how are all of the oldschooler WF'ers doing these days?

I havent been on here in years, just checking back to see where people spend their monies these days. I'm old now, is buying links still a thing lol?

been a long ass time. I'm a youtuber with just about 500k subs teaching ui design / frontend dev. 2 daughters (10 and 7), wife's a surrogate right now for a couple in china, I ran a marathon last year, my lower back is all fucked up, and that's about it!

Congrats man.

Damn, this place still exists? :music06:
I'm STILL doing aff marketing, been at it since 2003! I'm basically retired but I still work just to keep my head busy. The AFF community isn't the same anymore. Wickedfire was the go to forum, now MAKE MONEY ONLINE is well known. Back then it was a secret that very even had an idea about now everyone wants toi have the laptop lifestyle. ??????
I'm down for a discord lol.

Might have to make it since Jon isn't doing fuckall these days.
Start a SaaS channel or marketing channel or something. I am sure a few of us will join.

Count me in if anything materializes.

Launched a startup where we build websites with thousands of articles via (semi-)automation and genAI. Some pretty awesome projects so far, including a few on epic domains.

Don't want to spam the URL here, you can see it under my username if you're curious. Running a Black Friday special until Monday just in case any actual humans read my post and want a nibble!
Count me in if anything materializes.

Launched a startup where we build websites with thousands of articles via (semi-)automation and genAI. Some pretty awesome projects so far, including a few on epic domains.

Don't want to spam the URL here, you can see it under my username if you're curious. Running a Black Friday special until Monday just in case any actual humans read my post and want a nibble!

Bro those prices seem.....WAAY too good to be true. Is it 99.99% AI? Do they actually rank these days? Seems like google hammered the shit outta blogs in the last update.
1st off, it's Great to be back on Wickedfire! In short:

This forum, among other resources was instrumental in me starting my 1st (online) business - affiliate marketing. (2009/2010) I'm still grateful. After that, as some of you may have heard, I had an affiliate network, then later did some IT, and consulting stuff over the years, while I developed 1 of my business ventures. Ask for the more detailed, long tail story and I'll let you know! This one business - a dating offer I've developed I've been building for 5 years.

The products are now finished. 1 is a BOOK, 3+ email submit(s), and the other is consulting. I've put so much effort into this, and it has taken me across the USA, and many trials and tribulations along the way, but now the product is finished - the book.

So this is essentially a dating offer, but for nerds.

As you'd imagine, I'm extremely critical of how I grow this business. Through word of mouth channels, I've already had some guys and professionals approach me on this, over the last couple years.
But, I'm now at this point, ready to SCALE with only the best affiliates/PPC. And I'm only looking to do so with dating affiliates who've proven their worth.

Since I'm now the owner of my own offer, yes, my margins are extremely high.

The CPS offer (the book) goes for at least $40. And this is being split tested at higher amounts as well. 1 sales channel is The last sale was to a fellow in Honduras!

I can offer commissions up to 65%, depending on what sort of LTV I'm getting from the traffic you provide, and the backend upsells. (30 day cookie applies)

For the email submit's, I can pay up to $3.50/lead. (My open rates are presently around 80% for my list.)

If you are currently running dating traffic, I will MATCH your current payouts with another 15% minimum added on top.

I'm looking for PPC, JV, mail, banner traffic only (on select sites).

It took me YEARS to build this, and I'm looking for only the best, who value their time, and can also approach this as a long term business decision.

Inquire within, or email me -
Bro those prices seem.....WAAY too good to be true. Is it 99.99% AI? Do they actually rank these days? Seems like google hammered the shit outta blogs in the last update.

Not 99.99% unfortunately, I would happily slash prices further if our AI overlords evolve so as to get me close to that. Still a fair bit of human input required, including stuff I have to handle myself.

I'm really good at all things content-related (old-timers can confirm) but mediocre at SEO, so I don't feel comfortable charging for that. As a courtesy, I share my 2 cents about this or that strategy free of charge if clients ask me to but that's about it.

Maybe down the road, I will join forces with another company, one that specializes in SEO. But I really don't want to, as I think it would lead to conflict of interest situations. For example, it would be in my best interest to get you up there in the SERPs as soon as possible so that you are impressed and order more, even if it means deploying BH link building on steroids... but if a penalty is on the other end of those 15 minutes of SERP fame, was it worth it? Probably not.

IMO, it's best to keep things separated. I want it to be obvious as soon as the site is unveiled if we did a good or bad job: thank you for your money, here's the website, come back if you want another. Add SEO to the mix and it can turn into a nightmare: one person will want blazing-fast results, another will want to take it slow. Or one person will want to be involved in the link building process, someone else will want us to handle everything. My stress levels go through the roof just thinking about this stuff, have more than enough responsibilities to juggle!

That being stated, glad to see there is at least SOME activity over here. No idea why they didn't just sell WF to someone who has the time it takes to give it some TLC...
Fair enough bro - SEO is a bitch and a half, and rarely worth it from what I've seen.

The experiment sounds insane and likely to work: post like 10K articles and see how much traffic you get.

Man, I'd flip that site for $XX,XXX. Why not do that? Might profit a hell of a lot more.
Hey there! I didn't get to see the old days, but I’d love to hear how things have changed and what it was like back then! How’s everyone doing?