...I am fat - Please Help

At wiredniko:

Do this:

Set measurable goals. Not "lose weight," but "lose 50 lbs. by XX-XX-XX." Do this for weight, regular exercise, diet, drink, etc. Make them realistic.

Post your goals so we can see them. We will hold you accountable. If you miss your goals, we'll call you a loser. If you hit your goals, you'll be healthier, happier, and more productive (we may still call you a loser).

That way, we'll know you're serious. Right now, you're a talker. That's not bad because it's a start. That's what everybody is until they take action.

So, set goals, post them, and take action.

Let's see if you've got what it takes.

I'd recommend getting a membership at a crossfit affiliate in your area. Combine that with the paleo diet you mentioned and you'll be kicking ass in no time.

The reason I mention a crossfit gym is because you'll become part of a community. The people there will give you a reason to come back to the gym, hold you accountable and give you the motivation to succeed. You're going to need a good support group around you to make the changes you're looking for and there's no better group than a crossfit group.
I don't think you have to do anything drastic, start with small changes. I lost 10 lbs quickly by just eliminating those things that I thought were easiest to eliminate. I counted calories and found a healthy (or at least healthier) snack that I would eat between meals to keep me from overeating at those points of the day. I also changed the times that I eat. I was eating right before bed, I changed it to about two hours before bed, and if I was hungry, I would turn to my favorite healthy snack to help me out.

I think you would be surprised at how many calories and how much you can actually eat daily as a male. I was still eating a lot of the same things I was beforehand, but in certain areas I would make my selections a little bit differently so that the calories were less. For example, I replaced a bean burrito with two hard shell tacos.
Good luck Niko! I'm in the same boat that Chianti was. Have been super sedentary for over 10 years and want to go from 175lbs to 145lbs. I'm glad to see that people have come from where I am and are working on improving their health.

Enough advice has been spouted out in here so I won't repeat everyone else.

The one major thing you have to remember is that there is no such thing as "going on a diet" because once you stop, you get fat again.

Being a healthy weight is a Lifestyle and Mindset Change. Stop submitting to cravings, stop hating the mirror and scales, stop making fucking excuses. Unless you change the way you think, you'll never change the way you look.
I'd recommend getting a membership at a crossfit affiliate in your area. Combine that with the paleo diet you mentioned and you'll be kicking ass in no time.

The reason I mention a crossfit gym is because you'll become part of a community. The people there will give you a reason to come back to the gym, hold you accountable and give you the motivation to succeed. You're going to need a good support group around you to make the changes you're looking for and there's no better group than a crossfit group.

At 293 pounds this dude shouldn't be anywhere near a Crossfit gym. That stuff is way too intense for someone out of shape and not prepared for it.
watch "2 girls and a cup" when u wake up in the morning. then go jogging.

watch it again in the afternoon. then go jogging.

snack on some oats in the evening

at night go masterbate for 20minutes then watch the video again.
Lol at oldgym, I like it!

Alternatively make some very small changes that might not seem like much but will turn out to be in the long run (a thousand mile journey starts with a single step...)

Buy a george foreman grilling machine - the big one. Learn to cook your own food on it - sliced new potatoes with olive oil instead of french fries, various vegetebales chargrilled, chicken or turkey breasts, hell even steaks go on there.

Cooking on it is easier than you think, washing up us minimal and the food won'ttaste of sawdust or rabbit food.

At the same time start writing down everything you eat - everything.
every meal, every snack, every day. do this in excel or something and for each food write down the carb, protein and fat content.
Don't worry about eating super lean diet shit just write down everything you currently eat. You'll gain a much greater awareness of what's actually going into your body over a period of a couple of weeks and i guarantee you will be surprised and become easily motivated to leave some of it out.
You'll actually ENJOY leaving out some of the less healthier stuff. Awareness is a funny thing.

If you get the chance and it is a realistic proposition hang out with people a little bit fitter than yourself. Not michael Johnson or lance armstrong but someone who does just a little bit more exercise than you do. Go on bike rides, walks, hikes with other people who's company you enjoy. Hell even chop wood or clear snow of the path, whatever.
If you can find a class you enjoy then that would be amazing - Aikido, mma, boxing, soccer, swimming, anything. Your body has evolved over millions of years to be social, mobile and active (or 6000 if youre full on xtian!) but either way it will be happier if it gets to move about a bit in the company of other similar people.

Good luck and make the changes very slowly and relaxed and they are more likely to become permanent.
My habits:
Exercise = 0
Drink wise: water and about 1-4 cokes a day
Food wise: I never cook.

But lets take today.

Breakfast: 1 coke, 1 cup of milk cookies
Lunch: 1 coke, chips, BBQ sandwitch

That is not a lot, compared to what others eat (I have seen their lists). So, you most likely have a very slow metabolic rate.
Which means: you need to be extra careful about your diet, and need to exercise that extra bit.

Just like what all others have been telling you:

Disregard coke, acquire muscles.
This may get you killed, but shit it might work.

Go crazy and drink coke for one day. No, better yet FORCE urself. It's like working out, when you can't take another one, just force yourself to drink one more.

I remember how I used to love fast food like a mofo. I have no idea if my momma did this intentionally but she basically started feeding me fastfood nonstop for like a week. I'm talking all 3 meals fast food. I had to beg her to stop and make me some normal food cause shit I was gettin sick of it.

After that, I never "craved" fast food again. Well, not as much at least.

*not responsible if dead.
Here's some motivation.

Do you want fucking diabetes for the rest of your life..... assuming you don't already have it.

But you sound pretty fucking close to it @ 1-4 cokes a day + other junky sugars combined with your weight at 5"10, 293 gives you a shitty body mass index.

You are the best possible candidate for diabetes a long with numerous other threats to your health.

Harsh to hear it that way but you can't procrastinate your own health.
on the other hand - you're already big and probably not very healthy, so instead of going back to being skinny and healthy just push forward and live up the next 5-10 years you got. Drink 10 cokes a day, eat cookies and shit, whatever makes you happy :)
You're probably getting even more info here - if ur overwhelmed about the info online it might be overwhelming, but it's up to you...

It really is a mental thing.

All it takes is a 'flip of the switch' in your mental thinking. Flip it and you will be fine. Don't flip that switch for change and nothing will happen.

...same reason people don't quit smoking even if they 'try' and fail... they haven't really flipped their mental switch to REALLY want to change.

good luck to you!
Of course the hardest thing... is to stick to it for months and up to a year to see serious results.

Being able to make yourself be consistent with which ever plan you choose... that's the real secret to getting shit like this done.

In my experience, just blindly sticking to something gets me best results. No second thoughts, no doubts.

So even if on a certain day you don't get your meals right, don't use that as an excuse to not do your cardio.

Or if you don't do your cardio for whatever reason, don't use that an excuse to not eat right.

Also, don't weight yourself constantly.

Another thing: the most important part of this is the decision you'll make. See, everything follows from the commitment at the start. And I'm not talking about getting pumped up and all hyped. That sticks for a few minutes and fades away as quickly as it came. I'm talking about making a decision that this is going to be a part of your life from now on for say 4 months or whatever. Just accept it and execute no matter what.
I lost 100 Pounds+ In the last 10 months.

But the only way to make this work, is too jump both feet in. There is NO way around this. Just cutting out soda/sweets won't do it. Jogging once a day, everyday, won't do it.

For you It's 80% Diet 20% Exercise, and Exercise isn't even that important.

I did the Atkins for 1 Month, Then after that I carb Cycled. With a Healthy SouthBeach(Low glycemic diet).

Everything You need is here: Forum.bodybuilding.com

Bodybuilders have known about almost every diet in existence years before these fads books came out. This site is 100% guaranteed to help you get fit, and even get that 6pack if your up to it. They have about 6 different diets or "cuts" here, choose one. Doing Atkins then SouthBeach isn't a bad way to do either. You'll find out sooner or later losing weight is about one thing, and one thing only. Calories IN Vs Calories OUT!

your competition isn't fat and will live longer

don't give them an advantage!
Seriously watch this its fucking awesome.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UizlkbS61mQ&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Success...How Bad Do You Want It?[/ame]

My advice was repeated by most other people but here goes anyway.

First change what you are eating.

No Fastfood (No McD's, No Tacos, No KFC Chicken on Chicken sandwiches)
No Sugar (no candy, no processed/refined sugar, no cakes, no donuts)
No Soda (no diet, no sugar-free, NO SODA)
No Junkfood (chips, fries, instant crap, pop tarts, hot pockets)
No High Sodium Food (caned soups, cup of noodle this shit has 100% of your sodium per meal)
No Frozen Meals (Lean or other wise, read the labels its all just marketing the same shit. You WILL NOT lose weight on lean cuisine's)
NO exceptions.

Diet shit is still shit, sugar free still has some chemical sweetener. You have to totally cut your self off from all of this bullshit that is pushed on us by food marketers. Read the labels on everything!

Second find some physical activity you like.

You will never get though px90 to start off with. Shit I can't make it though px90 its a scam for 98% of ppl that try it. Try walking. Hate walking? Get a bike. Hate biking? Try something else. You have to enjoy yourself or you will stop doing it after a few days. I can't even go to a gym for a week before I stop going out of boredom. Personally I like my bike, paddle board, and kayak. It doesn't feel like you are forcing your self to work out if you are enjoying it.

Since you are nearly 300lbs you should find something that is also low impact. I would highly recommend "urban rebounding" aka a mini trampoline ($39-$80 amazon) its silly, kinda fun, and you can do it any time. It also burns HUGE amounts of calories compared to walking. Its low impact and I see it a lot on weight loss shows. Start with that, then move to a bike, then hit the gym if needed. Without a proper cardio base you will just kill your self trying to go heavy weight lifting or something hardcore to start. Work up to it.

This is gold. I used to be almost 300 pounds, and Im down to about 240 now. This advice is awesome.

My main exercise is just in place bodyweight exercises (similar too alot of p90x exercise) but I didnt start with that. I would start with just walking.

O and.. someone mentioned women being a motivation. Dude it really helps. You dont even have to be in super great shape... Just cut down so you dont look huge and you will get a hell of a lot more action :D
Dude Just start smoking the crack -- I have never seen a fat crack head.
