have you seriously considered getting a 9 to 5 job in the past few months?


9 to 5 job and IM?

i got a job 2 months ago after being self-employed for 3 years. it was a horrible mistake...
I have a day job, but not for the reasons you mentioned here. I teach because I want to teach. I work with At-Risk high school seniors who would normally be drop-outs. It's rewarding and involved and challenging - it uses parts of my brain that aren't engaged with online work and freelancing.

But then, I'd obviously not recommend teaching to just anyone. And it sure doesn't pay $80,000 per year. LOL
Hello friend,

If 1 company can destory 80% of you profit then just need for have better business strategy.

I think work for boss with job bad idea. When work for boss you work like slave to make boss rich.

But if you work for self you work to make self rich. Can also hire employees who work like slave to make you rich.

Good luck bro
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF8M6ggJkBE]How Can She Slap?: Build Up To The Fight (Full Version) - YouTube[/ame]
Why don't you do both for like a couple years? It's really not that hard to work a 9-5 and do your business at the same time. You just have to sacrifice an hour or two of sleep and a few other things. Instead of coming home at 5 and relaxing you just have to work more.
Get a nine to five ...hahahahahahahahahahahahahah fuck that's funny..

Wait you serious?
9-5 -Through my dead body.

When I first started IM, I dropped out of Uni to pursue an ideal -and that's freedom. I was dead broke, I was on debt on my credit cards because I had to pay for food and rent in a basement apartment where I was holed up with my gf -no income and both of trying to do it online. Tim Ferris 4HWW was the match that lit the fire under my ass.

This went on for 6 months until she finally started making some real money, before I even made a dime I must admit. 3 Months later we were making just enough to cover all the bills and expenses and stop the credit card creep which was close to maxing out by then. A couple of years later I paid off my debts, my parents debts, her parents debts with 2 months of income. I did 1000% income growth year over year. What damn job allows me to do that? What damn job allows me to use leverage of any kind? To remove ceilings on time and income? None. Do you think anyone save a nuclear disaster would make me go and quit with my tails between my legs after fighting my way through the trenches? Hell no.

Unless you OWN your job it's not worth having. A lot of people in IM don't even own their jobs -they just moved the rat race to a computer screen.

It's extreme but I believe in burning all bridges -all bridges behind you. Jobs you don't want, friendships holding you down, relationships killing your future. Burn them because if you eliminate the fox hole you have no choice but to keep running forward -and you'll get there fast. If I hadn't burned all bridges -dropped out of uni and refused to get a job I'm not sure I would have gotten very far.

Don't work jobs. Own them.

Relying on SEO 100% for your income is bad business planning. SEO can be great, but it doesn't mean that you should build your business on Googles lawn.

Even if I lost income online, I'd rather make half and be FREE then make more locked in a cubicle. Luckily I don't have to make that choice.

If you're thinking of quitting you're making it easier for the rest of us -It's the free markets way of weeding out the weak and rewarding the persistent. Don't do it. Learn to love the pain man, because most people will fall out once it hits. Just fighting through it will put you ahead of the the fallen.
If your income is not scaling as much as moore's law describes, then you must be using computers wrong?
9-5 -Through my dead body.

When I first started IM, I dropped out of Uni to pursue an ideal -and that's freedom. I was dead broke, I was on debt on my credit cards because I had to pay for food and rent in a basement apartment where I was holed up with my gf -no income and both of trying to do it online. Tim Ferris 4HWW was the match that lit the fire under my ass.

This went on for 6 months until she finally started making some real money, before I even made a dime I must admit. 3 Months later we were making just enough to cover all the bills and expenses and stop the credit card creep which was close to maxing out by then. A couple of years later I paid off my debts, my parents debts, her parents debts with 2 months of income. I did 1000% income growth year over year. What damn job allows me to do that? What damn job allows me to use leverage of any kind? To remove ceilings on time and income? None. Do you think anyone save a nuclear disaster would make me go and quit with my tails between my legs after fighting my way through the trenches? Hell no.

Unless you OWN your job it's not worth having. A lot of people in IM don't even own their jobs -they just moved the rat race to a computer screen.

It's extreme but I believe in burning all bridges -all bridges behind you. Jobs you don't want, friendships holding you down, relationships killing your future. Burn them because if you eliminate the fox hole you have no choice but to keep running forward -and you'll get there fast. If I hadn't burned all bridges -dropped out of uni and refused to get a job I'm not sure I would have gotten very far.

Don't work jobs. Own them.

Relying on SEO 100% for your income is bad business planning. SEO can be great, but it doesn't mean that you should build your business on Googles lawn.

Even if I lost income online, I'd rather make half and be FREE then make more locked in a cubicle. Luckily I don't have to make that choice.

If you're thinking of quitting you're making it easier for the rest of us -It's the free markets way of weeding out the weak and rewarding the persistent. Don't do it. Learn to love the pain man, because most people will fall out once it hits. Just fighting through it will put you ahead of the the fallen.

you're preaching to the choir buddy. I agree with everything you said. I was talking about getting a well paying 9 to 5 as away to eventually bounce back in the IM world stronger. Bills have to be paid man and this year has been rough for a lot of SEOs. This forum is full of proud people that don't want to admit they took a serious hit, but I see it on plenty of other IM forums... people have seen their entire empires crumble under these 3 major updates. This year has been the roughest SEO year in a decade. Now bills needs to be paid so I'm saying that maybe getting a 9 to 5 for a couple months would be a good alternative in order to fund new projects on the side and come back to the solo game with a better strategy... obviously relying on Google organic traffic was a bad idea but I think a lot of us did it because it WORKED for like 7 years straight. We all banked hard during that time and now it's not working anymore so we have to re-adjust our strategy.. nothing wrong with that.
There is this old saying that seems really appropriate to this thread. Can't remember how it goes though. Something about eggs and a basket. It'll come to me.