Happy Valentines Day To Ewa


Sweetmouth 101

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JczQ0pB87w]Malio TV~ Sweetmouth 101 Wit lil Keels ft Jerika - YouTube[/ame]

"to be a sweetmouth you got to be nastty with it. you got to tackle it... "
Lol if this real I think it's safe to say Ryan is finished in this industry from an agent/merchant standpoint. The internet has a long memory, I heard McDonald's is always hiring though.

There will always be idiots who will continue to work with him.
He really hasn't been ripped apart at all compared to past Wickedfire lynchings, undertaken for relatively petty offences.

For example Gary Thiem the car loan asshole, this all because he was rude on the phone to sgtryan. http://www.wickedfire.com/shooting-shit/49772-so-car-loan-asshole-gary-thiem-just-called-3.html

or that recent asshole that had that isanybodyup website and posted naked pictures of chicks, WF tried to ruin his life.

or that douche that was claiming how rich he was and a WF member drove up to meet him at a hotel, and the guy had run off. Ryan's been doing that for years, nobody ever called him out on it.

On a side note, I'd say the only real money this dickhead made was years ago during the myspace layout boom.

Yet all he gets is a bunch of jokes, not even a prank call!
I just can't believe how clean his SERPs still are. Just search for 'Ryan Eagle' - there's nothing on the homepage to indicate anything is wrong.

Dude's ORM game is tight! Doubt it can be toppled.
I want to die like an eagle
No cash to see
Die like an eagle
Let the lynchmob carry me
I want to die like an eagle
A travesty
Oh, Lord, through the dissolution
I just can't believe how clean his SERPs still are. Just search for 'Ryan Eagle' - there's nothing on the homepage to indicate anything is wrong.

Dude's ORM game is tight! Doubt it can be toppled.

Not at all, just no one is actively trying to get to the top of the serps. These twats just create 151 wordpress sites with their "stories" about how bad the eagle is...

Anyone who even puts in a little bit of effort could easily get on page 1. However, personally I like the Eagle for two reasons.

A) He encourages people to not be in this business, less competition = more monies for everyone else.

B) He is funny as hell to laugh at. Seriously, what other network in existence creates fake AM's (when it's fully obvious, continues to deny it) and then posts a pussy ass response that "he is sorry and will make things right."

Shit is funny, seriously funny. May the :xmas-smiley-010: live on!
Doubt it can be toppled.

Cakes is sitting at position 11 for Ryan Eagle

"At ad:tech ny, the dude [allegedly] walked up to maks67 from wickedfire with his internet marketing gangsta’ swagger, which can also be described as swaying back and forth as much as possible to pretend like you’re swinging a giant non-existant chain around your neck which actually just makes people notice how unnaturally large your head is compared to your bird chest body."

"Savings become our higher payout than competitors...that's how it works"

So don't worry bros.



"Savings become our higher payout than competitors...that's how it works"

So don't worry bros.

Directcpv no wonder Ryan is broke, if he's relying on these idiots to make his affiliates money good fucking luck. WOW - I knew shit was bad, just not this bad... What's next automatic WAFO approvals??
Here is Ryan's response to the whole article on performance insider. A picture say's a thousand words so I'll just leave ya with it.
