have you seriously considered getting a 9 to 5 job in the past few months?

you're preaching to the choir buddy. I agree with everything you said. I was talking about getting a well paying 9 to 5 as away to eventually bounce back in the IM world stronger. Bills have to be paid man and this year has been rough for a lot of SEOs. This forum is full of proud people that don't want to admit they took a serious hit, but I see it on plenty of other IM forums... people have seen their entire empires crumble under these 3 major updates. This year has been the roughest SEO year in a decade. Now bills needs to be paid so I'm saying that maybe getting a 9 to 5 for a couple months would be a good alternative in order to fund new projects on the side and come back to the solo game with a better strategy... obviously relying on Google organic traffic was a bad idea but I think a lot of us did it because it WORKED for like 7 years straight. We all banked hard during that time and now it's not working anymore so we have to re-adjust our strategy.. nothing wrong with that.

You've been doing SEO for what, 7 years now? Is that what you're saying? The lesson you should have learned from this is that basing your entire business and income off strategies that revolved around the whims of a single corporation's for-profit search engine is a terrible, terrible idea. You put all of your eggs into one basket and it does not seem like you learned anything from it.

Maybe you need to consider the importance of diversification.

I wouldn't give up - I would just learn some new strategies. Build real brands that can be promoted through more traditional types of PR (as well as web) and it will be a lot more resilient against search engine algorithm changes.

Giving up and going to a 9-5 is some real beta male nonsense, and I didn't think this forum would have those sorts of people. I guess I was wrong.
You would be mad to go back for a job again! Every business goes through a rough time that does not mean you quit it and go back for a 9 - 5 job again.

Just my 2 cents, you decide what's best for you.
Better option for me has been to do some local freelancing on the side.

Getting paid decent sums quickly, rather than trickling in, is a motivating factor, however mainly its so I don’t feel as trapped in my own little ecosystem.

Seeing my design work on walls, on shelves, in the real world, was something I missed from my former job. Also there’s something really rewarding about getting up to speed on a totally new business model then churning out a surprising solution.

Clients can be a PITA when you’re doing creative because many have dull, dated taste in design and gravitate towards pedestrian executions. Some have a really tough time looking at design objectively.

I’m getting better at spotting those that are willing to take risks and quickly dropping clients that are either toxic, clueless or too conservative.

As I have all the money I need I can deal with clients with a “I’ll come up with the best solution I can - trust me or find someone else” approach. I’m afraid there’s no other way. Whenever I’ve been too flexible the results have been either mediocre or bad.
let's just say that in the past 2 years I have been very much involved in the "poppin bottles n' bangin models" (actually mostly fat chicks) kinda life.. not much was saved, I got too comfortable and thought I was gonna be able to milk these sites forever.. fuck.

You absolutely deserve to be in the shitty spot you are in and frankly you should be happy it happened while you are still young and can still rebound.
If you want someone to pat you on the head and tell you they love you, call your mom.

no but I expected some sympathy and understanding at least, jeez am I the only one that saw his empire crumble after these 3 updates? Everyone's acting like they cruised through these updates unharmed.
A nine to five isn't necessarily bad if you find something you like. I technically work 9 - 5 but I'm a programmer in a startup division at an established company. So it's not like most 9 - 5 jobs. It's more like, fucking awesome. We are a small team, we all have an entrepreneurial mindset and have our own side projects and whatnot. In fact, I've realized that I have infinitely more potential because now I've met other people who I can collaborate with. My mindset used to be a lone wolf outlook, what do I need partners for? Now I've realized that was naive.
no but I expected some sympathy and understanding at least, jeez am I the only one that saw his empire crumble after these 3 updates? Everyone's acting like they cruised through these updates unharmed.


The one's that did get hit and are going to recover didn't do ^, they got back to work.
you guys are harsh man..

How about you just shut the fuck up, buy a BST thread, and sell something?

Jesus fucking Christ.

This is why you're broke.

You don't have ANY initiative to do WHATEVER it takes.

Go get a job and as Kevin O'leary would say "here's why":
You're just as dimwitted as the people you think you don't deserve to work with and you just don't know it. The honest truth is that you're no different than all of the dopes who made money as house flippers, real estate agents, and mortgage brokers from 2003-2008 then spent the next three years floundering around pretending to be entrepreneurs as they died slow deaths.

Now they're finally back to work for someone else living in the same sized homes and driving the same cars they did pre-boom.

Either get a job or do whatever it takes to not, but you're just sitting around and talking about it!

I can't say I'm even in the same boat as you in that regard, but I used to be and I NEVER, EVER, EVER would of even thought of getting a job. I literally learned EVERYTHING I could do whatever I saw other people were doing to make money.



That's it I'm done.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izOIOvguncU]Boiler Room clip | "You have to be closing all the time!" - YouTube[/ame]
no but I expected some sympathy and understanding at least, jeez am I the only one that saw his empire crumble after these 3 updates? Everyone's acting like they cruised through these updates unharmed.

Jesus fucking Christ.

P.S. I guess this is what happens when people listen to LukeP, Adsense Billionaire-in-Training.
no but I expected some sympathy and understanding at least, jeez am I the only one that saw his empire crumble after these 3 updates? Everyone's acting like they cruised through these updates unharmed.

You're on an entrepreneur forum, and can't understand why you don't get sympathy from people about going back to a 9-5 job? You know, where you have a corporate lackey of a boss dictating your daily schedule, income, and everything else?

Here, this forum might be better for you:

QLC Message Boards
no but I expected some sympathy and understanding at least, jeez am I the only one that saw his empire crumble after these 3 updates? Everyone's acting like they cruised through these updates unharmed.

I'm totally hosed, but going to catch a plane to MX tomorrow with roommate (looks great in a bikini) and hopefully it will be better when we get back
let's just say that in the past 2 years I have been very much involved in the "poppin bottles n' bangin models" (actually mostly fat chicks) kinda life.. not much was saved, I got too comfortable and thought I was gonna be able to milk these sites forever.. fuck.

Then you deserve the situation you're in.

I guarantee with your 9-5 that instead of "poppin bottles n' bangin models" it'll be "eatin mcdonalds n fondlin' my balls". Go on and give up on your skills, we aren't here to motivate you personally.
no but I expected some sympathy and understanding at least, jeez am I the only one that saw his empire crumble after these 3 updates? Everyone's acting like they cruised through these updates unharmed.

Or not all of us do SEO as our sole income source (or at all). Stop relying on someone else's systems to make money
Or not all of us do SEO as our sole income source (or at all). Stop relying on someone else's systems to make money

I know, I have a lot to learn from you guys who are able to diversify traffic sources. I have had acute googlatis for several years, I see only google left and right and nothing else. I'm obssessed with google. :stonedsmilie: