...I am fat - Please Help

The thing is I consider myself intelligent enough to figure things out but the diet industry is so fucked up with so much conflicting information I am not sure what is legit and what is actually bad for you.

Yeah, you're so smart and the diet industry has got you so confused that you think Coca Cola and cookies is a good way to start the day. Give me a break.

My habits:
Exercise = 0
Drink wise: water and about 1-4 cokes a day
Food wise: I never cook.

But lets take today.

Breakfast: 1 coke, 1 cup of milk cookies
Lunch: 1 coke, chips, BBQ sandwitch

Not a normal day, I don't eat cookies a lot, but I craved them. At the same time if that was not it, I would probably eat something equally horrible.

And for the record I am not pretending that I am eating properly and not losing weight, just having issues of figuring out the path I need to follow.

But yet anything away from this would be a positive step.

Cut the shit and keep your mind straight, losing weight and making money has the same concept. If you don't put any effort in it and motivate yourself you will fail and die miserable.

So enjoy your last coke for a while tonight, shit even drink 4 cans if you want cause starting tomorrow you're just gonna drink water and tropicana orange juice. It will be hard for like the 1st week but you're gonna stop craving soda instantly.

I use to drink 2-4 sprites and grape soda/day and one day I just quit and started drinking water now I've been soda free for 4 months except on my dad's bday since it was special occasion I drank 1 orange coke.

So just put it in your mind that soda is slowly killing you and clotting your arteries and you won't get skinny if you keep drinking it. For real you'll lose atleast 5 pds just drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day in 1-2 months. If you don't I'll pay you $50 lol. /rant
Oral stage: Birth - 18 months (approx.)

Physical focus: mouth, lips tongue (sucking). Sucking is the primary source of pleasure for a newborn. Everything goes in the mouth. Sucking = food.
Psychological theme: dependency. A baby is very dependent and can do little for itself. If babies needs properly fulfilled can move onto the next stage. But if not fulfilled baby will be mistrustful or over-fulfilled baby will find it hard to cope with a world that doesn't meet all of his/her demands.
Adult character: highly dependent/highly independent. If baby becomes fixated at this stage Freud felt that he or she would grow to be an oral character. Mostly these people are extremely dependent and passive people who want everything done for them. However Freud also suggests that another type of oral character is the person who is highly independent and that when under stress the orally fixated person may flip from one type to the other. This exemplifies Freud's doctrine of opposites.
-Smoking, eating, etc etc etc...
Stop going through the isles of the supermarket. All real food is on the outside, isles are almost all junk shit. Quit coke completely. And start cooking. Don't even need to exercise for now.
It seems that there are two schools of thought.
1. Exercise like a maniac, eat 6-8 meals a day (most Fitness / Gym type of diets)
2. Exercise like a wuss, do not eat any carbs. (Primal diet, Caveman diet, Paleo diet)

I keep going to the grocery store trying to buy healthy foods...and they end up rotting in my fridge.

Sorry to say this, but I don't think it's going to work out for you. You're looking at these foods/diets as it's some strange foreign land. Something that you're 'forced' to dip into occasionally while you're looking to lose weight. Even the words "healthy foods" needs to be reframed as "normal foods". The "lifestyle" you grew up with is wrong. It's hard to understand that for somebody who wants to turn around because it is everywhere all around them. In no particular order: hfcs, sugar, fast food, processed food, breads, potatoes (yes i said potatoes), vending machines, dining out, etc. These are all abnormal activities.

Once you reframe the way you think about eating processed foods as gross and tasteless, and dining out as a completely asinine social activity, you can look towards having a sustainable body type/image.
For meals stay away from too many carbs (bread, potatoes, etc). With every meal eat a healthy portion of vegetables and for exercise stay away from anaerobic exercise such as lifting a weight and then resting. Instead, do body weight exercises, do a set of push ups and immediately do body weight squats. From there do pull ups and when completed head straight to do jumping jacks. It is important to keep the heart rate up and to be constantly challenging your body. This is how you get results.

This shouldn't be complicated.

Stop eating so much shit.

Start exercising.


Don't give excuses, life doesn't accept excuses.

Just get off of your fat ass and do something.

Excuses are for fat people and the gays.
It's just basic science, calories in and calories out. If you want to eat a lot of calorie high foods / drink then you need to burn it off, no way round it really. One other good thing is that if you do start to train then you will probably crave the crap less anyway.
What helped me was Tennis. I focking hate running long distances, so the gym didn't motivate me much.

So, find a sport you like, it could be one that you like to watch or one that you've enjoyed when you were younger, and then join a newbie course of the sport in your local community. You'll find people in the same boat as you, as I did. I made friends and hitting partners. Nothing beats having fun and exercising at the same time!

Without Tennis I would be a mega fat mother father.
For meals stay away from too many carbs (bread, potatoes, etc). With every meal eat a healthy portion of vegetables and for exercise stay away from anaerobic exercise such as lifting a weight and then resting. Instead, do body weight exercises, do a set of push ups and immediately do body weight squats. From there do pull ups and when completed head straight to do jumping jacks. It is important to keep the heart rate up and to be constantly challenging your body. This is how you get results.



It's good to eat plenty of carbs - they just need to be whole grains. The majority of calories should come from carbs.

Also, lifting heavy weights is the #1 way to lose weight and the center of any serious weight loss program.
My advice was repeated by most other people but here goes anyway.

First change what you are eating.

No Fastfood (No McD's, No Tacos, No KFC Chicken on Chicken sandwiches)
No Sugar (no candy, no processed/refined sugar, no cakes, no donuts)
No Soda (no diet, no sugar-free, NO SODA)
No Junkfood (chips, fries, instant crap, pop tarts, hot pockets)
No High Sodium Food (caned soups, cup of noodle this shit has 100% of your sodium per meal)
No Frozen Meals (Lean or other wise, read the labels its all just marketing the same shit. You WILL NOT lose weight on lean cuisine's)
NO exceptions.

Diet shit is still shit, sugar free still has some chemical sweetener. You have to totally cut your self off from all of this bullshit that is pushed on us by food marketers. Read the labels on everything!

Second find some physical activity you like.

You will never get though px90 to start off with. Shit I can't make it though px90 its a scam for 98% of ppl that try it. Try walking. Hate walking? Get a bike. Hate biking? Try something else. You have to enjoy yourself or you will stop doing it after a few days. I can't even go to a gym for a week before I stop going out of boredom. Personally I like my bike, paddle board, and kayak. It doesn't feel like you are forcing your self to work out if you are enjoying it.

Since you are nearly 300lbs you should find something that is also low impact. I would highly recommend "urban rebounding" aka a mini trampoline ($39-$80 amazon) its silly, kinda fun, and you can do it any time. It also burns HUGE amounts of calories compared to walking. Its low impact and I see it a lot on weight loss shows. Start with that, then move to a bike, then hit the gym if needed. Without a proper cardio base you will just kill your self trying to go heavy weight lifting or something hardcore to start. Work up to it.
By Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, do routine, lose weight, get strong.

Just stop being lazy and do something about it instead of talking about it.
Hey Niko,

I just lost 8kg (17 lbs) in 10 weeks. Another 4kg to go. I'm trying to get from 82kg (180lbs) to 70kg (154lbs) after 9 years of over eating and sedentary lifestyle. I didn't 'diet' as such, just changed my habits:

- small portions on small plates.
- four or five portions a day. No snacks.
- gave up wine, cheese and crisps completely.
- looked at labels in supermarket and did not buy anything with >4% fat.
- tried to buy stuff with low kcal.
- shopped for salad every three or four days in a nice little grocery shop (delicious compared to supermarket crap). Top Tip - keep lettuce as dry as possible and don't cut it until you need it, but prepare a huge bowl of other salad stuff and keep it in the fridge in Tupperware.
- If I found myself opening the fridge, I'd just remind myself to grow some fucking balls. If I really had to eat something, I'd cut celery into chunks (zero calories) and eat them like a bowl of crisps/chips. Low fat veg soup is also good for just filling the stomach for a couple of hours. But most of the time I just say 'fuck it', and close the fridge; if you just wait for 15 minutes the hunger pang goes. Opening the fridge is just a stupid habit - we're like Pavlov's bloody dogs.

I thought I'd really miss all the unhealthy snack stuff, and especially the cheese and wine, but actually I didn't. The food I replaced them with is delicious. The first few weeks I got really hungry, but I have a theory that during that time my stomach was shrinking due to the small portions; eventually my appetite lessened, and the hunger pangs dwindle to very easy, manageable levels. Sometimes I skip meals now without even realising it.

The other thing I started doing was podrunner (first day to 5k). It's fucking great, even though I HATED running before. Thirty minutes a day is nothing. Make sure you get some decent shoes, and stretch your ankle, shin, and ham muscles like a bastard for a full five minutes before you leave the house to avoid pain ('shin splints'). If your knee hurts, put it on ice and stop running for a day or two. I tried it on a running machine and had great results too.

Note that I didn't lose much weight for the first three weeks, and was really frustrated. But when it started shifting, it really dropped off. Just keep at it to get over that initial bump. It is basically down to arithmetic - intake is 1500-1800 kcal. The run only burns 200 kcal off of that, but more importantly helps stamina, muscle building, metabolism and general mindset. As you see, it's not necessary to spend hours in the gym if your intake is low enough.

If you need monetary motivation, take a picture of your stomach every month, and start putting together a weight-loss site. Make an ebook about your success, build a list, and start slinging some health products. Use your own experience to get into that niche/vertical. It's been done to death, but you can maybe come up with a different approach, and bring your own ideas to the table.

Ensure you don't see it as something you're going to have to only do for a few months though. Get into a rhythm, a routine, of eating and exercise that you enjoy and can sustain. Think lifestyle change, rather than diet regime. I feel much better and have loads more energy and motivation, after nine years of being a sloth.
Empty your cabinets go to the store. Low carbs, under 60 a day, 10,000 steps a day, 80 oz of water a day.

Track weight daily here and we will support or rip you a new one depending on how you do