Happy Valentines Day To Ewa


Is this how it all ends? :O

I can't believe that god damn idiot is still fronting on twitter. This is why he's being ripped apart harder than PKM, Epic, COPEAC, and Pace Lattin combined.

Fucking young and dumb...

Here are his latest tweets

Ryan Eagle said:
My skin is thick and I have a relentless drive. I am Ryan Eagle.

Ryan Eagle said:
Its amazing how many options open up once you really open your eyes and are prepared.

Fuck off already!
I can't believe that god damn idiot is still fronting on twitter. This is why he's being ripped apart harder than PKM, Epic, COPEAC, and Pace Lattin combined.

He really hasn't been ripped apart at all compared to past Wickedfire lynchings, undertaken for relatively petty offences.

For example Gary Thiem the car loan asshole, this all because he was rude on the phone to sgtryan. http://www.wickedfire.com/shooting-shit/49772-so-car-loan-asshole-gary-thiem-just-called-3.html

or that recent asshole that had that isanybodyup website and posted naked pictures of chicks, WF tried to ruin his life.

or that douche that was claiming how rich he was and a WF member drove up to meet him at a hotel, and the guy had run off. Ryan's been doing that for years, nobody ever called him out on it.

On a side note, I'd say the only real money this dickhead made was years ago during the myspace layout boom.

Yet all he gets is a bunch of jokes, not even a prank call!
He really hasn't been ripped apart at all compared to past Wickedfire lynchings, undertaken for relatively petty offences.

For example Gary Thiem the car loan asshole, this all because he was rude on the phone to sgtryan. http://www.wickedfire.com/shooting-shit/49772-so-car-loan-asshole-gary-thiem-just-called-3.html

or that recent asshole that had that isanybodyup website and posted naked pictures of chicks, WF tried to ruin his life.

or that douche that was claiming how rich he was and a WF member drove up to meet him at a hotel, and the guy had run off. Ryan's been doing that for years, nobody ever called him out on it.

On a side note, I'd say the only real money this dickhead made was years ago during the myspace layout boom.

Yet all he gets is a bunch of jokes, not even a prank call!

I was speaking strictly about CPA networks / Internet celebs are opposed to small time wannabes.
Think many people here are making it too simple laying the blame on Ryan being "young" and showing off. Plenty of big time guys here are even younger than him, but take their business seriously. Like MGrunin or whatever. If you read Eagle's Twitter it's obvious the guy suffers from delusion and/or a personality disorder. Should have spent some of those rolex monies on a good shrink instead.
President Eagle: It's not like I'm taking this money and pocketing it, I've laid everyone off.

no employees to pay, no affiliates being paid... WTF ELSE IS HE DOING WITH THE MONEY!?