have you seriously considered getting a 9 to 5 job in the past few months?

Never let your faith be shaken.
When times get tough, you have to get tougher.
NEVER QUIT! There is always another way.

A good saying is: If you quit, you will never know if the next time was your time.
honestly there are 2 ways to look at this: the good and the bad way...

#1 the bad way: of fuck back to slavery, alarm clocks, rush hour traffic, bullshit meetings, dumb co-workers that don't know what they're talking about, etc...

#2 the good way: ok I'll go back to slavery for a couple months to beef up my bank account and start new solid projects then quit the job as soon as the money starts rolling in again, it could be 6 months, 1 year, 3 years... but at some point you'll be ready to go solo again with more knowledge/money.
No, that's only like $6500/month pre-tax. Nowhere even close enough to sell my soul.

Besides, I'd be fired within the first week anyway.
No, that's only like $6500/month pre-tax. Nowhere even close enough to sell my soul.

Besides, I'd be fired within the first week anyway.


If I lost 80% of my IM revenue I'd consider moving to a country where cost of living is cheap (Thailand, Vietnam, China, Mexico, Dominican Rep... hell even Southern Europe nowadays lol)... Fuck 9 to 5s, never again unless it's a position that allows you to work remotely. Surprisingly there are more and more companies willing to let their SEO/PPC/SMM guy work from home. I know a guy that just landed one of these with a big Canadian company and he's chilling somewhere in Asia lol.
OP: You're asking a legitimate question for a career counselor at a forum with people looking for inspiration and methods to improve their game (and boobs, of course). If I were you I'd take on some part-time freelance work while you reassess your marketing methods going forward.

You took an 80% income hit because what you've been doing is no longer profitable in IM. What comes next?
honestly there are 2 ways to look at this: the good and the bad way...

#1 the bad way: of fuck back to slavery, alarm clocks, rush hour traffic, bullshit meetings, dumb co-workers that don't know what they're talking about, etc...

#2 the good way: ok I'll go back to slavery for a couple months to beef up my bank account and start new solid projects then quit the job as soon as the money starts rolling in again, it could be 6 months, 1 year, 3 years... but at some point you'll be ready to go solo again with more knowledge/money.

The only "good way" of 9-5 is the Xmas party, but this year I'll have my first Xmas party as boss with my slaves ehmm employees.

As Mituozo said: "Fuck Off"
I am glad you posted this EvilPenguin.

I recently sold off all of my websites and got a job at Barnes and Nobles as a cashier. WHY? You may be thinking 'LOL WHAT AN IDIOT HE CAN MAKE MORE MONEY ONLINE' but then you would be wrong. I will only earn $28,000 a year but that is OKAY with me. I also get to enjoy the company of mature women and free coffee hookups.

Working online is a huge headache and doesn't even generate that much money. There are SO many people making money online these days its basically impossible for a new comer to get in. I told my 3rd cousin Jeffery who is a graphics design about working online and he posted 1 gig on fiverr and then gave up after he got no bids. Its a really rough industry these days.

All in all, working offline at a real 9-5 job offers safety, security, and there is no possible way to accidentally click on a a G Hammer link. After posting on a forum for years and being surrounded by hot gay webmasters I have discovered that 9-5 is the real secret to this industry. DOnt be fooled, 98% of this forum all has day 9-5 jobs and on the side have 4-5 websites that make them $5 to 6 bucks a day. Life will be much easier for you when you quit the internet and go into the real life.