Happy Valentines Day To Ewa

Wow. Considering that they're only owed $175,000~ it makes me wonder where that $1m went. That would indicate that they haven't been profitable for quite some time...
Wow if that's real Ryan ran a real Ponzi scheme you can't even compare him to epic COPEAC and others they at least were owed more than they owed

This proves that CPA networks aren't all balling at all. The watches cars and trips were all paid for by affiliates and not even profits since apparently those didnt exist
It bewilders me why anyone would try to grow world-wide and try to conquer the world when you don't have the funding to support your mainstream affiliates that are driving the revenue for the company. Complete lunacy.
Meanwhile at EWA:

was posted in tanner's mastermind lol

5:30:26 PM] President Eagle: can you please delete that dude, seriously.
[5:30:42 PM] BLT: y
[5:30:46 PM] President Eagle: I don't even know what record that is from or what that is but
[5:30:59 PM] President Eagle: I'm getting a beating as is, I seriously don't want it from a friend now too
[5:31:42 PM] BLT: ryan - i like you as a person and stuff
[5:31:53 PM] BLT: but seriously - you owe people $ and are playing games with these secondary companies
[5:32:31 PM] President Eagle: I understand that, and this was not something I schemed to do like people perseve
[5:32:59 PM] President Eagle: EWA had problems, I've been seeking investors to get them handled, I've been doing what I can.
[5:33:08 PM] BLT: nothing against you personally but ewa needs to die - lettuce be cereal
[5:33:12 PM] President Eagle: It's not like I'm taking this money and pocketing it, I've laid everyone off.
[5:33:52 PM] President Eagle: I'm most likely closing down EWA soon to cease this hellhole that I'm in
[5:34:02 PM] President Eagle: but please, don't burn me at the stake until I do so.

beg for mercy u cunt

Looks like the president is being impeached.

WTF is all this poor Ryan crap. He had 2 options here:

1) Was to handle it like a pro, be honest with everyone from the start as this would of gained him a lot of respect for having the balls to be honest about it in the first place. Yeah some would of left but a lot who liked his gangster BS would of helped and stayed.

2) Call every affiliate that was owed fraud. Hire a fake fiverr am. Come here and insult and accuse affiliates that bought him that damn watch and car in the first place of being haters or trying to blackmail him into a payment.

Pick which route he went. Any one who feels for this asshole condones his theft and behavior and makes you just as bad period. I read a post dated back 4 years ago i believe and he was trying to act all gangster to smaxxor. Smaxxor was more mature then that two bit thief could ever be and just ignored him(Wish I of done same as him in my post lol).

So anyone who says poor Ryan can wake the hell up. I stand up and sing a different song. Screw you Ryan, You possibly ruined many affiliates that invested a lot of money in there campaign and never got paid. You had a chance to do the right thing and apologize and inform people you are trying to fix it. However you felt it was better for business to come here and call pubs fraud, Insult someone's grammar, hire fake affiliate managers, and maintain your gangster attitude.

What he did deserves no pitty and should have his ass sued or shanked. Anyone can paint a house and claim it to be a masterpiece, However after a few years when the paint starts to peel you realize this clown had no clue what he was doing from the start.

I Wish the people that were owed over 10k would press criminal charges against him. Lets see how gangster he is when he is picking up the soap. I have $1000 says that bitch goes from ghetto to soprano real fast.
I start to wonder If Yousif was probably better than Ryan

Still a bunch of newbies getting ripped off on FB Group. Affiliate marketing has turned into a MLM scheme by Ryan.