How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Get?

Heh, slept 22 hours last night after being awake for 28 hours straight.

Nice. I slept 24 hours straight once when I was about 15 after celebrating new year for 3 days. :)

Also, when going through some tough times not too long ago, stayed up for 10 days straight (about 240 hours, give or take a few), all that while taking a double dose of ambien after a week. Now that I look at it, would be awesome if I could do it any time I wanted and be focused at the same time.

Holy shit. I'm glad you're ok! Too bad this wasn't closer to halloween, you could've made a badass Zombie costume with that wound.


I actually said the very same thing to my woman right after it happened.

I was thinkiing of the people who come at you with Chainsawa and the Zombies at Universal Studios!!!
Usually 7h, 8h would be optimum.

If you want to reset your sleep schedule, don't eat anything for 12-16 hours. When you eat again, your internal clock will reset and your body will consider this your new natural wake-up time.

That mechanism probably evolved to make sure that a starving animal doesn't go to sleep when it should be looking for food.

Easy way to reset your sleep cycle: Stop eating | Parenting Squad

You can also use it to adjust to different time zones more quickly, works for me at least.
Lights Out by T.S. Wiley is a good book on the subject.

Try to sleep with the natural cycles (more in the winter and less in the summer) and in complete darkness.

When it comes to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and depression, everything you believe is a lie.
Lights Out

With research gleaned from the National Institutes of Health, T.S. Wiley and Bent Formby deliver staggering findings: Americans really are sick from being tired. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and depression are rising in our population. We're literally dying for a good night's sleep.

Our lifestyle wasn't always this way. It began with the invention of the lightbulb.

When we don't get enough sleep in sync with seasonal light exposure, we fundamentally alter a balance of nature that has been programmed into our physiology since Day One. This delicate biological rhythm rules the hormones and neurotransmitters that determine appetite, fertility, and mental and physical health. When we rely on artificial light to extend our day until 11 PM, midnight, and beyond, we fool our bodies into living in a perpetual state of summer. Anticipating the scarce food supply and forced inactivity of winter, our bodies begin storing fat and slowing metabolism to sustain us through the months of hibernation and hunger that never arrive.

Our own survival instinct, honed over millennia, is now killing us.
6-8 hours depending on workout intensity and sunlight intake.

It's a blessing and a curse. Even if drinking liquor, I never sleep over 10 hours, my just body wont allow it.
6-7 in average, but if I'm working on some interesting project, it literally keeps me awake at night; 4 hours would be enough in that case. I exercise daily though, at least one hour of cardio, so this keeps me on my toes.

Ooh, and the keto diet...

Had been 3-4 for years with occasional 5 or so. Started stacking nootropics about 3 weeks ago and now 4-5 occasional 6. Amount of exercise has little effect.