How can the American people compete with $1.78/hr?

Apple has $97 Billion in cash reserves and has so much cash they can't figure out what to do with it all. Their factory workers make less than $300/month and the conditions are so bad they had to install safety nets to keep workers from killing themselves.

They pay almost no taxes, much lower rates than the standard US Business. Their intellectual property is owned by their foreign subsidiaries, thus most of their cash is sitting offshore tax-free. They have an army of lobbyists and accountants and they get special breaks in Washington.

Apple is a classic example of everything wrong with corporate America today.

Apple has $97 Billion in cash reserves and has so much cash they can't figure out what to do with it all. Their factory workers make less than $300/month and the conditions are so bad they had to install safety nets to keep workers from killing themselves.

That's the real problem w/ illegal immigration in 'murrica - the influx of workers working illegally are driving down the price of unskilled labor. "they took our jobs" is ridiculous
For a country that seems to relish being based on free market economics as compared to the commies in 'Yurope' there sure is a lot of complaining going on when other countries can play the free market game better and cheaper.
Yeah it's a pretty stupid thought. People want goods for as cheap as possible, basic economics.

If you ban American firms from outsourcing, then other non-American firms will do it (meaning American's lose more jobs). The non-American firms will import it to the US and sell it for just as cheap, if not cheaper than the American firms. What are you gonna do then? Ban Imports? ROFL.

What an American would do for a dollar, a mexican would do for 50 cents, a chinese would do for a dime. I understand the concept of economics. What I don't understand, is selling out our country. I just think it should be a law to require American companies, to use American labor (thus creating more jobs). For example; (here it comes) Germany's unemployment rate hit 15.5% but was then stable when hitler gave it back to its people - making unemployment 3.2%. I just think its bullshit that everything we wear is made offshore, jobs are outsourced, etc.

Apple isn't cheap and never has claimed to be, just the opposite, in fact. Apple has sick margins, they package dog shit with a good OS and pretty cases / designs and sell it for silly profits.

Agreed; "eye candy" is what sells it. The beautiful cases, sleek designs with shit on the inside.

Tookka jerb.

Apple has $97 Billion in cash reserves and has so much cash they can't figure out what to do with it all. Their factory workers make less than $300/month and the conditions are so bad they had to install safety nets to keep workers from killing themselves.

They pay almost no taxes, much lower rates than the standard US Business. Their intellectual property is owned by their foreign subsidiaries, thus most of their cash is sitting offshore tax-free. They have an army of lobbyists and accountants and they get special breaks in Washington.

Apple is a classic example of everything wrong with corporate America today.

A successful business indeed, but created from selling out to the lowest bidder. Similar to walmart, these bullshit corporations need to quit outsourcing. There's nothing wrong with 10billion in profit.. I mean for fuck sakes?

That's the real problem w/ illegal immigration in 'murrica - the influx of workers working illegally are driving down the price of unskilled labor. "they took our jobs" is ridiculous

Agreed. Even with "legal immigration", the mentality of the threat to the south is to work for less. Shit needs to stop imo
For a country that seems to relish being based on free market economics as compared to the commies in 'Yurope' there sure is a lot of complaining going on when other countries can play the free market game better and cheaper.

actually everyone is griping because American socialism, minimum wage and higher taxes have restricted the free market and forced labor overseas.

I'm less interested in the suicides and more interested in:

Apple has $97 Billion in cash reserves and has so much cash they can't figure out what to do with it all.

Where'd you get those numbers?
To be honest, this is the wrong way of looking at it. Why the hell are people allowed to work for such low wages?
Because they want to?

You think these people WANT to work for a dollar an hour? They do it because they HAVE to and big ass companies exploit this.

And the "took our job" lot can get to fuck, they have more opportunity than these people will ever have, yet they just sit on their fucking asses.
To be honest, this is the wrong way of looking at it. Why the hell are people allowed to work for such low wages?
Note to RoughOutline: Generally when making such an outlandishly troll-y statement it is best to leave a picture of a trollface at the end of your post.

Short of that you can just type the code: <trollface.jpg> at the end because we all know some basic HTML here...

Edit: Fuck... You were serious?

Plz go learn some economics before you start sounding like Obama.
Apple has $97 Billion in cash reserves and has so much cash they can't figure out what to do with it all. Their factory workers make less than $300/month and the conditions are so bad they had to install safety nets to keep workers from killing themselves.

This just made me think of a funny meme (well... I'd chuckle). Your patience is requested.

Apple has $90b and paid me $300 last month.


Just bought my first iPod.

Apple paid me $300 last month.


Beats the farm.

Apple has $90b and paid me $300 last month.



Apple paid me $300 last month.


You Hiring?

Apple has $90b and paid me $300 last month.


Human rights violation.

Apple has $90b and paid me $300 last month.


Going to get a Ph.d in economics.

Anyone? Anyone? This thing on?

{ crickets }
Note to RoughOutline: Generally when making such an outlandishly troll-y statement it is best to leave a picture of a trollface at the end of your post.

Short of that you can just type the code: <trollface.jpg> at the end because we all know some basic HTML here...

Edit: Fuck... You were serious?

Plz go learn some economics before you start sounding like Obama.

Put your e-penis away and calm down a bit, you're obviously getting all hot and bothered.

People work these jobs because even shit wages like that can supplement their low living costs, but even so the wages are still too low. In relative terms, what would a US citizen earn for that many hours worked?
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Give it 25-50 years, the prison industrial complex hasn't had time to catch up yet.

Once you're in, you work forced labor(pennies an hour) or face solitary confinement.

Injustice For All.