shelf fails, that 3" drop is going to fuck some shit up! (I apologize, I'm laughing out loud again!)

Do you actually think I give a shit about these machines? They have been running strong for months without any problems. And if any of them failed (which none of them will) it will be pocket change for me to replace them. Fuck, I pay for these shitty Compaq's before I wake up each morning.
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I think what people are saying (in more unfriendly terms) is that you could

a) Make MORE money
b) make your life easier
b) Reduce risk (HDD failure, overheating, general hardware problems)

By using a different setup (virtual servers, for example)

^ This. Glad there is at least one person on this forum with a creative mind.

You are correct, this forum does not have much people with creative mind. They all are just 'peasants' as you said.

Post this thread in WaFo, DP - There the people will just say "wow, great", "nice laptops sir", and will make your day. But here in WickedFire the people are suggesting better alternatives and your ego does not want to admit them.
Haha, you faggots can hate all you want. This setup gets the job done for me. I don't give a flying fuck that I paid $300 per machine. To me it's worth it. I pay for all these machines, combined, before I wake up one morning.

You fucking peasants can keep on judging, this setup brings me $10k-$20k each day, pure profit.

  1. WHOIS your address
  2. Hire a team to steal laptops
  3. ???
  4. Make 10-20k each day
Thank you for insight, sir.
Haha, you faggots can hate all you want. This setup gets the job done for me. I don't give a flying fuck that I paid $300 per machine. To me it's worth it. I pay for all these machines, combined, before I wake up one morning.

You fucking peasants can keep on judging, this setup brings me $10k-$20k each day, pure profit.

Dude, they aren't even plugged in (no power cables). No network either - are they all running wireless? flooding your wireless bandwidth and using all your (and your neighbors) channels?

You could have such a better setup cheaper and easier, not to mention on different IP's - choose different vps providers and get different c class networks even.. each vps then has waaay more than 100mpbs divided by 17, less wireless network congestion. Each one of those machine would be lucky to push 4 mbps.

There's a thousand better ways to do it, but I just think we're being trolled and you took a photo of your high school class laptops or something.
Laptops overheat like a fucker with the lid down on high intensity processing. Although without a powercable plugged in you should be ok