Herman Cain

I'd feel bad for the normal working folks out there and since I don't like the poor getting fucked over I definitely couldn't ever vote for the guy, but facts be faced if cain became pres most of us would become a whole lot richer very quickly :)

I'd feel bad for the normal working folks out there and since I don't like the poor getting fucked over I definitely couldn't ever vote for the guy, but facts be faced if cain became pres most of us would become a whole lot richer very quickly :)


lol I have mixed feelings, on one hand i'm like hell yea 9% tax I'll take that, but then I see my friends out of college struggling to get full time work. They have a hard enough time making $20k a year without getting hit with a $1800 tax bill + 9% sales tax on top of state taxes.
Not sure if this is true, maybe that could be said a few months back but I think its getting closer by the day.

I don't think its getting close at all, in fact I think the gap is widening.

Sure you see polls where if you put obama up against a generic GOP candidate its almost even but thats a generic candidate.

Have you seen the republican candidates? lol
Why even waste your time voting? This guy just voided your vote. So you just wasted 2 hours of your life fucking around at the polling station because this guy or someone even worse than him has a vote which is equal to yours and nothing better to do than go vote. The whole thing is fucking stupid and a huge waste of time. The public is going to get assholed no matter who wins.

Considering that I'll go at 3 in the afternoon, before everyone else gets out of work and after the old shits go vote in the morning for Romney, the whole process will only take 10 minutes including the time it takes to get over to the polling place. If I can choose between jerking off or voting, why not go vote and get the sticker with the American flag that says, "I Voted"

Fuck it, if he loses we still win:

He'll likely finish in 3rd at the worst which ads plenty of credibility to his campaign and message.

The media looks like assholes because they've been ignoring the guy even though he's polling very well and finishes in the top 3. This means more people start ignoring CNN and doing their own fact finding.

And he still gets to advertise his message to millions of new people. If he loses this time around, C4L will grow 10 fold and next time (assuming the economy doesn't collapse on itself) we'll have an even better shot to elect Rand.
lol I have mixed feelings, on one hand i'm like hell yea 9% tax I'll take that, but then I see my friends out of college struggling to get full time work. They have a hard enough time making $20k a year without getting hit with a $1800 tax bill + 9% sales tax on top of state taxes.

Whether the plan is good or not I am not certain. But those $20K people are already paying 4%+ for Soc Secty as are their employers paying 6.2% - that's 10%+ right there. I believe there is also a credit applied to all taxpayers up front.
ron paul or bust. herman cain looks like a black panther.

and romney... anything but a mormon please.
"You could write a book on just how poor the coverage has been of the alleged housing bubble. The media have been foretelling a massive bust in housing prices for months...That kind of ignorance makes homeowners fear their most expensive possession could turn worthless overnight...That wont [sic] happen."
- Herman Cain, August 17, 2005
Source: Commentary: The Media Say the Economy Is Horrible, So It Must Be True
I think Jon was inspired by Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan when he came up with the WF SBT 36-36-36 plan.
Whether the plan is good or not I am not certain. But those $20K people are already paying 4%+ for Soc Secty as are their employers paying 6.2% - that's 10%+ right there. I believe there is also a credit applied to all taxpayers up front.

True but $800 is less than $1800, but I think what would hurt the most is the national sales tax + state sales tax especially since things like food and rent aren't excluded, at least not yet.
"You could write a book on just how poor the coverage has been of the alleged housing bubble. The media have been foretelling a massive bust in housing prices for months...That kind of ignorance makes homeowners fear their most expensive possession could turn worthless overnight...That wont [sic] happen."
- Herman Cain, August 17, 2005
Source: Commentary: The Media Say the Economy Is Horrible, So It Must Be True

I just read the link. He is saying that the homes will not become worthless overnight. They did not. They did lose significant value. I can give you a list a mile long of people that were in agreement with him, including the media that jumped on as the boom lasted 16 months after his column.

I am not a fan of any of the candidates but when comparing Cain to RomneyCare and Perry immigration stance..... Cain floats to the top of the bowl. What happened to Bachman? too crazy?
Of all that I've read on Cain, he seems like a upstanding guy and as a great mind for business.

We need someone that will run the country like a business, not like a community organizer.
Of all that I've read on Cain, he seems like a upstanding guy and as a great mind for business.

We need someone that will run the country like a business, not like a community organizer.

Run the country like a business? So we throw ethics and fairness out the window in favor of a deeply divided caste system? How is this good?
Run the country like a business? So we throw ethics and fairness out the window in favor of a deeply divided caste system? How is this good?
Not at all, just someone who realizes that spending money has consequences and it is better for all of us (whether you care to believe it or not) if the US has their finances in order.
Of all that I've read on Cain, he seems like a upstanding guy and as a great mind for business.

We need someone that will run the country like a business, not like a community organizer.
The goal of a business is to raise revenues and lower costs. Unfortunately, the gov is already really good at raising taxes, and horrible at cutting spending.

And he's a former FED chairman for christ's sake.

The average WF marketer could have made a more persuasive pitch than that commercial. The commercial says the Fed is secret and then has Paul mentioning all the specific amounts that were given to specific entities - where's the punch within the commercial that any of it is secret?

By the way, the foreign banks are interconnected with the US banks - does everyone think the foreign banks were bailed out in isolation and that there was not a domino effect that was being prevented?

Bad commercial. Made Cain look better than Paul.