...I am fat - Please Help

For meals stay away from too many carbs (bread, potatoes, etc). With every meal eat a healthy portion of vegetables and for exercise stay away from anaerobic exercise such as lifting a weight and then resting. Instead, do body weight exercises, do a set of push ups and immediately do body weight squats. From there do pull ups and when completed head straight to do jumping jacks. It is important to keep the heart rate up and to be constantly challenging your body. This is how you get results.

I don't think at 293 he would be able to do those exercises. He should start by eating less and losing some weight before getting into exercising.

This thread quasi-motivated me. Im in my senior year of highscool, and I have physically felt like shit. In the summer I work 70+ hour weeks with my friends. When we aren't working we are either partying or hanging out at the beach. I saw the computer/TV no more than 15 minutes daily this summer. I barely had time to eat. I'd miss meals on a consistent basis. Sometimes lunch would be 7pm and dinner would be 4am. I felt physically fantastic. My other years of highschool I threw shotput so I got some physical activity in everyday. This year I got a desk-job at a local IT company so i can leave school 3 hours early. My daily routine has been wakeup, go to school, chill at home for an hour working on IM, go to work for 4 hours, come home, do homework, work on IM for a few hours, sleep. All of this means minimal physical activity. On the weekends I play hockey with friends, but that's only once a week. I've been telling myself I was going to start running, but I kept telling myself I'd start the next day. Halfway through reading this I jumped on the treadmill and ran 1.5 miles. Now that I've started I have to do it every night.

Please... criticize my diet.
First off, I drink nothing but water/oj. I stopped drinking soda 3 years ago and realized how sick it made me. Although, if I am at chipotle I will get some lemonade because it is so damn good with mexican food.

It is the school year, and I eat a ton because I am bored half the time.
Breakfast everyday before school- Ham Sandwich on the drive into school. Why a ham sandwich? Because it's easy to eat while driving.
While in school I will normally have one of this small packages of pringles, 4 chips ahoy and 6 of those square peanutbutter cheddar crackers.
For lunch i have a sandwich with just PB, then tastycakes and oreos.
Dinner is whatever the hell my mom makes.
Then a bowl of ice cream before bed.

I am not so much concerned with losing weight. I'm 6 ft and 180 pounds. Not too bad. I am just trying to feel physically well. Any advice?
I sleep 4-5 hours a night and am 15 years old.

Could there be any adverse effects?
WTF at 15 you should be sleeping 8hrs+ and weekends wake up at 12pm and shit. Cause 13-18 is when you need the most sleep cause that's when your body is in climax of developing. You should get some sleeping pills or drink melatonin
I sleep 4-5 hours a night and am 15 years old.

Could there be any adverse effects?

I did that when I was 15. Thought it was cool staying up til 1 then waking up at 530 for school. I ended up getting sick(like 10 day really sick- sick) 3 times that year. By the end of the school year I felt like ass. You may seem fine but it's really bad for your health. I dont have to wake up for school until 652 anymore, but I am still going to bed at 10 on a good night. Feels nice
Goddamn will people stop telling this guy to stay away from carbs? Some of you have read one too many dieting e-books or other rubbish.

OP - just eat a healthy, balanced diet and don't eat too much.
My productivity goes out the window when I start getting under 8 hours of sleep each night.

OP - Replace all the coke in your life with water and you'll probably start losing some weight.
try LeanSpa Acai, if ya know what i mean ;)

On a serious note, try to improve your diet first. In my experience, improving diet has more positive effect than simply exercising.
There's too much idiocy in this thread and the original post for me to waste too much time. You clearly haven't done enough homework and haven't read enough.

This is more or less the lifestyle I live
Definitive Guide: The Primal Blueprint | Mark's Daily Apple

Eat no carbs? Workout like a wuss? Where the fuck are you reading that? That couldn't be further from what I do.

The book, "In Defense of Food" basically sums it up like this: "Eat real food. Mostly plants. Not too much". It's a good read, I recommend you check it out.

I like the way Dexterium describes things here too:

On one end, it's not that fucking complicated. Do as the quote and blueprint listed above says. On the other end, you should become a student of your body and figure it out on a micro level. A calorie is NOT just a calorie. Hell, a carb is NOT just a carb either (see below video). If it was that simple, Oprah wouldn't be a hog every 6 months.

Another favorite:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM"]YouTube - Sugar: The Bitter Truth[/ame]
Since this thread is still going on, I feel the need to repeat what each person is essentially saying.

-Stop eating like shit.
-Stop drinking like shit (such as pop and alcohol).
-Exercise. Anything is better than nothing. Try to get at least 30 minutes per day.
-Get plenty of rest. Try to shoot for 8 hours of sleep per night.


Get hooked on some rock and watch the pounds shed right off!
Check out Good Calories, Bad Calories:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1400033462]Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health[/ame]
Niko my man.
i say go all the way, why half ass it? if you gave 100% it would be one of the more rewarding efforts of your life. if you have the discipline and analytical abilities required for AM, then you can apply that into this endeavor.

-know your daily caloric intake and what you should be aiming for.

-give up your fucking cokes, and shitty carbs in general. i stick to oats, fruits, and veggies. fruits are now your "sweets", but dont over do it. try to stay under 100 grams of carbs a day, and have them before 6 pm.

-eat lean proteins and a moderate amount of healthy fats, such as: almonds, olive oil, coconut oil, avacado, etc...

-exercise is less important than diet.

-being fat sucks.
rapidshare: Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle - Tom Venuto

I do recommend reading it cover to cover. This is specifically about losing fat while maintaining muscle. Very different from losing weight. Just because you're losing pounds, that's not necessarily a good thing, because you could be burning up good muscle mass. I followed this book, bought a body fat caliper, food scale, radically changed how I ate, exercised a little, and went from 185 pounds, 22.3% body fat to 174 pounds, 16.4% body fat in less than 6 weeks. Every pound I lost was fat, no muscle loss - you learn how to calculate body composition using a scale and body fat caliper, its really simple. I did get down to 11% but that took a lot more time because I plateaued.

The curse is actually knowing that I can cut down in a few weeks at any time now. So I say fuck it and drink tons of booze and eat whatever the fuck I want and then am like shit. I'm fat again. Time to cut.

Food was cheap too - you can get by dirt cheap living on a huge bag of brown rice from the asian market, chicken breasts and broccoli from Sams Club. Sprinkle some cheese in there too, you'll learn you need the fat.
This all comes from personal experience with weight management:

1. Stop thinking of exercise as a way to lose weight, and start thinking of it as something you MUST do daily (like brushing your teeth, taking a shower, etc).

2. Keep your workouts short (20-40min), only take 1 day off per week at the most. Cardio is the most important for weight loss, add weights later. Start slow, but don't stay comfortable.

3. IMPORTANT: It's ALL about calorie intake. Eating "healthy" usually just means there's less calories in those foods. Try to eat "healthy" as much as you can (for nutrition, and less calories), but it's not necessary for weight loss.

4. Use the calorie calculator here: Calorie Calculator - Daily Caloric Needs , consume a calorie number between the 'Extreme Fat Loss' and the 'Fat Loss'... its not as hard as you think to keep track of calories, everything is available on the back of foods or with a simple google search, you end up memorizing the calorie amounts quick for everything you eat.

5. Spread your meals throughout the day to avoid binging. Eat a small snack if you get hungry towards the end of the night. You will deal with hunger when you first drop your calorie intake, this is normal.

6. Stop buying junk food snacks to keep in your house, you'll just binge on it.

7. Stop drinking calories. Stop drinking regular soda, drink diet soda (0 calories) (stop being a baby, you get used to it fast).

Finally, don't expect to see dramatic results super quick (even though you might since you are quite overweight) ... sometimes it takes a few months for the results to really start kicking in. Be consistent and think of your workouts as life maintenance. You will be thin faster than you think.
Lots of good advice in here.

You need to make a paradigm shift too. It is best if you don't exercise for some goal.

You exercise and eat right because you have to.

Almost every day. Allow yourself some screwups but get back on it.

Look for some recipes that use meat and veggies and little processed food. Maybe pasta as a base but try to get away from that.

Shop like people said in the ends of the stores.

It looks like you are totally addicted to starches and sugar.

Try switching from coke to coffee with a few teaspoons sugar. At least then you can see the sugar in it and regulate down slowly.