How can the American people compete with $1.78/hr?


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
How can the american people compete with $1.78 an hour? I'm tired of hearing "They take the jobs that the American people are unwilling to do", this is not the case as im sure many would love to have a job like this... But its not feasible to live off these wages in our country;

REF: A Trip to The iFactory: 'Nightline' Gets an Unprecedented Glimpse Inside Apple's Chinese Core - Yahoo! News

Note: I said "American people", not "white people" - so serious thoughts? Not just another race related thread of mine. lols.

didn't read the article, but i mean your title says it all.

I've been outsourcing to oDesk like its my job lately, and the quality of work for the price is unbeatable.

I personally think that as Americans, instead of complaining about the cheap work in other countries, we should instead use it to leverage ourselves into more powerful positions. Just like a lot of us do on here.

For the "American People" that are too busy watching jersey shore and dancing with the stars, they can keep complaining.
Wages aside, the US does not have the number of skilled workers needed for a plant of that size.

more people work at Foxconn's Shenzhen location than LIVE in Irvine, CA.
Not unless they remove the minimum wage. Most jobs like that would probably double or more in price for similar quality or more in the USA however it's illegal for US workers to do the job.
In america they would join unions, demand all sorts of shit, get fined by the gov, protested and fucked until they were out of business. Doubt they could even pay $1/hour here with that bullshit going on. Like posted above those jobs are illegal in the US anyways..
There is a clear solution: raise the minimum wage to $100 an hour.*

The economists/pols of the early 1900s offer intredasting insight. From Royal Meeker, who believed a minimum wage had a nice little population-control kicker built in:

'It is much better to enact a minimum wage law, even if it deprives these unfortunates of work…Better that the state should support the inefficient wholly and prevent the multiplication of the breed than subsidize incompetence and unthrift, enabling them to bring forth more of their kind.'
From Frank William Taussig, who thought the minimum wage was a good way to deal with society's malcontents...

'We have not reached the stage where we can proceed to chloroform them once and for all; but at least they can be segregated, shut up in refuges and asylums and prevented from propagating their kind.'
Quotes from Jeffrey Tucker here.

* I jest, of course. At least the economists/pols were honest about the goals of the minimum wage back then. lol
I got a better question.

Why the fuck would anyone in their right mind want to compete with people who are willing to, live in dorms, earn less then 2$ an hour, work more then 50 hours a week AND are proud of it.

Dont begrudge those folks there jobs. Instead ask wtf can I do that pays a hell of a lot better for a hell of a lot less work.

So EZ answer.

Dont fucking compete. Find something else to do.
The winner of a price war is the biggest loser.
Check out out 30 Days with Morgan Spurlock (the guy that did Super Size Me). He did an episode on this and I thought it was pretty eye opening.

It's on Netflix right now btw.
Wages aside, the US does not have the number of skilled workers needed for a plant of that size.

Skilled workers? It says in the article that they go from farming rice to the assembly line with three days training. That's not skilled labor.

The truth is that these jobs go to China because Apple's proxy companies can hire people and work them like slaves for less than $300/month.

Company dorms, company cafeteria, company store - it's got all the trimmings of a modern day cotton plantation with the exception that people are free to leave, but if they do they and their children don't eat.
2 years ago, I was considering buying a home in the Bahamas. I was reading up on the laws and it said you can vacation for 6 months, residency is only given full time if someone on the island cannot do the job your skilled in. With this said, I personally don't give a fuck about how or what those people are willing to work for or their living conditions are. I think maybe the american government should "only outsource jobs that the american people are not capable of doing"; otherwise it will constitute as a fine? Capable being the keyword, not willing. So a force of increase in price would be required so competition with lower-class countries wouldnt be taken into consideration.

I mean is this a stupid thought?

Everything's made in China, 99% of the dam clothes we wear despite what brand; are made from these foreign countries. I mean its something to think about.
Skilled workers? It says in the article that they go from farming rice to the assembly line with three days training. That's not skilled labor.

The truth is that these jobs go to China because Apple's proxy companies can hire people and work them like slaves for less than $300/month.

Company dorms, company cafeteria, company store - it's got all the trimmings of a modern day cotton plantation with the exception that people are free to leave, but if they do they and their children don't eat.

Why'd they stop farming rice then? Sounds like they are moving on up in the world, good for them!
I like my Apple products cheap, keep those jobs overseas.

I paid like 800 bux for my ipad, so thats anything but cheap. I can get a fast PC for like 600 bux; whereas apple's usually 2k+. so I dont see how this makes the products cheap, other than lining the pockets of the corporation.
2 years ago, I was considering buying a home in the Bahamas. I was reading up on the laws and it said you can vacation for 6 months, residency is only given full time if someone on the island cannot do the job your skilled in. With this said, I personally don't give a fuck about how or what those people are willing to work for or their living conditions are. I think maybe the american government should "only outsource jobs that the american people are not capable of doing"; otherwise it will constitute as a fine? Capable being the keyword, not willing. So a force of increase in price would be required so competition with lower-class countries wouldnt be taken into consideration.

I mean is this a stupid thought?

Everything's made in China, 99% of the dam clothes we wear despite what brand; are made from these foreign countries. I mean its something to think about.

Yeah it's a pretty stupid thought. People want goods for as cheap as possible, basic economics.

If you ban American firms from outsourcing, then other non-American firms will do it (meaning American's lose more jobs). The non-American firms will import it to the US and sell it for just as cheap, if not cheaper than the American firms. What are you gonna do then? Ban Imports? ROFL.
I paid like 800 bux for my ipad, so thats anything but cheap. I can get a fast PC for like 600 bux; whereas apple's usually 2k+. so I dont see how this makes the products cheap, other than lining the pockets of the corporation.

Apple isn't cheap and never has claimed to be, just the opposite, in fact. Apple has sick margins, they package dog shit with a good OS and pretty cases / designs and sell it for silly profits.
Im not going to complain about cheap overseas outsourcing... if you don't take advantage of it you're an idoit.